Prince of Tennis Nioh Phantom

Chapter 241 : Big brother dormitory, group c game book

While Group C was planning to collectively challenge Group B, the 101 dormitory of Group A was having a "happy" conversation.

"Hello, Shoujia, and Atobe.

Yukimura stood in front of the bed and said with a smile.

A terrifying aura is brewing in this 101 dormitory

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhh, this uncle is'still'?"

Atobe was unhappy. Group A is in line with his gorgeous aesthetic, but this way, wouldn't it be impossible to compete with Kunimitsu!

"Hello, Yukimura, Sanada."

Shoujia pulled the suitcase and nodded slightly to Yukimura and Sanada.

Sanada didn't say hello, because Yukimura had already said it, but he kept staring at Tezuka; this made the eyes of the Minister of Rikkai a little bad.

"Yukimura, I am looking forward to playing with you, but this time there should be no chance."

The Minister of Seigaku said to the Minister of Rikkai with feelings.

Handie Kunimitsu wanted to play against Seiichi Yukimura for a long time. Ever since I hurriedly met Yukimura and Sanada who had just finished playing JR on that street, they wanted to compete with Yukimura.

Unfortunately, he only competed with Sanada for two games, and then he went to Seigaku and injured his hand. Since then, he has never met Yukimura on court.

"No, the matter is not at the end, how can you say for certain"? Right, Renji?"


Yukimura said, not looking at him, but at the door.

The door of the 101 dormitory was pushed open after he said that. Standing at the door were Rikkai's Liu Renni and Seigaku's Inui Sadaharu.

"According to the data, this is the case."

The Liu Junshi who was caught was very calm.

"According to the data currently available, Group C will challenge Group B this afternoon, and then their goal will be Group A.

Inui Sadaharu's lenses lit up.

"Speaking of this, my uncle thinks that your group B is very unconfident."

Atobe raised his eyebrows, sat on the chair in front of the window, and said to Liu.

"My winning percentage is 100%, even if it is calculated by data."

Yanagi Renji ignored Atobe's provocation. On the basic data that Nioh will definitely not challenge him, and Kirihaya will definitely challenge his school's official election, he is invincible. On the contrary, what needs to be worried is the other three people in Group B!

This sentence reminded Gan of the singles three in the final of the Kanto Contest. At that time, Liu also said that his "winning rate has always been 100%".

"Yukimura, are you Rikkai so confident?"

"Rikkai has no dead ends!"

Under Rikkai Minister's silent gesture, Sanada slammed Atobe Keigo without hesitation.

"At lunch break, Renji, you should go back and rest first. There will be games in the afternoon."

Not Nioh and Kirihaya, but also Echizen and Tachibana Yoshihira!


[Seigaku's little pillar seems to be going through some setbacks~]

With a flawless smile on Yukimura's face, she thought about having a pleasant conversation with Seigaku's main pillar hand.

Both are ministers, and they still have a common language.

And Yukimura actually appreciates the strength of the hand; the hand also appreciates the philosophy of the Yukimura management staff (that is, if you make a mistake or violate the rules, you must not hesitate to punish! This is always the Seigaku who runs the circle. Rikkai Taisho, who always trains, has a common language~).

The two talked very happily, and completely ignored the other two roommates.

Tejia wholeheartedly exchanged experiences with Yukimura about tennis and management members, and did not notice the atmosphere.

And Yukimura--

[It is really a pleasant thing to talk to the hand! It seems that my idea is right. Atobe, I will give it to Genichiro. Let me talk to Seigaku's minister and pillar to talk about what I don’t know. I can play at that time~]

Minister Rikkai smiled contentedly in his heart.

The atmosphere of Group A dormitory at this time is so "harmonious". Yukimura, Tejia, Sanada, Atobe, the four big guys are communicating in pairs. This looks very "happy" scene. The purpose is to go to the 102 dormitory of Group B to send the challenge book, but Nioh who took a look at the 101 dormitory was sighed. .

Bang! Bang!

The left hand buckled the door twice.

"Liu, open the door!

Nioh urged.

The door of 102 dormitory was opened by Qianshi, because his position was closest to the door. But Yoo, whom Nioh called, came and exchanged information with Seigaku in the back of the dormitory.

