Prince of Tennis Nioh Phantom

Chapter 267 : Desire illusion, fascinated in it

"My uncle is going to catch up with you!'

In a standard Tang Huaise swing gesture, Atobe smiled with satisfaction.

However, off the court Hyotei's positive drafters are really anxious, because


"4:1, Nioh Masaharu is ahead!"

When Atobe Keigo fell into a "dreamland" with random swings, Nioh quickly won the next round.

Atobe thought he was ACE serve to score, but he always serve Let.

In what he can see, it should be that although he lost two goals, he still won the game in the end.

In this case--

"Ahhhhh, the score is 2:3, Nioh, can you still beat it?"

Atobe who fell into a "dream" must have had a good dream.

The agitated expression he showed before this time was concealed by his assertive self-confidence. Looking at Nioh's posture on the opposite side, he seemed to have become a superior winner.

"Have a good dream, Atobe."

"Seiichi Yukimura" over there doesn't care. Because Atobe couldn't hear him at all-he was completely immersed in the "dreamland" game where he used his might to suppress his opponent.


"15:0, Nioh Masaharu scored!"

Under the influence of Nioh's mental power, "Yukimura" showed his perfect image. Not only is the tennis ball crisp and fierce, but also

His coat is still arrogant!

You know, this is an indoor tennis training venue!

"Will Minister Rikkai's coat fall off?"

Fuji Yuta, who came from the court over there, couldn't help but complain when she saw the figure of "Seiichi Yukimura" on this court.

"According to my script, Minister Rikkai's coat has many possibilities."

"Hidden buttons? Velcro? Or simply sewn on the clothes inside? Maybe the jacket is just the same with the sports short sleeves inside."

I just told the younger generation that I had finished observing the match between Rikkai Osanada and Fudomine Tachibana, and then I couldn't wait to return to AtobeVS Nioh's venue to watch the beginning of the month, and put forward countless conjectures against the windless jacket.

Then they naturally got a smile from Minister Rikkai, multiplied by two.

"Monarch Watching the Moon~"

The "Yukimura" on the court looked at his racquet with gentle eyes.

"Saint Rudolph~"

Yukimura outside the court shifted her eyes to the court nearby.

Marui, who has been watching the game absent-mindedly, but has been paying attention to the movements of the Minister, immediately got the order--

"Kuanbara and I are very happy to have a friendly match with Saint Rudolph's regular candidates!"

Fuji Yuta's facial expression instantly stiffened.

[Senior Moon Watcher, I'm sorry! I shouldn't have started this story!]

[One Fudomine is very troublesome, plus Rikkai]

Yuta subconsciously looked at her brother in Seigaku's direction.

Seigaku's genius was so pleasantly surprised that he immediately caught his brother's gaze.

"Hands! Let's go and play against the remaining three of Rikkai!"

The elder brother of Fuji's short guard said that he will definitely show off his tennis skills in front of his younger brother.

And is Rikkai big? I wanted to play against them in the first place!

"Well, don't be careless.

"Concentrate on watching the game!

Shoujia's eyes have been cast on the arena.

However, Fuji Syusuke, who has been with him as a teammate in the tennis club for so long, has already interpreted Minister Seigaku's attitude from his phrase "don't be careless", and that is naturally--

[Play the game seriously and beat Rikkai!]


"30:0, Nioh Masaharu scored!"

Since Atobe fell into a "dream", he hasn't even touched tennis.

In this case, Nioh's score is simply unstoppable.

"Too bad! Didn't Atobe feel that his racquet didn't touch the tennis ball?"

Shishido Ryoh was so anxious that he couldn't wait to run to the court to wake Atobe who was intoxicated in "dreamland".

"It's not that he can't feel it, it's that his feeling has been deceived by Nioh!"

Oshitari understood a little bit.

This trick comes from Rikkai Minister Seiichi Yukimura's "Dreamland", which should be born out of his original stunt "killing the five senses". If it is a pure mental shield, Atobe should not be ignorant. But Nioh seems to have used his mental power to do something with Atobe's various senses, causing Atobe to feel exactly the same as what he "sees" with his own eyes!

………For flowers-

[I just don’t know if this is the true face of'Dreamland', or if Nioh added personal information

Oshitari had a headache.

For Nioh Masaharu, he really couldn't see through.

"I don't know what Yukimura's "dreamland" looks like."

He spoke softly, looking in Rikkai's direction.

After Nioh’s three "phantoms", and in these three times, he himself experienced it once. He understands it. If the object transformed by the "Nioh Phantom" is really regarded as that person, then It's really stupid!

And there are people on Seigaku's side who are worried--

"" Nioh Phantom, is Nioh's "Yukimura" real?'Dreamland' is Yukimura's move, but what Nioh uses is really'dreamland'?"

Inui Sadaharu, who has seen Nioh's own revision of "Bear Drop" before, dare not care.

For the "fraudster on court", one cannot be too careful.

Hyotei and Seigaku are still so entangled. The other schools are choosing Nioh on the court and Yukimura outside the court. They each try to think about it.

Yukimura hugged her arms and wore Rikkai's big khaki jacket. Although the windless jacket in the room did not rise elegantly, it seemed to other players to be full of momentum and aura.

[The credibility of Masaharu is not only inside our Rikkai University, but also so low outside the school!]

Just now the strength was given to Nioh's Yukimura, saying that he had seen the current scene unexpectedly.

Seiichi Yukimura is not afraid to show off his strength.

It used to be called a mystery of strength because no player can force his full strength. What's more, before coming to the training camp, he had already said in the meeting that everyone should not hide private

[The "Dreamland" used by Nioh is my original version, why doesn't everyone believe it?]

Yukimura thought rather distressed.

[But this is also a tactic, right?]

To make excuses for the credibility of his members that had been declared bankrupt, Yukimura continued to smile and comfortably admired Minister Hyotei's very ugly movements in the air on court.

PS, part-time work on July 10th,

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