Prince of Tennis Nioh Phantom

Chapter 230 : Icebreaker talk, destroy or not

But the tired minister has to continue to worry about his tennis club.

"Yiu Sheng, what are you thinking about?"

[One of these two people is awkward and headstrong, the other is proud and reticent. For Rikkai's sake, let me intervene. 】

Yukimura asked Yanagi directly.

"Nothing, Yukimura."

Kirihaya couldn't tell what the senior was thinking from the expression on Yanagyu.

But he still feels intuitively that he shouldn't interrupt at this time. And look left, look right, his senior Marui, although seemingly nonchalant, actually showed a very interesting expression (he swears, he is right!); and his deputy minister is watching court- -If it weren't for Kirihaya "Nine Three Three" found Sanada from time to time

With a glance, he also believed that his deputy minister was not interested in this matter!

"Nothing? Liu Sheng, don't try to fool me."

Yukimura was about to be grinned by him. So perfunctory reply, does this person treat him as foolish as Sanada!

"You and Masaharu will lie for a long time."

But as a minister, the members were entangled in their hearts, and he was embarrassed to leave it alone.

What's more, there is no need for these two people to be entangled in this way! There is no problem at first, but if you continue to think about it like this, I am afraid that it will abruptly cause a little spiritual flaw.

The national competition is about to come, and Yukimura really doesn't want any negative effects happening in the tennis club.

Liu Sheng was silent.

If you don't lie, what should he say? Could it be Nioh?

He thought this way, Nioh, who was sitting next to him, finally figured out after some thoughts--

[It turns out that Yagyu has been arguing with me? Before, I thought it was because the partner didn’t have a long time, but the way I get along was like this.]

In fact, the two people, Liu Sheng and Nioh, no matter how long they have been with each other, the way they get along is the same. But two sensitive people can see each other's emotional changes from the same relationship.

I have to say, it's a natural fit group of partners who can understand each other and see through to this degree, is it the opponent, the enemy or the closest relatives and teammates?!


"Yiu Sheng, if you don't want to, I can just-"

I can singles

"I am willing to doubles!"

"Although I don't want to say it, with my current strength, singles can't be ranked."

Yagyu Hiroshi sighed.

Nioh Masaharu is a willful person, he has always known.

Now that you know, just accept such a partner! Compared to singles, he seems to be infected by someone and prefers doubles..

[So what I was doing just now! I was looking forward to it, and I am very willing to doubles with that guy. It is because Nioh will definitely be arranged for singles in the national finals this year, so I thought of going there..)

Liu Sheng is very calm now, and he has always been a calm person.

[In this case, before the final of the national competition, why did I not accept the last doubles opportunity in the middle school? Just because of my little awkwardness, I want to push it off?!]

"I just thought about the matter between Shimonyagi and Seigaku's Inui Sadaharu, Yukimura, don't think too much.

Because I have figured it out myself.

If you don’t have enough strength, just practice hard, and sulking won’t solve the problem.

A smile appeared in Yukimura's eyes.

Marui looked at Liu Sheng, then at Nioh, and felt that he finally saw that a certain white hair was about to capsize because of his partner. As a result, Liu Sheng was so "unsatisfactory", and he stabilized himself! Marui, who was consciously sulky, didn't know his. The eyebrows also revealed a "sigh of relief" expression.

Sanada probably understood it, because there was Liu's data introduction and Yukimura's foreshadowing.

As for Kirihaya, he never knew what his predecessors were talking about. In the mist, he said a few words, but he didn't seem to reveal any specific information!

I couldn't figure out what my seniors were talking about. Senior Yoo, who was able to solve the confusion, was on the court again. Kirihaya had to give up her curiosity and instead cared about Senior Yoo who was playing.

It doesn't matter at this point--

"2:2, tie!,

Liu still stood on the court indifferently, giving people a powerful aura where everything was under control.

But Inui Sadaharu's momentum has fallen to the bottom.

"Yiu is going to destroy the data tennis?"

Watching the game earnestly, Fuji looked a little solemn.

"It's a terrible existence. As a first-year strategist who assisted Yukimura to manage the Rikkai Grand Tennis Club, Yanagi Renji was in the auditorium. Oshitari couldn't help but sigh.

"Seigaku's fucking is in trouble.

He sighed.

What a shot this is, hit the opponent's tennis core and will! Completely attack the tennis belief!

"Why on earth?"

Inui Sadaharu lost points in a row. Liu's performance on court at this time is completely different from his data!

"Sadaji, you did collect a lot of my data for 2.8, but it is these data that restrain you!"


"40:0, Rikkai big match point!"

"Don't forget, who taught you data tennis!"


"3:2, Rikkai Oyanagi is ahead!'

"How to collect the opponent's intelligence, how to detect the opponent's data, these are all taught to you. Very disappointed, Sadaji, you did not use them."

"In this case, I also know your strength now--'

"The game will end quickly!"

In the sixth round, Rikkai Da Yanagi Renji's serve round. The military division of Rikkai seems to liberate his combat power and win the game with a quick fight

PS, Sunday,

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