Prince of Tennis Nioh Phantom

Chapter 351 : Six-fold counterattack, Yukimura's indulgence

The third round is Nioh's serve round.

Seigaku's supporters looked worried, because the hand-made zero-serve serve was really hard for Fuji to resist. They are extremely heartbroken--their own minister's tricks are used to deal with their own players, which is really shameful!

On the court, Fuji Syusuke has a completely different view than everyone else.

Although Fuji was provoked by Nioh, he still maintained the basic calmness necessary to be a tennis player.

He quickly analyzed Nioh's previous series of actions in his mind, from the hostility of entering the field to the crushing of the first round to the game just now. Seigaku's genius smiled in his heart.

With Nioh Masaharu's character, he will not use "zero serve" in the serve game this time!

Then, here comes the opportunity!

"Dragonfly Illusion of Six Counterattack."

This is the fourth counterattack developed by Fuji, which is dedicated to resolving the opponent's tennis spin.

Kunimitsu is good at using rotation, so Nioh will naturally not give up the use of rotation when serving, so one-


Originally due to the "limit of hard work", the nearly double rotation force exerted on the tennis ball was cancelled out!

Instead of forcibly catching the ball directly, Fuji just used his own ball feel and his flexible wrist to apply his own rotation along with the force of the rotation.

Use 000 soft to overcome the rigidity, follow the trend, and then offset the two!

The huge force that almost shattered the wrist became nothingness, and all the rotation disappeared!

A loud noise--


Fuji called back this serve.

Yukimura looked at the game, her expression of appreciation.

The serve of Nioh just now didn't use the serve skills that can score an ACE, but it is not easy to deal with.

"Sweet Zone" serve, plus Nioh imitates the rotation of the hand

Fuji's ability to smoothly resolve with his fourth hit is enough to make Yukimura look at this Seigaku genius in a different light.

No wonder my staff attached so much importance to this game.

Yukimura thought about Nioh's unusual attitude at the beginning of the game, and felt that he understood his feelings a little bit. Seigaku's genius does have great potential in tennis, and it should not be overemphasized.

But even if you need to pay attention to Seigaku

[I will not lose, even if Seigaku's small pillar opens up the realm of "seamlessness"!]

Minister Rikkai looked at Seigaku's direction and rubbed his fist tightly.

Yukimura is still brooding about Nioh's suggestive remarks at the morale-boosting meeting (bhcj) before the game.

Did his staff actually think he would lose?!

If other people think so, Yukimura doesn't count until now. But the kind of hint is Nioh, Nioh, who is so strong in tennis, has already opened the "different dimension" Nioh.

A fierce color flashed in the blue-purple eyes, and Yukimura was determined to play a game with Echizen to prove his strength as the Minister of Rikkai.

Otherwise, his own members would worry about the victory or defeat of their game-Yukimura didn't want the worry of his teammates at all!


Yukimura said while sitting on the coach's bench.

Liu, Sanada and others looked over and thought that the second-year students who Yukimura called them Rikkai must have something important to say.

But the next moment after Yukimura spoke, they, including Kirihaya himself, thought they were hearing hallucinations!

"Go to Echizen, fight him, or show him your tricks!!

"In short, help him restore his memory as soon as possible. I am looking forward to playing a game with him."

Yukimura said, smiling.

However, his deputy minister immediately showed a look of shock, and before the party Kirihaya could speak, he first confirmed--


Sanada really hopes that Echizen Ryoma can restore his memory and play a game with Yukimura.

Of course, he did this not for Seigaku, nor for his hand, but for Rikkai and Yukimura.

In the eyes of Sanada, Rikkai's three-tiered dominance would be taken by Nioh in this singles second. But Sanada does not hope that this year's Rikkai national competition will be flawed.

Every Rikkai Taisho election is a perfectionist in a sense.

Sanada hopes that Yukimura can beat Seigaku's first grade head-on perfectly, instead of letting the singles end with Seigaku abandoning the game!

But because the members have been tossing, Sanada, whose emotional intelligence has risen a little bit, is still worried. He knows that his dedication to his hand makes his teammates criticize (not just criticize), and it is not him who has played against Echizen Ryoma before, but Kirihara Akaya.

Kirihaya has his own personal thoughts and wishes. Sanada does not want to use the power of the deputy minister to force his younger generation to help the opponent's first grade-that is really a "rebellion to the enemy"!

Kirihaya's own wishes are obvious. If it weren't for someone to persuade him, he would never help Echizen. Because he had repeatedly expressed his anger to those who followed Echizen Ryoma.

So Sanada kept silent while watching other schools keep people leaving. After all, it was not him who had played with Echizen, but his junior, otherwise he would have left.

But Sanada never thought that Yukimura would take the initiative to speak about this, which made the deputy minister of Rikkai feel ashamed and feel the support from his friends--

"I think so!

Sanada's eyes are piercing.

He finished speaking, looked at Kirihaya and then ordered.

"Akaya! You must remember the previous game with Echizen Ryoma, copy that game as much as possible, and help Echizen remember how to play tennis!"

Sanada said loudly, who thought he was supported by Young Tamer.

"Yes! Minister, Deputy Minister!

Kirihaya tried to maintain a serious expression and responded loudly.

He rushed out immediately after getting a satisfied expression from his deputy minister.

The second-year juniors of the Intuition Department have already noticed some bad signals in the air.

And the high EQ Rikkai Taisho selected Marui at this time, very fortunate that Nioh played slowly, because of this, he and Kuwabara were able to stay in the players' bench to watch the game and see the scene of his deputy minister doing death again!

Deputy Minister Rikkai's emotional intelligence is really not saved, it is as low as ever!

Liu lowered his head to pretend to record Fuji's data, and raised his mouth. He felt that he could look forward to the daily life of the tennis club after Sanada.

There are some things that a qualified deputy minister can't say directly. Sanada's expression of interest in Seigaku's small pillars so eagerly will inevitably make everyone think, especially Yukimura, who is very good at this approach.

I don’t know what else Minister Yukimura, who loves brain supplements, came up with, smiling so brilliantly, it’s really rare. You know, Yukimura's most smiles are usually just smiles. Liu Sheng raised his hand to support his glasses, thinking that it would be better for him to remain silent as always!

PS: Sanada, he, he is dead again!

I think he turned out to be constantly dying in the finals of the Kanto Contest and the National Contest! So, when I arrived at the new Wang Wang, I realized that it was not that he did it deliberately, but that his emotional intelligence was low.

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