Prince of Tennis Nioh Phantom

Chapter 327 : Break the psychological line of defense, the rolling is over


Accompanied by the swing work, the tennis ball broke through.

The tennis ball passed through the air, and there was a loud noise in the air.

Liliadent Krauser's first doubles Ribera and Hippert wiped the cold sweat on their foreheads together, and they looked at their teammates on the court with full sympathy and compassion.

On weekdays, although I always argue with Mullan about which set of doubles is the first doubles, I want to compare who is the strongest, and I even want to verify who is the strongest doubles combination through this national competition; But at this time Ribera and Hiport looked at each other and found that their partners had reached a consensus.

The strongest doubles and the strongest players are definitely in Rikkai!

Who said that the level of Japan's tennis industry is not good?

Rikkai is at such a level, it is also an absolute leader abroad!

They didn't play, but they knew that their strength was half a catastrophe compared to Mulan and Carloszes. The two even hoped that Liliadent Krauser, who played after a certain moment, would lose the singles game, because then they don't have to. Appeared in search of abuse

However, they are still relatively clear-headed, and their previous thoughts are just forgotten in an instant.

"I'm going to warm up and prepare for the next game."

Liliadent Krauser's first-year student said coldly 990.

Liliadent Liliadent Krauser lowered his extremely long eyelashes, allowing them to cast a little shadow on his face. He glanced at Rikkai's big player seat one last time, and then turned away without saying goodbye to the seniors.

Mikhailov did not stop him, and the relationship between the predecessors of foreign players is not as rigid as Japan's. The strength of Zangmizu is enough to give him a great voice in the tennis club, even if he is only a first-year student.

What's more, if you don't deceive yourself, all Liliadent Krauser candidates are ready to lose this game!

Even Mulan and Carlozes on the court are thinking about how much to win a game and lose less embarrassingly.

The mental changes of the opponents were immediately discovered by Nioh, who is good at double observation.

"Did you admit defeat early?"

He said.

The corners of his lips curled up, Nioh stepped to the right and hit back in time the tennis ball that wanted to "slide out" of his defense.

Mulan's golf quotient is good, even in the face of a losing situation, he still retains a bit of calmness.

He seemed impatient on the outside, but he was still calm in his heart. Knowing that he would never score a point if he was irritable, he tried to make Nioh underestimate the enemy with the help of his emotional disguise, so that he scored a spin.

But he didn't know that Yanagi Renji was as cold and ruthless as facing the opponent's data, and Nioh had already seen the "real actor" a long time ago.

Mulan's performance is not inferior, but his eyes are erratic, and his facial expression is not natural enough with a little stiffness

Such acting skills can't fool Nioh.

"5:0, Rikkai Dai Nioh and Yoo are ahead!"

After seeing his final tricks and deceptions, Mulan's eyes flashed with despair.

Never thought that I would lose so badly!

"Isn't even one round impossible? Just one round is enough!"

There was a look of hideousness on his face, which is a common look on the faces of players who have entered a desperate situation.

Nioh has seen many people show this look, and even he himself has had such an unbearable look in the memory that has been blurred for most of the time.

However, on the court, the victory or defeat must be decided. It is impossible to give up the victory because of the feeling of a moment. Only by winning can you be worthy of your previous hard training and the trust of your teammates.

Near the final of the national competition, Nioh, who likes to sigh in his heart more and more, waved his arm quickly without hesitation.

The opponent's psychological defense has been broken, and the next round will be smoother.


"15:0, Rikkai, Nioh and Yoo score!"

With the start of this ball, the rhythm of the game began to change again.

Take advantage of his illness and kill him!

Don't take advantage of the opponent's current depression and panic (bhci) to quickly end the game, shouldn't you wait for the opponent to turn the corner to make a breakthrough with high morale?

Although Nioh feels that Mulan and Carlozes will never be able to complete the comeback even if they have completed the critical juncture, but he has never been a good person to help others improve their strength.

The fox is a very cunning creature and also very short-term. Only treat partners sincerely

As soon as he stepped on his feet, Nioh jumped into the air.

In the opponent's slightly fearful eyes, with a wave of his arm, racquet hit the tennis ball.


The tennis ball broke through the resistance of the wind in the air and flew towards Carlozes with a stern sound of breaking through the air.

Carlozes only had time to see Nioh swing his racket, and in the next instant he realized that the tennis ball had flown over the net.

Although he is now leaning to the backcourt, so there is still time to respond in an emergency, but this time is not enough for him to do more, and he can only rush to respond.

"too heavy "


Racquet held a stalemate with the tennis ball for two seconds, and then fell to the ground with the tennis ball.

The yellow tennis ball left a pitch-black mark on the court floor, showing the strength of that ball.

Carlozes looked at the corners of Nioh's mouth, and his heart kept chilling.

He was sweating all over, but his heart was as cold as he was in the cold winter. In the face of such a powerful enemy, I simply don't want to continue fighting for a moment!

The little resistance that had been born out of grief and anger was once again wiped out, and the cooperation between Carloszes and Mulan became more and more rigid.

Liu naturally would not let go of this good opportunity.

He saw Mulan and Carloszes separate the two sides of the court, seizing the opportunity to play toward the middle.

Too late to make up for the defensive loopholes, Mullan and the two can only watch the last ball land.

"6:0, Rikkai Dai Nioh and Yoo win!"

From beginning to end, without giving the opponent any chance to counterattack or respite, bit by bit abruptly grind away the mind. It is still a firm opponent's fighting spirit Nioh and Liu left Liliadent Krauser's doubles with an indelible nightmare in this life. Memories!

"If I can, I would rather play hundreds of rounds with other school doubles. I don't want to play a tennis match with them anymore!"

Mulan wiped the sweat from his face, and said in fear and fear.

"Liliadent Krauser, you have to be careful about the opponent's singles two, I am afraid it will be a very tricky opponent!"

As a teammate, Mulan kindly reminded.

After losing the game, he sincerely hopes that their trump card can set back Rikkai's spirit.

"I will."

A short answer was left in the wind.

With long golden hair flying over the shoulders, Zangmian held the racquet, blinked his eyes and moved his eyelashes, hiding the fiery fighting intent in his eyes, regaining his usual indifferent eyes, and walked towards the contestant aisle.

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