Prince of Tennis Nioh Phantom

Chapter 260 : The play begins, the first round

"Ah, is there no way to serve Tang Huaise who can't bounce?"

Ruo Renhong of Chengcheng Shonan said in a mocking tone.

He was quite annoyed by Rikkai's "willful" speech before the game. This is what it should be. After all, anyone who is not in the eyes of opponents will be very angry.

However, what he didn't expect was that after he finished speaking this sentence--

"Yu Shi, let's stand a little further away!"

Don't be infected by brain damage...

Xiangri glanced at him disgustingly, and said to Oshitari.

In fact, Hyotei also doesn't pay attention to players of certain levels. After all, it is a famous tennis school that has always been "falling in love and killing" with Rikkai, isn't it?

Rikkai and Hyotei, to a certain extent, have the kind of arrogance that has been cultivated by standing in a high position for a long time.

So, under Wakatohiro's shocked gaze, Hyotei's genius Oshitari Yushi actually nodded and stood far away! Standing far away!

[I'm here to help you speak, what do you mean!]

I can't believe it, Ruo Renhong thinks that 17 Hyotei's mind is incomprehensible.

[It’s as annoying as Rikkai!]

He couldn't help but feel resentful towards Hyotei.

However, Hyotei didn't care about his grievances. They only care about Atobe on court and Nioh.

Nioh Masaharu, Rikkai Taisho, who defeated Atobe 6:0, even if there is no way for a while, he will definitely not lose the game!

"Is he waiting for something? Still deliberately abandoning this round?'

Oshitari couldn't see Nioh's mind and could only guess from his own perspective.

"Perhaps observing, looking for a way to crack? But maybe it's also waiting for the opportunity?"

Hiyoshi Wakashi stared at Nioh intently, trying to find his tactics.

The teenager who aims to "take the upper hand" will never end his tennis journey, because there are too many masters waiting for him to defeat and waiting for him to challenge.

[Is Nioh waiting for something? Or is he observing and trying to crack my uncle’s skills?]

Without thinking about it, confident like Atobe, once again used his Tang Huaise serve.

If because of the opponent's reaction and action, he gives up the use of his proud skills, then he is not Atobe Keigo.

The tennis ball crosses an arc, hits the ground, and then...


The moment racquet touched the tennis ball, there was a cool, crisp sound.

Hit it back!

In that less than a second, at the moment when it bounced a few invisible heights, Nioh completed the swing!

The moment when the tennis ball bounces slightly is short, but his speed is faster.

Outside the court, neither Hyotei nor Wakato Hiroshi and others who were still mocking just now did not see exactly how Nioh swung the pat.

By the time they saw the tennis ball, the yellow tennis ball had landed on Atobe Keigo's half court!

"15:40, Nioh Masaharu scored!"

The referee reacted and quickly awarded the score.

This referee is not an ordinary unseen referee. He was seconded from U17. He was originally responsible for the U17 court and even the first army game.

He originally had a little reluctance in his heart. He felt that the refereeing difficulty of the middle school students' game was something that the referees outside could handle. But these games this afternoon subverted his stereotype of the middle school tennis world. It turned out that the current middle school students are so strong.

And now, Nioh's ball

[This is the level of some people in the U17 army! The timing is quite good, and the speed and strength are not weak at all, no wonder the Kurobe coach needs to second me. 】

I don't know that the junior high school student he currently praises in his heart has actually been to U17 and scored in the No. 1 court. The referee has a glorious history of defeating Tokugawa Kazuya in a seven-ball matchup. Nioh's eyes are full of relief.

The youth is so good, the national team has hope!

[Well, he is also the older one of Rikkai. One, two, three, four, five, it is estimated that the Kwantung Youth Selection will select five Rikkai players. Rikkai High School, this school must remind Coach Kurobe to pay more attention!]

[By the way! The new No. 10 Mōri Juzaburō of the first army is also from Rikkai High School! This school is really talented]

Thinking about this, the referee's gaze on Rikkai's side softened several degrees.

Marui, who was very satisfied that his teammates finally got rid of Atobe's serve, inadvertently met the referee's "loving" gaze, and blinked blankly--

[What happened? Why did the referee look at us so familiarly]

[By the way, it's like we watch Akaya!]

Marui, who finally found a familiar contrast, said that he couldn't express his feelings.

Referee, did you graduate from Rikkai University?

With the same "love" gaze, Marui Natsuura thought to the younger generation who was smiling vigorously.

"Now, how is it, Atobe?"

Lowering his voice, Nioh put a smile away and said to Atobe.

For the gorgeous Minister Hyotei, you must always pay attention to suppress the opponent's Qi Yan~

This is what Nioh Masaharu will do next.

"One more ball?"

He asked in a provocative tone.

Although it is a question sentence, the flat and straightforward tone is really quite annoying!

Atobe felt a little irritable in his heart, as if a fire was burning wildly.


He hummed lightly, and made the act of serve that everyone was already familiar with.

[Even if you have done it

What if I can call it back?! Call my uncle back again!

Just one goal, Ben Da 953 can afford to lose!

What Oshitari Yushi would do, Atobe made the opposite decision under similar circumstances!

Will not be shaken by any words or actions of the opponent, this is the character of Atobe Keigo, the minister of Hyotei!

However, with Nioh Masaharu's desire to control, now that he has already hit the ball back and made a vague promise in front of his teammates, he will naturally be perfect.


How similar to the previous one.

With a quick and accurate shot, you can't even see the afterimage

"30:40, Nioh Masaharu scored!"

The referee calmly pronounced the score.

Both players are good seedlings, but he particularly likes the one with Rikkai in his heart.

However, as a professional and excellent referee, this feeling will not affect his judgment of scores.

In the arena of competitive competitions, only the winner can get everything. This is a rule that has not changed since ancient times!

PS, Atobe, he absolutely can afford to lose (I still remember the sadness of seeing the uncle shaved his head that day)

Is the little friend who didn't sleep late at night feel very excited? After watching the new chapter, I am in a good mood (in the comment area, I didn't say that I want a change~ Finally, I love Libing~, the cult is really love, but If there is another chapter, it will be fine (I'm not afraid of death, I'll say it here, when will the latte be changed, I will add it to you~).

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