Prince of Tennis Nioh Phantom

Chapter 309 : Let's change another opponent

"The limit of tempering!"

Sanada slowly said the name of this realm.

"Shoujia, you should have recovered to your previous level and went further, right?"

He looked at the game and asked.

"Did you see it when Kanto Youth was elected, Sanada."

Shoujia Kunimitsu just stared at the court and did not answer directly, but other people had already got the answers they wanted from his words.

Shiraishi watched the game with a big smile, but he was already secretly vigilant.

In the past few years, the level of tennis in the middle and middle schools in the Kanto region has been rising year by year, but in the Kansai region, it has been worse every year.

Although the reason is that Rikkai added most of the eye-catching points to the Kanto region on both sides, but I have to admit that Seigaku and Hyotei are not to be taken lightly by Shitenhouji!

Thinking of this, Shiraishi had a headache.

[Are you lucky or unlucky in this draw? The lower half is not as big as Rikkai, but there are two major tennis schools, Seigaku and Hyotei. 1

[But Shitenhouji has Chitose and Xiaojin, so the strength is not the same. Even if you can't beat Rikkai, these two schools should be fine, right?]

Shitenhouji, who was beaten back by Rikkai in the semi-finals for two consecutive years, did not change his heart, and still intends to take the lead in this year's national competition.

On the court, Nioh phantoms the "Handsman", with white vigor on his left arm, which perfectly reproduces the state of the handicap Kunimitsu's tempered limit.

Kite Eishirou was caught off guard for a while.

"4:2, Nioh Masaharu is ahead!"

Unable to adapt to Nioh, who was able to double his strength at once, Kite lost his serve game again within a few minutes.

And to Nioh's serve bureau--

"Zero serve!"

If it is a zero-style serve that hasn't used thousands of hard work, I'm afraid Kite still has a chance to receive it.

But when the white vigor wrapped around the arm, the "Zero pose" seemed to be more than twice as fast!

In less than a blink of an eye, the tennis ball completed the process of landing and then rolling towards the net.

Kite's Shuchi method is completely useless at this time.

Chitose watched the game, his eyelids twitched several times.

[Really, fake!? Is the skill of Kunimitsu so powerful?]

Kintarou Tooyama's eyes were bright when looking at Shoujia, even the eyes of his own member Echizen Ryoma looked at him more wary.

"Zero serve" is just the beginning. Since Nioh has used "Nioh Phantom" in front of so many school elections, it is natural to show off his skills.

COS is to be the most perfect!

Waved racquet blankly, the whirlpool-like invisible energy appeared again!

"Hands in the field!

This is an even worse game for Kite.

The start of Shukuchi still needs him to move, and the "hands field" does not need to move too much, and the tennis ball will automatically fly to the appropriate trajectory!

"5:2, Nioh Masaharu is ahead!

It's still the last game!

After Nioh Phantom became Atobe, Kite couldn't keep up with the rhythm. When Nioh Phantom became the master of Kunimitsu, he was even more flustered.

Just looking at his hard-working hairstyle for an hour and fifteen minutes every day has become messy, you can see how far he was forced by Nioh.

Atobe's strong eyesight is very "irrational" at certain moments. Seeing the dead corner is a scoring goal; Kunimitsu's skills are almost all scoring efficiently.

"Really amazing,'Nioh Phantom'?"

Kite looked at Nioh out of breath.

Although a little embarrassed, the minister in Higa's eyes were shining.

[Are all martial arts practitioners so passionate?]

Nioh nodded slightly with the image of the cold family.

From this Okinawan martial arts teenager, he has always thought of his own deputy minister and Hyotei's heir to the minister; it seems that these two are also the kind of people who see the masters and their eyes shine.

"Wow, that's amazing! A big monster that can transform!"

Here, Xiaojin finally got rid of Shiraishi's "bad hands" and succeeded in getting Shitenhouji's minister to put his bandaged left hand off his head with three minutes of good performance.

"Senior Oshitari said that the fox fairy by the sea, let's fight a game later! With the three-eyed monster ahead, let's fight a game!"

Kintarou Tooyama yelled at the venue.

I don’t know if there is something wrong with his language comprehension ability or memory ability that has nothing to do with tennis.

As Nioh’s teammates, Kirihara Akaya and Marui Bunta were holding back laughs. Liu has already written, if there is a god, he has written a page.

"Then how about I change your opponent again, Kite?"

Nioh's voice seemed to be coming from the sky, a little ethereal.

But Yukimura and Yanagyu knew that this was a prelude to his preparations.

"We Kanto people are very hospitable. Higa COSCO will come here for a visit. Naturally, we will let you experience more outstanding players."

After saying this, the outline of the "Phantom Hand's House" was filled with white mist, and in a trance, the person on the court had become a figure that Kintarou Tooyama couldn't be more familiar with!

Ding Zi's brown hair, slightly curled short hair, yellow-green formal dress, and white bandage on his left arm

". "Shiraishi! It's Shiraishi!"

Oshitari Ken also snapped the railing. He completely ignored his own image and came to Shitenhouji for nearly three years. The Kansai teenager has "evolved" to a terrifying point.

"I know this is your minister Shiraishi Kuranosuke, but didn't you say'Kanto"?"

Oshitari of Hyotei struggled with this problem, and was very comfortable with Nioh's replacement of a "phantom" character.

"But'Nioh Phantom' is indeed a great weapon for singles! Although it is also very useful on doubles

"Hey, Kenya, I told you a long time ago that the new force that appeared in the Kanto region this year is the strongest! Will transform, do you have it in Kansai? This is not a simple imitation! You will imitate your teammates. Is it comparable?"

Regardless of the fact that Nioh, who had exposed some of the singles' strengths, was classified as a "new force", Oshitari Yuushi, who was arguing with his cousin, didn't notice that his image (good money) was almost collapsed.

Not in a hurry, running and swinging, just a few ordinary rounds let Kite experience the different tricks from before.

Although Shitenhouji and Shitenhouji belong to the same Kansai region, they have never played a game between the two ministers.

"Without football skills, you can do this kind of fox!"

Kite, who was sweating profusely, was suppressed, but his spirit was extremely high.

"How could Minister be suppressed so much?!

Tian Renzhihui couldn't believe it for a while.

"No, it's Rikkai's eldest fellow'Phantom' that became too fast, Eishirou couldn't figure out his opponent's play for a while."

Kai watched attentively, and Saotome, who hadn't paid attention to her "guard" at all, sneaked away while they were all watching the game seriously.

PS: Regarding the two Oshitari, the image of the Tucao service has been further exposed. I personally find it very interesting. I have some time to write about the two of them talking on the phone. Don't worry, it will not affect the text~.

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