Prince of Tennis Nioh Phantom

Chapter 270 : The heart is clear, sins are forgiven

[Atobe feels like standing on the court like a big villain. The contemptuous gaze from all around didn’t affect his pride and self-confidence, but now he feels a feeling of self-disgust in his heart. . 】

[Why are you playing this way? Atobe asked himself. 】

[For victory, he asked and answered himself. 】

[This is an answer whose results will never change. In the game, he went to the game just to win and Hyotei]

So in reality, the Hyotei candidates who played an appearance game saw their minister actually laughed.


All of the Hyotei's selections suddenly became stunned.

For the first time in my life, maybe the only time, seeing Atobe Keigo smile so softly, not gorgeously!

"What happened?"

Mukahi Gakuto asked Oshitari blankly with a question mark on his face. He wanted to find out from his teammates' reply if he was also in a "dream state." The other teammates also looked at Oshitari suspiciously.

However, Oshitari Yushi was also at a loss.

"How do I know.

By the way, he is not a real data strategist in the Tennis Department, so why do you come to ask him!

"Dream, it's time to wake up."

"Seiichi Yukimura" on the court said this sentence with a smile.

Then he patted with his right hand, with a Qing Yang wave--


The tennis ball crossed the net in the air, landed, bounced, and landed again.

"6:1, Nioh Masaharu wins!'

The referee used his constant calm voice for thousands of years to pronounce the result of the game, but no one knew it was. The serious referee was already thinking about reporting to his superiors how brilliant the future of national tennis would be in the evening. .

"Puff, Atobe, wake up! Are you awake?"

Nioh changed back and walked to the net a few steps.

Atobe was still in a state of not regaining his senses, and his memory was a bit messy for a while.

And the others are completely deep-fried--

"Sure enough, I am super lucky!"

Compared to some other tennis players who are miserable, Sengoku Kiyosumi feels that Tachibana is a really good opponent.

Although he lost in the end, at least he won't be attacked so mentally.

"It turns out that Nioh Masaharu from Rikkai is so strong"?"

"Then why does he hit doubles!"

Are you Rikkai looking down on us, hello!

Although everyone can't beat you Rikkai, you can't...

More people are actually very suffocated.

I knew that Rikkai's big tennis club is very strong, but it has been hidden behind the scenes with such a powerful election. It was only in the third country that we knew that you have not used all your strength to participate in the game.

So before I have been dismissing the tennis club of a school as Rikkai's opponent, is it unqualified? You have to play against the entire Kanto, so you are willing to contribute!

Haha, can we still play tennis together!

The Minister of Rikkai, who was maligned by everyone, kept a faint smile and was very satisfied with the result of the game.

So, he was in a good mood and said to Oshitari, who was barely composing Hyotei--

"Should we help send Atobe to the infirmary?"

Perhaps it is a sequelae of the game. At present, someone is not gorgeously in a state of dizziness and motion sickness.

Of course, this is undoubtedly the result of Nioh's extra energy.

So as a good minister of Rikkai University, Yukimura naturally asked Hyotei to ask such questions on behalf of the staff.

"Do not!"

"no need!"

However, Hyotei is completely resisting Yukimura's kindness!

Are they afraid that Atobe is not dizzy enough? Or they want to dizzy with Atobe?

Although they are following their own Minister Hyotei firmly, but one-go directly to "send to death", this kind of thing is better.

Oshitari and his friends believed in the "self-healing ability" of their Emperor Hyotei.


"Oshitari Yushi!"

Pressing on his sore temples, Atobe finally focused his consciousness on reality and heard the words that sounded terrifying and persuasive from the genius of his tennis club!


Atobe has never felt that his members are so embarrassing!

"Thanks a lot, Nioh Masaharu!"

No longer caring about teammates who are diminished (in fact, there are none), Atobe snorted and said to Nioh.

He lost again and he was "Seiichi Yukimura" again!

"Are you so obsessed with your minister, Nioh?"

Losing to the same person twice, the same phantom, even Atobe would be irritated, not to mention that he had just passed a very unglamorous "dream".

"Why do you think so, Atobe.

Nioh gave him a weird look.

That kind of look Atobe Keigo has a bad feeling.

"Isn't the persistent person always yourself?"

Nioh said solemnly.

These words made Atobe let out a sigh of relief, and then-

"This uncle will naturally have such a gorgeous character!"

Wait, why would my uncle breathe a sigh of relief for this guy's words!

Atobe thought so and said casually.

He just assumed that this person was complimenting him...

[Sure enough, it’s a "Say Victor Rikkai Big"? Such a school can always compete with the gorgeous Hyotei of my uncle!]

Thinking of Rikkai's big "." The banner that has remained unchanged for decades, "A victory in a row is fate", Atobe has some feelings and feelings.

He has never regretted playing so intensely with his hand in that game, even if he suffered some criticism after the game.

If he could do it again, he would also make that choice!

So in the face of the "dream" Nioh used, Atobe still beat it.

Even though I was anxious, I didn't give up waving

[This uncle is not wrong! It is the most gorgeous way to go all out and fight with your opponent without mercy!]

Atobe firmly believes in his choice.

[If it were Yukimura, it would be the same. Minister Rikkai's dedication to victory doesn't need to be a young man!]

The police took a look at the people who led Rikkai's most of them to turn around and walked towards Sanada's court, and Atobe's lips curled up.

The Hyotei electors watched with trembling trembling as their ministers lost the game and even laughed, which was beyond horror.

So for the common interests of everyone, they were like-minded, and jointly selected the "Atobe's most admired (Nuowang) member" Oshitari Yushi player--

"! !! "

Being pushed together by his teammates, Oshitari stood in the forefront of the team for no apparent reason, as if he had become a representative (cannon fodder), with snow falling in his heart.

He was thinking about constructing words and sentences in his heart, and quickly thinking about how to talk to the minister whose mental state was obviously not right.

However, he quickly learned what is meant by "plans failing to keep up with changes", and --# Rikkai大真是专业pit Hyotei一生子#!

"We Rikkai know your dedication to handicraft mostly! Yukimura admires you very much, really.

Nioh said sincerely.

"It's the same for Sanada.

He thought about it and added another sentence.

PS, I'm back to life!

Let us continue to use love to generate electricity and kiss my Rikkai~

PPs, I'm sorry, I wake up until ten o'clock in the sleep, and there is no codeword for the update on the 13th. Wait two hours for me (if you want).

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