Prince of Tennis Nioh Phantom

Chapter 280 : Rikkai genius, reporter visit


Bobby roared.

His roar is quite deterrent, if it is an average player, it is estimated that he will be frightened.

But for Rikkai, for Marui--

[Not as powerful as Sanada's shouting]

Just kidding, the members of Rikkai University listened to their Vice Minister Sanada Genichiro "too lax m" Rikkai has no dead ends" a series of shouting training and competition!

Even on court, Sanada sometimes yelled out the names of moves in accordance with his "Fenglin Volcano" skills.

Therefore, Bobby's roar, who is rather imposing, was not seen by Marui and the member of the referee at all.

The dozens of members of Rikkai's big tennis club also didn't care about it.

Blowing bubbles, Marui started serve again.


The dexterous tennis ball crossed the net and flew in the direction of Bobby's backhand.

But Bobby, who is tall, is actually very agile. He hit back the tennis ball in a weird-looking posture.

[Is this basketball? Or is it a football or baseball technique?]

Marui slammed racquet, thinking about Bobby's pace just now and slightly twisted but knocked to catch the ball.

Bang! Bang!

[It's a bit troublesome, the technology is not weak. 】

[Also, if it is just a physical advantage, then it will not be valued by the business coach. 】

Chop sideways, the timing is right!


The tennis ball passes through the gap between Bobby's legs!

[Time difference hell!]


"30:0, Marui Bunta scored!"

[But compared to this genius, the flexibility is still not enough!]

Marui saw that his opponent seemed to be more proficient in other sports.

Generally speaking, it is especially difficult for players who integrate skills in other fields into tennis. For specific examples, please look at Sanada.

However, they are now playing tennis, and they are more skillful than tennis skills!

At Rikkai, Marui, who is known as a "genius of skill", will not be afraid of this "half-handed" opponent!

"Shit"J! "

Marui watched his opponent swear swearing. Oh, he can understand this sentence, after all, it is a very popular rubbish.

[But this is the first time I played with a player of this quality]

Thinking about this, Marui showed a slightly disgusting expression.

Then he heard a series of things he didn't understand that seemed to be English.

【What does it mean?】

He gave a dazed expression.

The referee students over there also looked confused.

It was Bobby's teammate, the nominal captain, and Kevin showed a look of disgust.

[Expletive slang?]

Liu Sheng also understood a little bit, and he could barely discern the meaning.

[Really lacking quality

Through the glasses, Yanagi gave Marui a sympathetic look.

It's really hard to play against such an opponent!

Bobby Max’s trash talk has no effect on Marui at all, not only because Marui can’t hear or understand his roar, but also because Marui is not so easy to be provoked.

If it weren't for Marui's anger in the training camp before, he wouldn't be playing the game!


"40:0, Marui Bunta scored!"

Regardless of whether the opponent was angry or not, Marui scored another goal step by step.

[This big man is not only less flexible in the tennis field, but also has weaknesses in rhythm!]

With three goals, Marui has already tested out the strength of this tall and strong Bobby and his relative advantages and disadvantages.

If it's about innate advantages, Marui can't beat Bobby by all means. But add the golf quotient and tennis skills

"Your skills are still not enough."


After the tennis ball landed, Bobby, although he reacted quickly, was still a little bit worse and didn't receive it in time.

"1:0, Marui Bunta is ahead!"

Although the opponent's flexibility beyond the body image is a bit troublesome, as long as the rhythm is correct and the little gap is stuck, you can score!

"Fuck! Gotothehell!

Bobby swears.

Marui blinked helplessly at his teammates off the court--

[Slightly regretted playing]

"Senior! Senior Liu Sheng!

A voice that made Yanagyu and Marui a little familiar came from a little far away.

"Pu Shan?"

Liu Sheng looked in the direction where the voice came from.

His own tennis club has symmetrical blushes on both cheeks and orange hair on his head hovering into a unique one-horned first-year junior who is very talented in tennis. He trots into the door of the tennis club.

He followed...


Kuwabara also looked over there.

"It seems to be two reporters from Tennis Monthly.

He saw clearly the appearance of the visitor.

And for these two people, he still seems to know each other.

"Hello, Rikkai big candidates, I'm Mamoru Inoue, a reporter from "Tennis Monthly", and this is my assistant Shiba Saori."

Reporter Inoue first introduced himself.

". "We came here to do an interview for you, but now it seems that it is a bit out of time."

Although he said this, Inoue watched Marui and Bobby's game with his eyes beaming. It can be seen that his thoughts in his heart are completely inconsistent with what he said.

As a well-qualified reporter who has been following the middle school tennis circle all the year round, Inoue is naturally interested in Rikkai's great strength.

Today, he originally came for Rikkai's big election, but he didn't expect to be able to meet the election. It really made him appreciate his luck.

But his assistant Ms. Shisaori didn't think so much.

As a newcomer, she has become a fan and staunch supporter of Seigaku, so she is naturally toward youth Gakuen in her heart.

She had heard Inoue saying many times before that Seigaku was dangerous, but didn't she win all the time?

Although Seigaku lost to Rikkai in the final of the Kanto Contest, Shiba Saori still felt that it was because of the absence of Seigaku's minister Kunimitsu due to injury.

[Rikkai is not necessarily the strongest]

The national competition is not necessarily the winner!

In this way (hello King Nuo) thinking, Shiba Saori's expression revealed a little disapproval.

When Inoue saw it, he could only smile bitterly in his heart.

[Changsheng Rikkai is big, this slogan is not just yelled out casually. 】

[Although Seigaku's strength has been greatly improved this year, he has also joined the "Son of Samurai"; although Seigaku has won smoothly all the way before, and has created many miracles. But this school is different

[Lien Chan's victory is fate, Saori, this is a team that wants to reach the top and establish a dynasty!]

Knowing that no matter what I said, I would be ignored by my assistant who admired Seigaku, and Inoue could only give up all kinds of popular science on how strong Rikkai was.

[Perhaps, you can see today, the real king of junior high school tennis]

"The constant victory Rikkai is big and there are no dead ends", and I am looking forward to seeing the level of strength of Rikkai Taisho in this match between Marui Bunta and the players of the US West Coast Youth Selection Team.

PS, the timing of July 16,

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