Prince of Tennis Nioh Phantom

Chapter 336 : The round table meeting that successfully concluded

"But I will try my best.

After saying this, Yukimura gave his deputy minister a look of "I'm finished, now it's your turn".

Sanada felt that he really couldn't bear it this time, but he really couldn't blame Yukimura.

How painful it was that Yukimura was sick!

Sanada felt that he could no longer remind Yukimura of his previous experience of a serious illness.

So I was about to bleed with anger in my heart, Sanada still reluctantly appeared as if nothing had happened--

"I will beat the hand! I will beat him by a big score!'

"I will definitely let him step into the abyss of defeat!"

Sanada cheered up and announced loudly.

Kirihaya showed a touch of expression on her face, and clapped her applause very cooperatively.

"Sanada, Yukimura is very pleased if you think so."

Nioh clapped immediately.

"It's not just me, everyone will win by a big score!

Sanada showed his aura as the Deputy Minister of Rikkai and spoke to the candidates.

His voice is loud and contagious. Although the content is not so rich, it does speak to everyone's hearts.

Kirihaya flushed with excitement, wishing to start the game now. Even Marui and Kuwana were infected by this atmosphere.

But Yukimura met Nioh silently.

Although Yukimura felt that his previous sudden illness was a painful thing, he was not the kind of person who couldn't get out of the painful memories of the past. What's more, his condition has long since healed. The number of places he played in the previous games compared to the 993 game was pushed down several times by himself with the reason of "unhealed".

Nioh seemed to interrupt him to compete with Sanada before, but is the truth really as simple as the surface?

Yukimura felt that although his members were a little looser on the surface and disobedient to the organization, they were essentially good members with comprehensive capabilities and caring for the collective.

In Yukimura's mind, Nioh is not simply a person who just went to Sanada for nothing.

So, is it the problem with Seigaku's singles one player this time?

Yukimura tentatively gave Nioh a questioning look.

According to Liu's data, and the silent tacit understanding between Rikkai and Seigaku, it is basically possible to mutually determine the first player of the other side, that is, the singles trio selected.

It is precisely because Rikkai can basically determine that Kunimitsu will appear in singles three, and Sanada will determine his playing position.

So in this way, singles is absolutely impossible to be a hand. Fuji Syusuke is more likely to be singles two!

"Echizen Ryoma?"

Yukimura pressed her mouth and said the name silently.

Liu quietly opened his eyes.

This time, without Sanada and Atobe losing one after another under Echizen's racquet, Yukimura and Yoo couldn't imagine how Echizen Ryoma's strength would reach on the day of the final.

In fact, even if Sanada was defeated in the final of the Kanto Contest in the previous life, Atobe was also defeated in the national competition. At that time, the Rikkai members had always believed in Yukimura's strength. No one had thought that Seigaku's first-year student suddenly turned on. The realm of "seamless"!

Nioh blinked slowly at Yukimura, then looked away.

No need to add much, just let Yukimura pay more attention to Echizen.

Seiichi Yukimura, who has recovered from his illness a long time ago, is "seamlessly clothed" facing Echizen Nanjiro. It can be said that he will definitely lose, but facing a "little samurai" who is "seamlessly clothed"

No, maybe Echizen Ryoma still can't turn on "Seamlessly"!

However, there is also a possibility that Echizen's small pillar has become stronger with the help of his hand. After all, he now has a minister who has recovered well and can play with him every day.

Nioh actually doesn't know Echizen's current strength.

Don't look at him now, it seems like "I know everything but I just don't say it", but Nioh knows in his heart that he only has a little knowledge of the future!

Instead of saying all that misled the teammates, it's better to just remind them and say nothing!

So Nioh, who has always been smart and self-aware, closed his eyes and rested under Liu's persecuting gaze as he was about to lift the table.

Yanagi Renji looked at his teammates who pretended to be closed eyes, and really wanted to grab him by the collar and give him a questioning roar!

Have any news, just tell me!

What does it mean to stop at the beginning!

Liu Yi, who didn't get the data he wanted, was itchy for a while.

And Sanada's passionate and righteous mobilization remarks were finally finished. He was still serious on the surface, but in fact, he was up and down, for fear that Yukimura asked him to make a military order on the spot.

Yukimura was still immersed in the deep expression of Nioh's eyes.

I have said many times before. The Minister of Rikkai University loves painting and is rich in art, so he is very good at brain replenishment.

A look in Nioh Masaharu's eyes, he can add a large paragraph of (bhci) text based on his own understanding!

[Do you need to be careful about that little guy Echizen?]

[Does Masaharu think I will lose? No, he doesn't mean that!]

Yukimura thought and thought, and felt that she finally figured it out.

He recalled what Chitose said when he took the members to watch the Shitenhouji and Seigaku game.

[Shoujia, is he the closest person to'Seamless'?]


[The founder of "Seamless" is Echizen Nanjiro! Echizen Ryoma is his offspring, the tennis player he has cultivated since childhood!]

Maybe even Nioh hasn't realized that the tacit understanding between him and Yukimura is not inferior to those doubles partners who can "homology".

Yukimura perfectly understood the meaning of Nioh's glance!

Whether it's "blind cat and dead mouse" or really "knowledgeable", the minister of Rikkai feels that he can't wait to have a game with Echizen.

That's the legendary "seamless clothes"!

Except for "Samurai Nanjiro", no one can reach the highest level of tennis in the legend!

"I want to win!"

Putting her hands on the table, Yukimura stood up, startled Liu who was still resentful and Sanada who was still in ambition.

"I will win!

Whether it is "seamless" or not, Yukimura believes that he will never lose!

"Rikkai must win all five games!'

"It's fate to win even battles, Rikkai's three in a row--"

"There are no dead ends!"

There seemed to be a fire burning in her purple-blue eyes. It was the flame of war to complete her mission at all costs, and it was Yukimura's obsession that had accumulated over the past three years.

In the Rikkai Grand Tennis Club, apart from Nioh, probably no one has a deeper obsession than Seiichi Yukimura.

And even Nioh himself has to admit that even if he is now, his obsession with Rikkai's third consecutive hegemony is only in balance with Yukimura's obsession!

"Rikkai's big three in a row has no dead ends!"

The swearing ceremony came to an end at this moment.

Regardless of their previous thoughts, at this moment, the teenagers in the khaki formal dress have only the only goal of "three consecutive hegemony" in their hearts!

"Then everyone, go for the last time training."

Yukimura ordered with satisfaction.

So the Rikkai Taisho elections, who had just finished the ceremony, had not yet calmed down, so they went to the venue to train dizzy.

Liu held the racquet and gritted his teeth while listening to Kirihaya's babble about the finals - Yukimura! Nioh! I haven't explained what your mystery about Seigaku's singles is!

The Liu Junshi who did not get the data was extremely frustrated.

The deputy minister of Rikkai University was fighting against the five serve machines. Because only in this way can he vent his inner anger!

PS: Equal exchange, open opinions, and negotiate together! Believe me, Rikkai is really super democratic~

PPS: I don't care! The list of finalists in the national competition is the list of finalists in the original book!! You have to win it back for me!

The cold is getting more serious, but I can hold it! Minister Yukimura is the best, and he will definitely win! How can the perfection stop Rikkai from being in a row!!! Even if it’s a handiworker Echizen Fuji Atobe Shiraishi Toyama Kite together Team Rikkai, winning is also the big Rikkai!!! A minor illness can't prevent the update, the next chapter will start! (Before that, everyone

Good night e_e).

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