Prince of Tennis Nioh Phantom

Chapter 330 : Kirihaya's power, strength shocked

Moved quickly and ran out of a remnant.

Kirihaya is determined to win beautifully, so his speed exploded in an all-round way!

Liliadent Krauser is fast, but Kirihaya is faster!


The action of swinging in the blink of an eye is completed.

Liliadent Krauser's face changed with the sound of heavy hitting.

His expectation is to use the tennis ball to complete the "Torture of the Cross", which is to use the ground rotation of the tennis ball to hit the opponent's abdomen, causing him to be smashed into the wire fence under the huge momentum of the tennis ball.

But now he found that he seemed to have miscalculated.

Can he hit Kirihaya?

Zangmizu's face was a bit ugly, but he immediately reacted to Kirihaya's return of the ball and caught up!

He rushed towards the tennis ball's landing spot.

At the moment when the tennis ball was about to bounce, Zangmuza waved the racquet.


The sound of the tennis ball reached the ears.

His body instantly stiffened, and his racquet was swept away!

The bounced tennis ball was completely unexpected. In other words, the tennis ball did not bounce directly. Instead, it slid a few centimeters to the left against the ground and flew to the side.

And the tennis ball that flew out was weird, directly away from Liliadent Krauser's racquet.

"15:0, Rikkai and Kirihaya score!

It bounced and landed again, it's not over yet.

After announcing Kirihaya's score, Liliadent Krauser watched the tennis ball fly to the barbed wire.


There was a sound of scalp numbness.

The tennis ball was spinning on the barbed wire, and then wrapped in a huge momentum, breaking through the barbed wire!

It's not just a matter of breaking a hole, that ball made a crack in the wire fence!

The Liliadent Krauser candidates were originally happy, but at this time they felt that their blood was about to coagulate.

"How can it be so strong!"

"How much effort is needed for this!"

Mikhailov was dumbfounded.

You know, Kirihaya's ball didn't hit the barbed wire directly.

The tennis ball first lands, then bounces, and then it spins and cracks on the wire fence!

In this process, the original strength should have been eliminated a lot, but it is such a ball, but it can still open a hole on the wire fence!

"It's over, Liliadent Krauser will definitely lose!"

No one thinks about turning around with Liliadent Krauser's tricks anymore, because the facts are there.

Although Liliadent Krauser's ball can break the wire fence, it must be played directly against the wire fence. And Kirihaya's ball has experienced a bounce and a buffer, but it can achieve a stronger effect than the direct ball of the Tibetan seat.

"How about it, how does it compare to the move you haven't played yet?"

Kirihaya pretended to question.

He could see the intention of hiding the seat, but now he has no patience to take a ball and try the effect of that move in person.

With a low weight and a ready posture, Kirihaya confidently waited for his opponent's next serve.

As Marui said before, Kirihaya has no chance of losing anyway!

Liliadent Krauser's tennis strength and skills are equally important, but Kirihaya's strength and skills surpass Liliadent Krauser too much!

The tennis ball galloped hurriedly and landed in a beautiful arc under Liliadent Krauser's glaring eyes.

Liliadent Krauser felt his heart beating violently, like a machine being overloaded. He tried to calm himself down, trying to find the flaw in Kirihaya.

But what made him helpless was that Kirihaya quickly and decisively returned each of his goals. But I often can't get back the ball from Kirihaya!

"2:1, Rikkai and Kirihaya lead!"

A little more than three minutes, the game is over.

As the person who was taken down from the serve game, Zangmuza had very little sweat on his body. This is all "thanks" to Kirihaya's quick fight!

Although his stamina was not consumed a lot, Zang Mizuo's face was forced by him to become a little pale. It was an expression of ineffectiveness in the face of absolute strong resistance.

Kirihaya is now completely unaffected by others.

After playing the game just now, he quickly entered the state just thinking that he wanted to play this game perfectly, so that he could please his seemingly angry seniors.

How to make Rikkai's senior drafters satisfied with the game?

In Kirihaya's heart, there has always been only one answer, that is, to win the game, to win perfectly! Crush the opponent to win!

Kirihaya was in a terrifying state, and Liliadent Krauser was under great pressure just standing on the court.

That kind of pressure even gave him a sense of breath!

Just like after climbing a mountain, the air is thin and hard to breathe, Liliadent Krauser feels his breathing becomes short.

Kirihaya's mental power is coordinating with his actions and spreading the audience.

Every time Kirihaya scores a point, his aura is even better!

And every time Liliadent Krauser loses a point, his aura declines by a point!

"3:1, Rikkai and Kirihaya lead!"

"4:1, Rikkai and Kirihaya lead!"

"5:1, Rikkai and Kirihaya lead!"

The time it takes Kirihaya to win the next round is getting shorter and shorter.

From the first three minutes or so, to about one minute now!

If it wasn't for serving or something, it would take time, Kirihaya would have ended 990 competitions long ago!

"Akaya's tennis is becoming more and more oppressive."

Liu looked at the game with joy.

He watched Liliadent Krauser just hang on the net with a serve, and then felt the slightly overflowing spirit on the court. The more he looked at Kirihaya, the more satisfied he became.

Kirihaya scores faster and faster, and the tennis offensive is getting more and more fierce, coupled with the seemingly non-interference of mental power, which makes Liliadent Krauser panic.

The sense of rhythm is completely in Kirihaya's hands.

Tsangmunza is anxious to serve, but because his heart is too nervous, he will serve mistakes instead!

He barely calmed his mind, gritted his teeth and simply sent a normal ball.

Did not use too much force, did not apply too much rotation, just a flat ball, but the most common.

Probably the only advantage of this ball is that it is not easy to make mistakes!

Although he is only in the first grade, Liliadent Krauser knows how to make choices. He knows that he will be easy to get on the Internet if he blindly strongly serve.

Kirihaya can easily hit the ball back, he knows, but that is what will happen later! What he has to guarantee now is the success of his serve!

Cold sweat dripped from his forehead, and Liliadent Krauser finally watched his serve pass the net.

His fingers are shaking, obviously he is not afraid, but the hand he is holding is shaking.

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