Prince of Tennis Nioh Phantom

Chapter 248 : Speed ​​up the game, intentionally raise points

"Puff, are you ready, Oshitari?"

Nioh smiled suddenly and canceled the apparition.

He thinks that the performance just now is enough for the people of Hyotei to have a good aftertaste. Kirihaya's game is over, the kid wants to challenge Kunimitsu immediately!

Courage is not small, and I am not afraid that I will challenge again from the beginning if I fail

[Kunimitsu’s current strength hasn’t been turned on yet, and it looks like it’s still in self-seal, let Kirihaya try it!]

Thinking like this, Nioh's hands are getting more aggressive

In the doubles game, he also plays the role of an attacker, and he has long been familiar with how to quickly break the opponent's defense.


Nioh went directly to the Internet and swung the ball at Oshitari's waist side.

Oshitari stepped back quickly and tried to intercept, but before he could play back, he watched the tennis ball bounce and fall behind him.

"30:0, Nioh Masaharu gets-points!'

When Nioh Masaharu didn't want to slow down, Oshitari couldn't stop his loss at all.


It's another volley, and the tennis ball still seems to bounce on Oshitari's side.

The calm Oshitari Yushi observed the ball path and quickly found a hitting point suitable for his swing; but to his surprise, the ball disappeared!

His pupils shrank suddenly, his racquet was swept away, and then the sound of a tennis ball hitting his ears!

"40:0, Nioh Masaharu scored!"

People outside the court did not see the "disappearance" of the tennis ball, because the ball was played specifically against Oshitari himself by Nioh. His posture is still an ordinary posture, but he has worked hard on the angle and rotation of the tennis racket. And also used Oshitari’s position

"Why did you swipe it away?!"

Shishido Ryoh said incredulously. He didn't know that the tennis ball disappeared completely in Oshitari's eyes at that moment.

Could it be that Oshitari wants to paddle again?

It has to be said that Hyotei's talented game paddling was quite impressive among his teammates. And last time when Hyotei and Rikkai were staying together, Oshitari faced Sanada Genichiro this way!

"No! No! Yu Shi is very serious this time!"

Xiang Ri still cares about his partner. When many people simply changed venues to watch the game because of the challenges of Kirihaya's opponents, he and his other teammates still stayed here.

And as Oshitari's partner and friend, Mukahi Gakuto can be sure-this time, Oshitari really did his best

"Oshitari, you can't do that."

Nioh ran to the midfield and returned the ball beautifully.

"4:0, Nioh Masaharu is ahead!

He looked very cold at this moment.

The "fraudster" is not the kind of image that smiles gently all day-even if it is a smile, it is a good smile

At this time, Nioh's expression was faint, and he couldn't see his emotions, but with the score of the game and his fierce swing, it was enough to make the tennis teenagers off the court a little bit scared.

"Nioh-san, please hurry up!"

Liu Sheng pushed his glasses, politely urging his partner to end the game quickly.

Rikkai has chosen eight, and six are no longer in this venue-the focus is now on KirihayaVS's hands!

Naturally, Yagyu wanted to watch the game there, but before his enthusiastic teammate Marui Bunta left, he specifically asked him to watch his partner's game. Sang principle nodded in agreement.

Therefore, in order to show him the match between Rikkai Dai's future minister and Seigaku's current pillar, Yagyu could only temporarily abandon his "gentleman" persona, saying this in front of Hyotei's people who are very hateful.

[Nioh-kun, please don’t talk nonsense on the court! Who said that if it’s not a strategy, don’t just slap in the game? Do you want to help Hyotei’s genius to improve? Oh, or it’s all foxes People of attributes, sympathy?!]

Under the cover of the lens, Yagyu looked at Oshitari with a weird look.

[Nioh-san seems to admire this one very much]

"I see, Liu Sheng!

"Oshitari, don't suppress it-use all your strength!"

Nioh naturally appreciates Oshitari, because Oshitari's character is somewhat similar to his character, and the relationship between their teammates is also good.

Well, it's actually not the reason...

After rebirth, Nioh, if you look at which school is the most unpleasant, youth Gakuen is undoubtedly the first place; and if it is about people, the first one is naturally Fuji Syusuke, and the second one - Echizen Ryoma!

-Seeking flowers...

[Although anger is wrong, Echizen is actually quite cute, but what happened to me! Anyway, it is impossible to meet Rikkai in the Hyotei National Competition, and the hopeless smell drawn by Atobe must be Seigaku again! 】

[Puff, according to Yoo’s data, to add a little trouble to Seigaku’s small pillar, we have to rely on this genius of Hyotei

A certain white-haired fox who is unprofitable and can't afford to make his own calculations.


"40:15, Nioh scored!

Another round is almost over, and the match point is here again.

"Oshitari, if you don't want to be zeroed, I would like to remind you to use all your strength~"

Nioh bit the "full force" very hard.

"Full force? Isn't this Yu Shi's full force?"

Xiang Ri looked blank. But Nioh himself is about to win, and he is still crushing to win, so he won't lie in this regard, right?

[My full strength? I have used my full strength! Why do you say that? Is there something in me that I haven't noticed?]

Continuing to think calmly, Oshitari obviously didn't realize Nioh's vague reminder.

And even Yanagi on the sidelines had doubts at this time, not knowing what Nioh wanted to express.

[Em heads one by one!]

Nioh shook the ball and sighed that he had no knowledge of his life. Oh, no, maybe if it was Yukimura, the minister of Rikkai, he would understand what Nioh meant


"5:0, Nioh Masaharu is ahead!"

Nioh suddenly accelerated in midfield and jumped into the air with a swing of his arm.

The tennis ball fell on the court ground in a thunderous manner.

This is a smash. Theoretically, you can use the "Bear Drop" to hit the smash, but in fact it is one-you can't catch it at all!

"Be enthusiastic, Oshitari, don't be sullen."

"I think you are a lot older this year."

Nioh landed and sighed from the bottom of his heart at the opponent.

PS, timing on July 1st.

(Masaharu is also a little temperamental and temperament when he came back from rebirth~) At the beginning of July, please vote for everyone!

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