Prince of Tennis Nioh Phantom

Chapter 357 : In fact, halfway

The white soft light connects Marui and Kuwana together.

The mental powers of the two were intertwined, reaching the same frequency, and they kept shaking slightly and silently.

The stimulation of the "homology" state and self-control are completely different things. The coherence of self-control actually requires the players to make great efforts to achieve this thing that I don't know if there will be a result.

Simply, Marui and Kuwabara had already accomplished this.

They are already familiar with this "homology" state.

Because of Nioh, a terrifying teammate with high mental power, and daily practice of the skill of "Nioh Phantom" forced coherence, Kuwabara himself had a pitifully low mental power parabola-rising.

Although, in the end, it did not rise to a very high level, and it has almost reached the bottleneck, but it can support the "homology" trick!

And the basic tacit understanding still has the strength

To be honest, Marui and Kuwana are not bad at this, they are bad at basic mental power!

Kuwabara, whose mental power finally reached the standard proposed by his teammates, released his mental power in the backcourt.

Smooth and continuous, his mental strength is very stable, just as stable as his defense.

It would be terrible to use this kind of mental power to induce tennis moves, because this kind of "stability" means "dullness" in other words!

But that’s okay, isn’t there a “sluggish” senior in the Rikkai Grand Tennis Club?

Although Kuwabara knew that his basic mental power was really incomparable to that of the predecessor, he only needed those mental powers that could satisfy the "homology" to be satisfied!


Marui waved.

The tennis ball rolled on the wire of the net and then fell onto Seigaku's half court.

"Walking a tightrope" is still a trick that can score under opponents.

Even in the face of "simultaneous" opponents, the genius and tricks used at the right time are not so easy to crack!

Kikumaru was completely helpless facing Marui.

His basic strength was originally lower than Marui, and coupled with Rikkai's large pair of homophonic doubles, his dominant is actually the seemingly lively and innocent Marui Bunta!

"Wen Tai is not so careless on the surface.

Yukimura's eyebrows were crooked in the Rikkai contestant's seat.

Behind him sat his own members. Among the several members, Nioh half-closed his eyes and put the weight of his upper body on the back of the player bench.

He thought about the game experience of the red-haired teammate in his memory--


This kind of thing, Wen Tai, on the surface, seems to have it!

Except for Kirihaya, oh, plus Sanada, do they have a naive person in Rikkai?

As the eldest son of the family, Marui, although it seems to be due to appearance, in the tennis club looks like a person like Hyotei Mukai, Jiro, Seigaku Kikumaru, etc. However, even Kirihaya knows that Marui Bunta, he is also a person who can control his surroundings silently and unknowingly!

Seize the opportunity and control the opportunity, so it's okay to "command" the partner again?

There seemed to be cold light in Marui's purple eyes. He looked at the two opponents in front of him who were desperately trying to win the game, but his mood was as calm as ever.

Want to win this game?

Have you asked me and Jack?

Before the Rikkai internal meeting, we had already beaten Yukimura by a big score.

Even Sanada has beaten the hand, how can we lose?!

Sanada has won. If we lose, we will be laughed at by Akaya and Nioh and beaten by Sanada!

No one in Rikkai Osato wants to try the "iron fist sanction".

Marui pointed the racket at the tennis ball, then swung his wrist.

"In this game, Oishi and I will never lose!'

Kikumaru on Seigaku's side was burning.

Even if the ending is set, they will never admit defeat!

Even if it is to prove themselves, in order to vent their other teammates, they have to win this doubles!

Oishi, who has always been mild-mannered, also changed his previous weakness. Seigaku's deputy minister has never been so powerful to his teammates.

But now, in the face of this game where the outcome is actually meaningless, his expression has changed.

With a bit of ruthlessness, Oishi became a little bit unlike Oishi.

"Coach, we lost."

There was the sound of footsteps from the passage, as well as the familiar sound.

Finally came back, Fuji heard the voice of his hand shaking his body, he did not dare to look back.

"Echizen's memory is about to recover. Maybe he can catch up with the last game."

Said this and sat down beside Fuji.

The Minister of Seigaku still seemed so calm, and seemed to be totally unaffected by the fact that Seigaku had lost the national competition.

With cold eyes watching the game on court through the lens, the hand was silent for a while.

………Please ask for flowers.


He hesitated, but decided to comfort his teammates.

But I don't know if my comfort will make my teammates think more and blame himself more, so he hesitates.

"My fault, the first singles three if I didn't lose

Shoujia took the responsibility on himself again, and his sense of responsibility was really too strong. Carrying Seigaku on his back all the year round, he has forgotten that he is only a fourteen-year-old boy, and he has forgotten how he looked when he met Yukimura and Sanada that year.

"Shoujia, don't blame you.

Fuji wanted to get angry when he heard what he said.

Isn't this kind of thing the responsibility of the entire tennis department? Why do you have to shoulder it alone?

But in the end Seigaku's genius smiled relievedly.


"This year ends here, everyone has a future, and Seigaku also has a future.

Next year's Rikkai will only be Kirihaya, and even if Echizen leaves Seigaku, there will still be Kaidō and Momojo.

When Fuji thought of this, he remembered what Gan once told them.

Regarding the ideal of the hand family, an invitation from the country of de

[It is necessary to persuade the hand. 1

Seigaku's genius thought so and took the matter in his mind, but he sighed secretly at the same time.

With the stubbornness of Shoujia, I don't know if he will leave

After clearing up his mood a little, he made himself look less terrible on the surface, and Fuji focused on watching the game.

He knew Oishi and Kikumaru's efforts to hone the "homology" that was suddenly inspired by Hyotei's Anato and Feng, but he also knew that Marui and Kuwabara had reached this level a year ago.

With worry in his eyes, Fuji pursed his lips.

Don't be 6:0!


Tennis will not change its trajectory because of the thoughts of people off the court.

Hell of time difference, this is the most proficient trick used by Marui, and the best trick to score points on doubles!

"3:0, Rikkai Daimarui and Kuwana are ahead!"

The usual course of the game has passed, and Seigaku is firmly blocked.

PS: Good night. Let me tell you a piece of news that should be good news for you: the plan changes, I won't go out on Saturday, so at least it won't be a change or a change. As for more or less, it depends on whether I have watched the computer and fished without knowing it.

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