Prince of Tennis Nioh Phantom

Chapter 297 : Official start, third singles

With the sound of the broadcast, the tennis clubs of each school were selecting teams to complete the approach ceremony.

Rikkai, who had a bye in the first round, was naturally waiting outside the venue of Higa Middle-School VS Rokkaku Middle-School.

Rokkaku Middle-School and Higa Middle-School played very hard in this round.

Not the players, but the coaches!

Sanada stared blankly at the Rokkaku Middle-School's electors and took their coach who had been hit by a tennis ball to the hospital for medical treatment, feeling uncontrollable anger.

The curvature of Yukimura's mouth also became cold.

Nioh didn't know that Higa Middle-School did this before. After all, he is more familiar and remembers the memory more clearly, only Seigaku

But now I know, and I saw this scene one-as a tennis teenager with good morals, Nioh naturally decided to resolve the dispute on court!

He patted Yanagi on the back, soothing the "gentleman"'s anger, Nioh squinted ~ glanced at Kite.

Regardless of whether they have difficulties or other reasons, that ball, if you hit it, you hit it...

"It's time for us.

Yukimura looked at the figure of Saeki Toujiro who hurriedly left after the game, and listened to the yelling of "lost dog" in his ear, and led the members into the arena.

"Rikkai big"

Kite over there also led his staff to stand up, with a relaxed expression, but a solemn expression in his eyes.

Kite Eishirou almost completed the existing tennis club of Higa Middle-School by himself.

The reason why each of his teammates absolutely obeyed his orders was not only because he assumed the position of minister, but also because Kite was the one who led them to the path of tennis!

Fighting all the way from Okinawa and killing the declining lion music, Higa Middle-School finally met an unprecedented powerful opponent!

"The second round, Rikkai High School VS Higa Middle-School!"

There was a voice on the radio.

"Singles three, Kirihara AkayaVS Tian Ren Zhihui!"

Before the start, the players performed the net etiquette as usual.

"It is said that the skills of the players in Higa are all taught by their coach Kite."

Liu looked at Kirihaya who was facing Tian Renzhi's hair on court because of his height and body shape, and said in a light tone.

"So we should be able to derive Kite's skills and corresponding cracking schemes based on the games of these Higa picks."

He continued.

"Liu, it's rare to hear you say "it is said" these two words. "

"Isn't it supposed to say data?"

Nioh was surprised.

"That's 85, 32% probability."

"Anyway, watch it carefully. Kite is waiting for you in singles."

Nioh heard the "truth" from Yanagi Renji's words.

He expressed his sorrow for Kite

But the next second--


Sanada's roar came in his ears.

The same trick is repeated, Higa intends to attack Yukimura!

I have to say that Seiichi Yukimura is indeed Rikkai's well-deserved and indispensable spiritual leader, if he falls


"It's okay, Genichiro.

The Minister of Rikkai held the racquet and smiled like a flower on the coaching bench.

"The accuracy of the head is a bit poor, and the training in Higa is still too lax.

Seeing the tennis ball hit by Yukimura's barbed wire with a single wave, Nioh fell silent.

"Liu, I can't wait for the singles one game suddenly."

He was silent for a few seconds, then raised his head and said.

Originally, Nioh didn't have such a big resentment for singles, and Nioh just wanted to hold back his strength to fight Seigaku, but!

[Can you hit Yukimura's face casually?]

[I hurt Yukimura, can you afford it!]

Nioh is thankful for Higa.

Fortunately, Yukimura is superb, otherwise Higa

[Do you choose bankruptcy or bankruptcy?]

Nioh finally vaguely remembered the first impression he had left other schools in Higa other than tennis, and smiled badly.

"If we break a few racquets, it should be okay?"

He proposed an idea.

Liu's eyes lit up, and a stream of light flashed in his opened eyes.

"3:0, Kirihara Akaya takes the lead.

It's time for the change.

"Akaya, give you a task!"

Liu Junshi spoke gently to their second-year ace, whose eyes were turning red with anger.

"Understood, seniors!

Kirihaya held the racquet, looked firmly at the seniors who asked him, and gritted his teeth.

He Kirihara Akaya will not kill the fat man who dared to deliberately attack the minister during the game, he is not Rikkai's big choice!

Once again, Kirihaya stood on the side of the court with high spirits.

Tian Renzhihui has an ominous premonition.

But one-

"Huh, look at my big bang!"

He yelled.

But in an instant--

"I want to dye you red!"

………For flowers…

Kirihaya activated his special state.

Not the "Selfless State" as the public knows, but the "angelization" of the road he walked out!

The original black kelp head instantly turned white, and his skin color changed from white to red. Together with the invisible aura inspired by that moment, it gave everyone an extremely powerful sense of oppression.

The pupils of Kite in the players' stand off the court shrank suddenly!


The "Big Bang" was directly hit back by Kirihaya, who was instantly strengthened in the five dimensions.


The huge rebounding force caused the tennis ball to bounce high, and a ball hit the opposite wire fence!


The tennis ball broke through the barbed wire.

"15:0, Kirihara Akaya scored!"

Tian Renzhi, who hadn't even had time to pick up the ball, couldn't help but tremble slightly when Kirihaya yelled out the bat. The strong wind blowing by.

The sound of the tennis ball breaking through the barbed wire and landing brought him back to his senses.

Swallowing and spitting, Tian Renzhihui has unprecedented nervousness and fear!

[This feeling, I only

He has only experienced this feeling as if he is about to die in Kite!

And that's because of the bonus of bitter gourd!

Tian Ren Zhihui on the court was shocked, and Kite off the court also had a change of expression that could not be concealed for a moment.

He lowered his eyes, unable to see the emotions in his eyes.

It's just that Kai Yujiroh, who was next to him, saw that the muscles on Kite's arm were tight at that moment, and he faintly sensed the emotional changes in their heads.

For the first time, the Okinawan martial arts teenagers who came to Tokyo's national competition venue for the first time felt the strength of what is called "Sustainable Rikkai"!

"This is just the beginning."

Nioh stared at the situation over there, curled up the corners of his mouth, his eyes darkened slightly.

PS: There is no coach in Rikkai, only Minister Yukimura! So I tell you, there is a big deal in Higa!

Rikkai's great hatred reached its peak in an instant - Kirihara Akaya's "angelization" mode unlocked. Congratulations to Tian Renzhi for achieving the personal achievement of "I want to be dyed red by Kirihaya"! Congratulations to Kite for getting the full hostility from all members of Rikkai Taisho! (I think if he doesn't let Rikkai vent his anger, he really doesn't need to be confused at U17, so no matter what you see afterwards

Don't say I'm too cruel!)

PPS, (No. 22) Ahem, we will continue to update tomorrow, go to bed first! Work.

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