Prince of Tennis Nioh Phantom

Chapter 217 : Under the Glory

A large group of Rikkai successfully reached the semi-finals of the Kanto Competition without any twists and turns. Their opponent in the semi-finals was to capsize Hyotei and just defeated Fudomine of the famous tennis school Yamabuki Middle-School!

Wearing black formal uniforms, this tennis team rebuilt after the collective violence, under the leadership of Minister Tachibana Yoshihei from Kyushu, has become the dark horse of this year's middle school tennis circle.

Tachibana Jiping's reputation is still quite big. After all, he was a recognized national figure before, and it is said that the second-year candidates in Fudomine are still very talented players.

"But it was Rikkai who won.

Yanagi Renji sat on the bench and said calmly.

The competition on court is the doubles game, Marui, Kuwabara VS Ishida, Sakurai.

In this semi-final, Fudomine still seems to want to repeat the same trick, trying to fight the first three games. Unfortunately, the player on the court is not Hyotei's second army, but Rikkai's main selection.

In the face of Marui and Kuwabara, even if they did not enter the coherent state, Fudomine's doubles two were still extremely passive, and there was nothing to fight back.

Outside the Fudomine Middle-School players' seat, the orange face has a hint of worry.

They can already be said to have lost, lost this semi-final

In fact, he was already prepared before the game, but watching his 923 members be defeated by a big score, his mood was naturally quite different from what he had previously expected.

He closed his eyes.

"Game6:0, Rikkai Daimarui, Kuwana Katsu!"

Did not win a small game, just lost.

[It’s really scary that Rikkai is big, it’s just the two players who are not in the top rankings in their tennis club, and they can achieve this level of strength.

Doubles lost the second time, but Tachibana's plan has actually failed.

"Brother," Ju Xing said worriedly, "It's okay, Kamio and the others will win!"

The girl is full of confidence in Fudomine's doubles.

"Don't worry, Xiao Xing, we will win!"

Kamio has always been admiring their minister's sister, and seeing Tachibana speak at this time, she naturally promised again and again.

"Xiao Xing is here to cheer us on."

As he spoke, he took the racquet and prepared to play with Shinji Itake from the player channel.

Tachibana pursed his lips and smiled, obviously also confident in Kamio and the group of doubles. But Ju Jiping was still worried in his heart.

[Apricot is a member of the Fudomine Women's Tennis Club. Although she often goes out to play with the school team, she still doesn't know anything about the men's middle school tennis world. Last time, I took advantage of Hyotei’s past practice. If you encounter Hyotei’s army

[Rikkai is the defending champion, and the doubles are also very good. And I remember that Nioh Masaharu

Although I was worried, the orange, the backbone of the tennis club, was still calm on the surface.

Tachibana cheered Kamio and Iwu loudly, making Akira Kamio's fighting spirit more intense than ever.



"4:0, Rikkai is in the lead!"

The yellow tennis ball landed again and Fudomine lost another game.

"Puff, run faster, Kamio-kun.

Nioh pulled his pigtail and said casually.

Kamio's most prominent and talented thing is his speed, but this doubles


"5:0, Rikkai is in the lead!"

Speed ​​is useless!

Kamio is fast, but Nioh is faster, and Shinji Itake is not so fast

What's more, although it seems that Yagyu and Nioh are not as close as Marui and Kuwana, in fact the two arrogant teenagers recognized each other in their hearts.

Shinji Itake has a tennis trick, but how could Nioh Masaharu allow him to use it?

The basic strength can't be matched, the doubles can't be better than the tacit understanding, and the moves can't be used

In the end there was only one!

"Game6:0, Rikkai Oyanagi, Nioh wins!"

Fudomine lost both doubles!

"how so?!"

"Everyone has worked so hard, why didn't they win?"

Juxing covered her mouth and shouted to the court in disbelief.

Nioh, who had not walked back from the court, showed a subtle mocking expression.

[You (bhci) have been working hard? So will you win?]

[We Rikkai paid no less than your Fudomine!]

[Not all efforts will be rewarded, I have already understood this truth

Regardless of the emotional ups and downs of Fudomine's minister's sister, Nioh and Yanagi returned to their Rikkai player seat.

"Huh! What? Our Rikkai has the most training volume!"

Kirihaya has a say in this.

As a highly anticipated junior, he is still being selected as the only second grader. His training volume has been increasing day by day, and it has doubled from time to time. There is a certain predecessor who wants to practice with him on a whim. Match

"So we are the one who wins."

Marui is also not humble in this regard.

It’s true that Rikkai’s positive selections are very talented, but the amount of training that has supported them to this position and this strength has always been endless.

Maybe someone can dominate for a while with talent alone, but if you want to stay at the top for a long time, hard work is essential.

Yukimura started dragging the net and racquet to practice tennis when he was less than four years old. From knowing nothing, not being taken care of by others in the club, to becoming a recognized strong, I don't know how much sweat he has paid in private;

Since the age of four, Sanada Henichiro has insisted on getting up at four o'clock every day, sitting in meditation, practicing kendo, practicing tennis, and practicing hard, rain or shine;

Yanagi Renji has read almost all the tennis books, and wrote box after box of notes. I don't know how many refills have been written out, and how many times I have figured out the data, so that he has the power of data tennis now;

Nioh Masaharu is casual and unruly on the surface, but in fact he does not give himself water during training and he has to practice an hour of tennis every night no matter what;

Since Marui Bunta entered the middle school, he has been paralyzed in order to make up for his physical strength. Every skill that is said to be a genius is actually the result of continuous accumulation, so that he can grasp the flashing aura;

Although Kuwahara Jackal is a mixed race and has a little innate physical strength, his physical strength is not for nothing, but is practiced bit by bit;

Not to mention Kirihara Akaya, he almost always refuses to train, and in order to surpass his predecessors, he still worked hard for himself in private. The days without training doubled are just like winning the lottery prize for him. Chance!

"So, it's not that they didn't work hard, but they didn't work hard enough." Liu Sheng said indifferently.

Yagyu Hiroshi was transferred from the golf club.

He was able to overpower a group of members to become the official election, but it did not rely on Nioh's approval or the physical foundation obtained from playing golf; those days of sweat soaking clothes are still going on.

Under the glory of Rikkai's big tennis club, there are hard and unimaginable endless payments that people can't see.

PS (Monday): It's the same person, so unlike the original, Yanu and Sanada don't play doubles. They believe that the existing two pairs of doubles can complete the zero-cutting task well~.

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