Prince of Tennis Nioh Phantom

Chapter 305 : Tough Sanada, Kite's curiosity

On the scoreboard, the big score has reached the point of 3:0.

Even if you don't look at the big score, just watch a single game, Rikkai has a string of six on the big side, and the poor zero, one, two in Higa,

"Will there be three points in the next game?"

Nioh dragged his chin with his hand and asked deliberately.

"Three points? Genichiro, this is really too lax."

Yukimura cooperated with his own staff.

He also just noticed that the scores obtained in the three previous games in Higa are so "interesting" and regular. If this continues, Rikkai is still the same six, then Higa will be

"Won't let up!"

"They don't even think about it!"

Sanada held back his anger and glared at Nioh and shouted.

Vice Minister Rikkai's voice was so loud, the voice spread to the audience, to the players' bench in Higa.

"It was confirmed in advance, the two opponents of Doubles One, Shinichiro Sanada is in it."

Rin Ping Guchang pulled the corners of his mouth stiffly, very thankful that he played doubles two.

Looking at Sanada's momentum alone, he feels deeply worried about his two teammates in doubles one.

"Sigh, what is it, even if the opponent is Rikkai who is good at kendo, we also have Shiranui Tomiya and Aragaki who are good at Okinawa martial arts!"

"Shiranui 980 is superb, and it takes a long time to stop breathing. Although Aragaki is in the second grade, his strength is much better than the remaining third grade members!"

Kai, the vice minister of Higa who just lost, encouraged the momentum.

However, his minister Kite Eishirou waved his hand to interrupt his speech--

"Stop talking, Kai."

"Let's see who is playing on Rikkai's side first."

[Who? Except Sanada, but also

Kai Yujiroh, who was facing his own members, looked back stiffly at the opponent who was standing in front of the net.

"Kuwahara Jackal!"

Seeing the other party's skin tone darker than their Higa picks, and the bald head that shone in the sun, Kai exclaimed in a low voice.

Although the Rikkai Taisho is not very prominent in the Rikkai team, his outstanding physical strength has long been heard by the tennis clubs of various schools.

[It’s troublesome. Originally, Sanada couldn’t deal with it.

Kai clenched his fists.

After the suffocating Sanada arrived at the start of the game, he began to attack without any temptation.

He thought that what Nioh said before don't give his opponents points is him, plus what Nioh mentioned before he went on the court, the regular zero, one, and two scoring in Higa.

"Don't think about it!

Sanada directly cast his anger on the doubles in Higa.

Sanada's offensive on the frontcourt was so brave that Kuwara in the backcourt played very easily.

Looking at Sanada who was almost one-on-two on the court, Yagyu Hiroshi gritted his teeth secretly.

[Deputy Minister, why couldn’t the doubles between you and me be so brave!]

Although it is a pleasure to work with Liu, who is willing to exert so much effort and sweat so much in a hot day!

That’s the tennis match you like, otherwise, why would you stand in the sun on a hot day?

Although Koichi Aragaki is the future minister of Higa, he can be regarded as an outstanding existence among second-year students, but facing Sanada, who is also regarded as a master at the proper national level, he has no time to handle it.


He tried hard to catch Sanada's "aggression like fire", and then was rushed to the racquet under Kuwabara's "sure enough" gaze.

Shiranui Chimi has strong stamina and can hold his breath underwater for a long time, but I am sorry that the tennis match is more than stamina. Even if it is better than endurance, Kuwabara, who is very relaxed on the backcourt on the other side of the net, is still waiting for him to hit the tennis backcourt.

Even with the doubles, Sanada's "Unmoving Like a Mountain" was launched and the frontcourt defense was almost impervious. In other words, the doubles in Higa are not strong enough to break Sanada's defense alone!

"Sanada Genichiro is really a tough person."

"So how did Minister Rikkai obey orders?"

Minister Kite, who has been steadily suppressing his vice minister and young tame and dyed, disciplined the members with incomparable means, is a little curious about Rikkai's internal management methods.

Kite Eishirou stopped following the game three minutes after the opening of the doubles.

He doesn't need to watch this game that has been lost. All he has to care about is the opponent he is about to play.

Kite looks in the direction of Rikkai--

"Seiichi Yukimura does not play, so the remaining positive draft is Nioh Masaharu."

"The strongest person in Rikkai doubles", this is the evaluation of Nioh Masaharu in the middle school tennis circle.

.It turned out to be quite regular!

However, judging from the previous Guandong youth election, his singles strength is not weak.

To be selected into the Kanto Youth Selection Team, his singles strength should be better than Marui Bunta in Rikkai.

"I don't know who is stronger than him or Sanada?"

Kite is more curious about Rikkai's internal management system.

If Nioh is not better than Sanada, wouldn't he be ashamed of Rikkai for playing singles?

But if Nioh is better than Sanada

"Isn't Rikkai also following the'strongest first"? Obeying the strong, is Sanada Genichiro's vice minister still firmly seated?"

Kite thought so, and then observed Sanada's level of strength.

In Sanada, who is playing hard and being suspected of being "unstable in the position of Rikkai Deputy Minister", the position of the Deputy Minister is actually very stable, because the other candidates in Rikkai University don’t want this appearance to be beautiful in fact. It's just sitting on the volcano.

Kirihaya, who has been calling Sanada's "Vice Minister", is actually just eyeing Sanada's strength. The position of the minister is what people look forward to!

The doubles game ended soon, because the players in Higa called for abstention.

Koichi Aragaki, who came to Tokyo for the first time, didn't hold on to the vigorous exercise under the hot sun, and Sanada's "aggression like fire" and other tennis skills.

"Aggression is like fire" is beyond the scope of ordinary tennis tactics.

Shiranui Tomiya swears with his vision of 2, 5 in both eyes that he really saw fire burning on the tennis and ball roads!

Even if it has a mental power bonus, that would be too bullying!

That kind of tennis is no longer what he can fight against tennis players like him who have good endurance but are still in the category of ordinary people.

Directly raised his hand and shouted to abstain, and the Shiranui heart who was carrying the younger generation on his back was very sad.

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