"I'm here to send the challenge book~"

"We have written four copies in total, one for each person, hurry, take it, and I have to go back for lunch!"

Nioh reached out and handed the letter to Sengoku. He didn't even enter the door, waved to the four people inside, nodded with Sengoku, then turned and left. When he left, he closed the door thoughtfully.

"It seems very interesting~"

Seigaku's genius became interested.

"It's really troublesome~"

Hyotei's genius has a headache.

"Not lucky at all~"

Yamabuki's positive selection is rather unlucky today.

"New data~"

Rikkai's military division was as indifferent as ever.

[The method of writing a challenge book suggests that the probability of coming from Akaya is 96%! Only 3,99% of the probability is Nioh, and the remaining very small probability is the other two. 】

"Take it apart and take a look!"

The Inui Sadaharu lens who came to visit was filled with the words curiosity and "give me data".

The four people in the 102 dormitory are all getting along well, so they fulfilled their desire to work.

As a result, the list of the four groups of matches that will open in the afternoon was exposed in advance--

Group B vs. Group C

Yanagi RenjiVS Echizen Ryoma

Fuji SyusukeVS Kirihara Akaya

Oshitari YuushiVS Nioh Masaharu

Sengoku Kiyosumi VS Tachibana Yoshihira

After reading the challenge book written by Nioh (actually, the fox also wrote a sentence meaning), Oshitari felt a little bit in his heart.

[Should I go to 101 to report to Atobe in advance and report that I am about to lose in the afternoon?! Why is it Nioh? The coach is also, don’t you know the strength of Nioh Masaharu, why put him in Group C!]

Oshitari Yuushi was complaining.

[Is it because I want to maintain Atobe's "image"? Isn't the image of Atobe in the eyes of these positive candidates like that? Coach Sakura must have not told the other two coaches Nioh Masaharu's tennis prowess, which led to them being discharged from this group C together! But coach Sakura, I was Hyotei's pro-choice, didn't I pick it up? Is it really okay for you to cheat me like this?]

Oshitari, who was pointed out by Nioh as a challenge and received a challenge book he wrote specifically, looked gloomy.

"Sure enough, it's not lucky

Qianshi was extremely low. Tachibana Yoshihei, one of the two heroes of Kyushu that year, would not be able to beat it if he returned to his realm!

[Forget it, even if it is to increase the game experience!]

Thinking about it this way, Qianshi had fun in hardship, and felt that he was still very lucky.

He is indeed lucky.

Because compared to his other roommates--

"I am looking forward to the match with Rikkai Dai Kirihaya~"

Fuji said with a smile.

[Singles 2 in the final of the Kanto Contest did not take place, I am still sorry~ I didn’t expect to have another chance to compete with him here in 940

In the final of the Kanto Contest, because Seigaku lost three games in a row in the first three games, the next two singles did not go directly. Fuji Syusuke didn't have a chance to play, so naturally he couldn't compete with Kirihaya. But now that there is an opportunity to come to the door, Fuji is still very pleasantly surprised.

"I also look forward to the match with Seigaku Echizen."

Liu's face was calm.

[Is Seigaku's genius? It's time to see the strength of our Rikkai sophomore ace! Akaya's strength is still underestimated by the coaches. The guy Nioh should have been deliberately assigned to Group C by coach Sakura, otherwise he would be able to beat Atobe in that group stay, but Akaya must have done so after the coach measured his performance based on his previous performance!]

[Even if Tachibana is back to heyday, Akaya is better than him! The singles two of the Kanto Contest final did not play, Fuji, you should be thankful. But in the end, what should come is still to come. Everyone, he corrects the selection, and knows exactly the strength of our future minister of Rikkai!]

Yanagi Renji is very proud of his younger generation who is about to show his strength.

But for Echizen one-

"Defeat me first, then challenge Yukimura?"

What a naive child

[The probability of you losing to me is 100%!]

Yanagi Renji is not interested in the position of Group A, but this does not mean that he is willing to give up his position in Group B!

"Hey, this challenge book is almost the same."

"Kirihaya said to defeat me first, and then go to challenge the hand!"

It seems that this Rikkai big Kirihara Akaya is still "remembering" his opponent.

[Ah, Shoujia, I hope you have a happy training life in the 101 dormitory~]

Fuji thought of his minister and his roommate, and smiled from the bottom of his heart. .

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