Prince of Tennis Nioh Phantom

Chapter 282 : Commercial hype, as expected

"6:3, Marui-kun really did a great job."

"The players of the U.S. team are not so good either."

In the conference room of the Guandong Youth Selection Training Camp, coach Huacun said excitedly, holding the news paper that was just reported.

After the news of the US West Coast Youth Selection Team was confirmed in the exchange match before, it was very arrogant.

Their coach Richard Bega even said that this team had defeated the originally scheduled team, and it has increased-a lot of heat

But one-

"It was just some people who defeated the Second Army in that place-not fearless."

The old coach Sakura was there, and he didn't seem surprised at all by the news.

"But in this way, it seems to have helped the other party."

He whispered.

Previously promoted the strength of the U.S. team, which gave fans and sponsors in the U.S. a lot of expectations. Now, the news that Rikkai Taisho election defeated the members of the U.S. selection team will undoubtedly increase the Japanese people's attention to tennis for this exchange. The attention of the game.

"The strength of that Bobby Max is not simple. If it weren't for underestimating the enemy at first, it would not be easy for Marui to seize the opportunity."

[Although he is serious, he might not win. 】

Coach Ryūzaki reminded.

Although the U.S. team lost one game before the game, they couldn't be careless.

"Also, about Echizen"

Coach Ryūzaki has a headache.

"His grievance with that Kevin, this matter."

With this, Coach Ryūzaki couldn't help but twitched his mouth.

He understands Echizen. Although it looks like a search, he actually doesn't have the idea of ​​deliberately enmity with others, so in the end, why is that Kaibin so persistent!

The grievances of the previous generation (is it really grievances?), is it still going to be passed on from generation to generation?

"Even though he was in Rikkai, because Bobby lost the ball and lost his temper, the members of Rikkai teamed up and kicked him out of the school."

Coach Ryūzaki was a little funny when he said this.

"Even with Kempin Smith, it seems that he left because he felt too embarrassed, but I have to admit that Kempin's strength is really not to be underestimated, and Bobby is too."

So in any case, you can't underestimate your opponent because of this news.

"Of course I know, so Coach Sakura has already drawn up the list, right?"

Coach Huacun said with a smile.

She had only belittled a sentence because of a bad breath, after all, Chengcheng Xiangnan was also within the scope of the school that had been smashed.

But it is precisely because of this that she did not dare to despise this team under the official banner, which is essentially a commercial team.

[But I don’t look at who we currently play with--]

[Seiichi Yukimura, Nioh Masaharu, Sanada Genichiro, Handicraft Kunimitsu, Atobe view]

[So many excellent players form a team, if we can't win, our coach will just jump into the sea collectively!]

"The list has been drawn up.

The coach Sakaki slightly chinped his head and passed the prepared list to the two coaches respectively.

Coach Huacun, with two points of expectation, couldn't wait to accept the roster schedule and looked down. However, one-

"God coach, are you sure that this is our list?"

She only glanced at it, and then looked up with an incredible look.

"This, this list,

She feels that she is still too young!

[It turns out that to become a successful enough coach, do you have to constantly break the routine and break through yourself?]

I hypnotized myself and explained that Coach Huacun felt that he couldn't understand the list.

But she soon was not alone.

"Coach Sakura, these players are very good and strong."

Coach Ryūzaki wanted to calm down first, paving the way for what follows.

"But is the list reversed?"

She asked tentatively.

Even if you have confidence in the players, but with such a list of entries, it always feels that the sum of eight and one is equal to negative one hundred!

"There is no problem.

Coach Sakaki looked relaxed.

"From doubles two to singles one, that's it."

He didn't seem to realize what made the other two coaches so gaffe.

....For flowers...

"I have reported the list."

Coach Sakura seemed to think that the two coaches were not shocked enough, and released another bomb-like news.

"Already passed."

Coach Ryūzaki immediately covered his chest with his hands.

[Well, I'm getting old, I really can't do it]

[Too exciting, why did this list pass!]

Coach Huacun took a look at Coach Ryūzaki subconsciously, and found that Seigaku's coach seemed to be unable to accept his heart, so he felt a little relieved.

[It turns out that it's not that I'm too young, but that the coach of God played the cards too unreasonably!]

[No matter, no matter what, we will win, right?]

[Believe Yukimura and them]

Continuing to persuade himself, coach Huacun felt that this list was actually really interesting after self-persuasion!

"In this way, we also took the initiative to cooperate-let's play each other."

"To express the friendship between the two countries, coach Sakura, you bother!"

Coach Huacun said sincerely.

What she said is sincere. With this list in her hand, anyone who knows the middle school tennis world will say that this order of appearance is really too much for the American team!

[After the exchange contest, this topic will definitely be hot for a long time!]

Coach Huacun was so convinced that he smiled under Coach Ryūzaki's subtle gaze.

[I just hope that after losing over there, they can also maintain the current liking for this topic. 】

She thought maliciously in her heart and didn't have the slightest affection for the US selection team.

PS, I actually don't have a good opinion of TV's exchange competitions waiting for the progress of the comics, but it is more convenient for me to make up my own. Yes, I am "full of malice" for the players of the American selection team. I am only interested in the list of matches, nothing more! (The bad news, the update in the early morning may be a bit slower, or during the day.

Because I haven't written a word in the next chapter, let me catch up with the big new update first, and I will write it to you~) Gong.

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