Prince of Tennis Nioh Phantom

Chapter 284 : The end of disillusionment, dream doubles


"4:0, the U.S. selection team is ahead!"

Billy Kaidi blew the whistle, apparently very satisfied with his performance in this game.

The cowboy teenager from the west has super strong wrist strength!

"Lasso, he is said to be able to lasso an adult bull."

Liu Wei Kirihaya explained the reason why Sanada had just received the ball, but ended up playing the tennis out.

Kirihaya said that he understood and understood.

But Sanada on court can't forgive herself at all!


He shouted.

"Too lax!"

Holding the racquet and looking at the dazzling 4:0 score on the display, Sanada couldn't hold back his anger.

"Yes, it's time to be more serious."

Atobe, who just said "Your skills are too simple", also reached the peak of his anger.

But unlike Sanada, he looks more calm at this time.

"Atobe is not angry, right?"

Mukahi Gakuto was horrified to see in the audience.

At the beginning, he could talk to Oshitari about Atobe's doubles level with a smile, but as Atobe and Sanada lost points continuously, and Atobe's stunt "Waltz of Destruction" was easily broken by his opponents, he could no longer watch with confidence. The game is up.

"Coaches, what are the 17 lists? If you want to win the first game, isn't there Nioh?"

"Nioh is the professional doubles player, right?"

Xiang Ri didn't understand the coach's "tactical arrangement" very much.

"How about Atobe--"


He didn't care about complaining, so he looked at the court in a daze.

"Yushi, am I dreaming?"

Xiangri said in a weak voice.

"How did the cooperation between Atobe and Sanada become so good in an instant!"

"Isn't it Nioh "Phantom" became Atobe to replace him, right?!"

He shouted frantically.

On court, two doubles masters, Atobe Keigo and Shinichiro Sanada, stepped on the tacit rhythm and pace, and the cooperation was perfect!

"No, it's not time to change, and Nioh is still sitting there. Atobe is on court."

Oshitari glanced at Nioh subconsciously and said.

The Minister of Hyotei didn't know that he was questioned and complained by the members who watched the game. He is stepping on the doubles game very seriously.

Their opponents are very tricky, not only are they very skilled, but their mental power is not weak!

"Not moving like a mountain!"

Sanada shouted.

But Sanada, who has a titled "Son of God" and has been wiped out countless times with five senses, how can he be afraid of mental attacks!

And there is Nioh

[I will not be induced by mental power anymore!]

"Immovable as a mountain" is a defensive skill, but this trick can withstand the previous attack of Atobe!

At present, Sanada, who has mastered the "black aura", has all moved on to the evolutionary pace with his "Fenglin Volcano Thunder".

Thick as a mountain, black air currents are faintly rendered around it.


Successful counterattack!

"15: 0! "

The opponents never expected that the previous all-inclusive methods would fail.


The tennis ball went straight through an arc and reached the corner line.

Mike was in front of the net and was too late to save the ball.

But this is doubles one by one


Mike Lee yelled.

Billy Kay immediately ran to the ball point in a tacit understanding.


The save was successful!

"Broken Tango!"

But this is doubles!

"30: 0! "

"Don't ignore this uncle!"

Atobe shouted.

He now understands why he is still in the training camp, and coach Sakura has given him a ticket for the concert!

[So I am waiting for my uncle here. 】

Atobe watched his opponents sneer.


He jumped up high.

Kay dodges underground consciously, but one-


With a pain in his wrist, racquet fell to the ground.

"It's the deputy minister!

Kirihaya said.

The real swinger of that ball was Sanada!

"It's a gorgeous cooperation, hurry up and end the game."

Atobe, who successfully scored the second swing, said.

There is no suspense in the game. On the basis of tacit cooperation, now such a Sanada plus such an Atobe, if you don't get a victory, the players selected by the Guandong Youth can really go to the sea collectively.

"6:4, doubles two, the Japanese Kanto Youth Selection Team won!

Although the result was beyond the expectations of the American coach Bega's script, the audience's response was even more enthusiastic.


"They are amazing!"

This is a very high-level doubles game. Although there are some minor flaws in the front, it does not affect the excitement of the game.

Coach Bega's face changed a bit, but he quickly recovered.

"The next game, I will definitely not lose!"

The host broadcasted the names of the American players--

"Doubles one, Tom Griffith and Terry Griffith!"

This is a pair of brothers.

Also two famous tennis players!

Kirihaya listened to the cheers in his ears with an unhappy expression.

"Obviously we won just now, what are they shouting!"

As for, it's so pushy!

"They are star players, very popular."

"They have their own fan base, but there are many people here who bought air tickets and flew across the ocean to watch their games."

Liu introduced.

"This kind of player

Sanada, who had just got off the court, frowned.

"It's not gorgeous!"

Atobe snorted.

"Not far!"

Echizen said something.

Nioh raised the corners of his mouth--

"No matter what they are, pay attention to our doubles one."

"Sanada, you and Atobe are on doubles two, then Yukimura who is not here and the handyman

Nioh said, lowering his voice, but anyone could hear the smile in his words.

"The minister wants doubles too!

Kirihaya almost jumped up.

"The minister must be fine. The minister and the deputy minister are not the same."

Seeing Yukimura playing with Kunimitsu from the tunnel, Kirihaya said firmly.

Sanada heard blue veins appear on his head.

"Yes, Yukimura must have no dead ends."

Nioh agreed.

Sanada's face turned dark.

"Shoujia will certainly not be careless."

Yanagi Renji added.

Sanada's 967 is already breathing black

"You guys who are not gorgeous are enough for this uncle!"

Atobe gritted his teeth.

He was partnered with Sanada just now.

Although they are very reluctant to admit it, Rikkai Dai and the group are challenging Sanada's endurance limit while also challenging his endurance limit!

"Oh, that's how it is."

"Atobe, your doubles with Sanada just now are also gorgeous."

Nioh said insincerely.

"Okay, watch the game, everyone watch the game seriously!"

"This is the doubles of Yukimura and Shoujia. We have to watch the game seriously!"

Then, before Sanada and Atobe could react, he pretended to watch the two sides' pre-match etiquette seriously.


Sanada gritted his teeth.

"Nioh, the coach wants you to come over!"

Tachibana Yoshihira interrupted Sanada's desire to export.

Then, against the "black aura-completely black background" of the Deputy Minister Rikkai and the "World of Ice-Death Gaze" of the Minister Hyotei, he took someone out of the contest table temporarily.

"Well, let's enjoy this pair of "dream doubles"."

Liu suppressed a smile.

PS, I still turned on the wifi secretly~

The match between Sanada and Atobe is not important. Anyway, there are on TV. The most important thing is Yukimura! (I opened the copy of Kanto Youth Selection for them) Mr. Richard Bega originally wanted to stage the Jedi Counterattack script, However, the first game was destroyed by Marui, who was not a contestant, but he wanted to win the doubles second script like a broken bamboo, and it did not come true~ so

The doubles of the U.S. team will be desperate (so that they will not follow the plot, which is great)!.

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