Prince of Tennis Nioh Phantom

Chapter 338 : The third singles, Sanada vs. Shoujia!

"The first game of the national competition, the third singles one-"

The display card lights up.

Today's game is also the semi-final venue of Shitenhouji and Seigaku.

After the baptism of heavy rain, there still seems to be a natural breath in the air.

"Seigaku, the hand."

Seigaku's minister turned out to be singles three?!

Somewhere, Kite raised his hand and pushed his glasses.

Seigaku is thinking about winning the first game and improving morale? If Rikkai doesn't give a list of players of the corresponding level, then it will be a big loss!

Kite Eishirou secretly nodded his head for Seigaku's practice, and it was indeed an excellent practice for victory.

"Rikkai is big, Sanada."

E, maybe now

The results of the singles three match, which was originally a little clear because of the player's appearance, became confusing again.

Kite didn't know that Rikkai Yama and Seigaku had formed a faint understanding before, and they had roughly guessed their opponents since "Nine-Nine-Three". Now he just wants to enjoy this tennis feast before returning to Kyushu!

"Seigaku! Fighting!"

In response to Seigaku's support, Shoujia walked out of the contestant channel.

The minister of Seigaku shoulders the expectation of winning the first game.Although coach Ryūzaki is worried that Echizen will not be there in time, she still asks again and again before the player comes on the field--

"We must guarantee the victory of the game! Don't drag on!'

Rather than believing that Rikkai's big Sanada will give the hand a chance to drag it down, it is better to believe in the speed of Atobe's helicopter.

After the Kanto youth election, coach Ryūzaki has always been vigilant about Rikkai University.

"One game decides the winner, Rikkai Dasanada serve!"

Very good, the first round is Rikkai's big serve round.

Sanada felt that he was about to burn before the game, and standing on the court at this time, he felt the blood flowing under every inch of his body's skin is boiling!

"Come on, Shoujia!"

Sanada yelled.

"It's as fast as the wind!"

This is Sanada’s commonly used serve technique, and it often becomes a nightmare for some players at night, because not only can they not catch the tennis, but Sanada can’t even see the movements of the racket.

But at this moment, if those people can appear on the scene, they will find that Sanada's swing speed is faster at this time!

"Sanada's strength data will finally be fully revealed!"

Liu watched the game and constantly altered his notebook.

His latest update of Sanada's tennis strength data was in the main draw at the beginning of school, but there was no update for the latest data for a while.

"Liu, don't you go to warm up?"

"Sanada is going to make a quick battle."

Nioh was not surprised to see Kunimitsu, the player on the court, hit the ball back. He was still talking to Yanagi Renji in a calm tone.

"Wait a moment, at least let me see halfway through the game."

Now is just the beginning, the real fierce competition is yet to come.

Liu Ke didn't want to miss it.

"The handicraft field has appeared!"

"Come on, Minister!"

Seigaku got excited over there.

The invisible Qi Jin surrounded it, sucking the tennis ball like a magnet, and guiding the tennis ball closer to the ground.

Shoujia is already familiar with his own field. His steps moved, but he never got out of the circle.

"Aggression is like fire!

Sanada also didn't want to win the serve game with a trick "speed like wind". Because if he could simply win a round, his opponent would not have beaten him twice in a row!

The imposing tennis ball rushed past.

But even with such a powerful ball, it did not get rid of the adsorption power of the "hands' field". Tennis is like a drop of water flowing into a river and then into the ocean. It merges into the scope of the field and cannot break free.

It seems that Sanada’s "aggression like fire" has no effect.

"It's not useless! The strength is too strong, the hand has already begun to use the'limit of thousands of tempers'!"

Chitose in the audience became excited.

"Thousands of tempers" is not as dazzling as the original "Selfless State", it just emits light around the white Qi Jin on a certain part of the body.

Carefully observe the left arm of the hand. When Sanada hit the "fire", his arm was surrounded by ray of white light.

The white vigor exuded more and more conspicuous light, and the hand sank in his heart.

Sanada's strength exceeded his expectations. Is "aggression like fire" already so strong?

"This is just the beginning, Shoujia!"

Sanada gets more and more excited as he plays, he can't wait to play his unavailable skills.

But the timing is still a bit short, wait a minute, it will be the best time soon!

"Does Sanada want to break through the Shou family's realm head-on? But even if it is'aggression like fire', it is impossible to break the Shou family's realm!"

Inui Sadaharu constantly analyzes the game on court.

"No, Sadaji, look at the feet of Shoujia again."

Fuji's face is serious

Shoujia has been walking in a circular pace, and the circle under his feet has not been deformed, so it was useless to attract everyone's attention before. But when Inui Sadaharu looked at Tezuka's feet, he finally realized something was wrong!

"The circle is constantly expanding, and the movement range of the hand is getting larger!"

"This is because Sanada's "aggression is like fire" and "its disease is like wind" are too strong. As a result, even with the increase of "the limit of tempering," the hand can't use the field safely and stay in that small area. In the area!"

Dry eyes widened.

"But the game is still in the controllable stage, the hand's "thousands of tempers" can suppress Sanada's "Fenglin Volcano"!"

Judging from the current game, it is indeed the hand that has the advantage.

But the next moment, his thoughts were completely shaken by the facts.

The advantage of "threatening and tempering" really cannot be ignored. Even if the hand only uses it on his left arm, isn't this realm just compressing the power of "non-self" in one place?

Waving his big arm, the hand found a chance to score.

Under the blessing of the first door without me, the speed of the swing of the hand is almost out of the afterimage, plus he originally grabbed the dead corner of Sanada.

"Moving like thunder!"

Shoujia's eyes saw a flash of thunder.

Then he heard the sound of a tennis ball landing.

The sound comes from his own half.

"Couldn't Sanada have new moves in the past three years?"

Yukimura felt the eyes from all directions and wanted to laugh a little.

Those people wouldn't think that the deputy minister of Rikkai University wanted to use the four tricks of "Wind Lin Huo 2.8 Mountain" to be old enough?

"Just like the hand's sealed the'no-self', Sanada has been sealing the'thunder'!"

"This trick--"

"Moving at almost the speed of light like a thunder."

Liu said, turning over a page of notes.

"That thunder-like ball that is almost at right angles to the curve will knock your opponent down to the abyss of failure!"

Although it is far from enough to deal with Yukimura and Nioh, it should be useful to deal with other people.

However, for the hand, he should soon give his solution!

Liu continued to write in the notebook.

He instinctively felt that his vice minister’s trick was about to be immediately deciphered in the public life, but he did not worry at all.

Because there is no need to worry.

Sanada's trump card is not this anymore!

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