Prince of Tennis Nioh Phantom

Chapter 223 : Complete Rikkai, a better future

"Everyone don't need to be like this!"

Yukimura was irritated. Why did his teammates become like this after not seeing them for more than two months?!

But unfortunately, the members of Rikkai University collectively ignored the minister's opinion this time--

"Yukimura, sit down and rest first!"

"Minister, drink water!"

"Three minutes and twenty-one seconds, the umbrella will be here soon!"


Yukimura smiled and rubbed her fists tightly--


He tried to quiet his teammates by the way~ calm down and listen to him.

"Minister, do you have a cold?!"

"Yukimura, do you feel cold- ah!"

"Jacket! Quick, jacket!"

"I immediately urge them to come and deliver the umbrellas! Jinjing Hospital is not very far from here, let's go to the hospital first and then go back to Rikkai University!"

Yanagi Renji started to press his cell phone frantically to urge the poor classmate who gave the umbrella.

Others showed strong approval.


Yukimura felt like she was going crazy.

He just cleared his throat on purpose. Is their head Liu Junshi from Rikkai getting damp because of the rain? Didn't the data tell him that I didn't have a cold and didn't need to go to the hospital?!

"Minister, don't worry, it's okay, the umbrella will be here soon, and the school bus should already be in place!

Kirihaya said quite calmly, with the demeanor of the future Minister Rikkai.

If he changed the content, Yukimura would be very pleased to praise him.

But, Akaya, I'm really not sick! No sick!

"Akaya, I'm not sick

Because she is a junior, Yukimura tried her best to calm her mood and slowed down her voice.

"Yukimura! Don't force yourself!"

"You are too lax!"

Sanada forcibly interrupted Yukimura's gentle explanation, and the Minister of Rikkai was finally angry!

"Be quiet!"

"Son of God" roared, and the seven candidates who were busy caring about the minister shut their mouths obediently.

"If any of you have an opinion about my body, let's fight it now!"

The Minister smiled softly, but it was a pity that Widowmaker bloomed in the background in the eyes of his members.

"Are you going to have a show, Genichiro?"

Looking at Yukimura like this, Sanada calmed down--what happened to me just now, telling Yukimura that he was slack, it really was influenced by Kirihaya!

The deputy minister of Rikkai University tried to shirk responsibility in his heart, and on the surface was extremely quiet, without saying a word.

"So, Renji, do you want my data?"

Yoo felt cold all over, maybe it was him who was going to the hospital--was my brain flooded just now, Yukimura obviously wanted to cough and let us stop listening to him!

Standing quietly side by side with the Vice Minister of Rikkai University, Junshi Liu accepted the eyes of the smiling and gentle "Son of God".


Yukimura continued to speak and stopped.

"Ministry, Minister! I was wrong!"

Kirihaya automatically stood next to his senior Yoo, with his head high, his hands pressed against the seams of his pants.

The Minister of Rikkai nodded in satisfaction, and then without him speaking, the remaining two doubles partners stood up automatically.

Because the pavilions were not enough to stand in a row, I circled a semicircle with Yukimura sitting on a stone bench as the center.

"I found that in less than three months, everyone has changed a lot."

Yukimura exclaimed.

#急! Wait online! After I came back, I found that my members had collectively lost their IQs. What should I do as a minister?#

"Sanada, is this your credit?"

My deputy minister, did you lower the IQ of the tennis club?

"Yukimura, I'm too lax! It's all Nioh!"

Sanada was rarely clever with a strong sense of crisis. Although he and Nioh were "reconciled" before, this does not prevent him from giving the "credit" to the white hair that he still dislikes now!

Nioh Masaharu was so angry that he was about to explode--so no wonder he always wanted to pit Sanada, how could such a person not pit him!

"Yukimura! I'm just an ordinary member, everyone's progress is under the leadership of Sanada!!

I blame the sudden change in the style of the Rikkai tennis club?! After U17 in your previous life, who didn’t know that Genichiro Sanada was a "silly white sweet"! Hehe, maybe this time you will be exposed in the Kanto Youth election!

"Oh, is it? Renji, what do you say?"

Yukimura nodded, and decided to check whether his Liu Junshi's IQ was still online.

[If even Renji.., then our Rikkai University can still win the Kanto Sixteenth League under this "mentally retarded halo"? I might as well sleep by myself, or consider playing a few tennis games with them. It's not that I can raise IQ back!]

The style of the high-cold king of Rikkai Tennis Club hasn't been collapsed like this for more than two months, and Yukimura is really chilling.

"Everyone, everyone has worked hard together!"

Such a heavy "credit", Liu felt that it was impossible for one person to play, and it would be better for everyone to come together. Maybe he would not blame the others, the Minister would be kind.

"Oh, that's how it is."

………Please ask for flowers.

Yukimura is satisfied. It seems that Junshi Liu's brain was temporarily short-circuited just now, and he is still very smart now.

"But I just saw Akaya playing with Seigaku's Echizen Ryoma, and Akaya actually drew 6-6 with the first-year student, which really shocked me.

With a worried expression on her face, Yukimura said with a frown.

Kirihaya just wanted to explain that he didn't go all out. Nioh and Yanagi behind him moved out at the same time, covering his mouth with both hands.

"Since the first graders have made such a big improvement, the rest of Seigaku must have improved even more."

"The hand is not there. As the minister of Rikkai University, I can't play for the sake of "fairness"!"

Sanada listened to his young head of the young taming and dyeing director bluffing.

[Yukimura, you haven’t seen each other for more than two months, it seems that your acting ability has become stronger!]


The deputy minister of Rikkai University has really grown a lot, and he will complain in his heart.

"Then in order to win, you have to train harder!"

Finally came to the point.

With regard to life and treatment for the next week, Marui Bunta is eagerly awaiting the "final verdict" from the minister.

"It doesn't need to be too much, just double it, yes, add more weight!!

"If everyone can't make it, Renji, your willow juice is a good choice!"

Yukimura enthusiastically planned how to maximize the potential of his members during this week.

"Akaya, as our Rikkai great hope, you must"

Before the words "Lead by Example" were spoken, Kirihaya was moved by the expectant and entrusted expression of his minister.

"I will definitely train harder!"

Rikkai's hope of the present-the future minister so firmly assured.

This makes Minister Yukimura who has honed his acting skills with the help of some seniors while honing tennis in U17.

"Very well, our slogan is--"

The contented minister gave a loud lead.

"Changsheng Rikkai big--"

"There are no dead ends!"

The teenagers dressed in khaki formal dresses shouted loudly.

Although the road is tortuous and the next week is full of thorns, there is no doubt that Rikkai's future must be bright and beautiful!

PS, scheduled on Wednesday.

(Haha, I wrote so much in one go today!) (Woo, the thesis hasn't started yet, it's completely broken by the little kelp, and my belief in Minister Yukimura! This is the trouble of love! )work,

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