Prince of Tennis Nioh Phantom

Chapter 372 : Resonance state, disadvantage and advantage

The fluctuation frequency of Nioh's mental power at that moment was consistent with that of Yukimura's mental power.

The momentum of the two people blended together.

The invisible link made the two people's different dimensions faintly resonated.

Yukimura slowly closed his eyes and opened them again.

At that moment, he felt the huge gap between the two in different dimensions.

He needs to understand all of this well. From Nioh's different dimension, he seems to have grasped something.

He has an intuition, that kind of thing is exactly the condition necessary for the completion of his different dimensions!

At this time, the tennis ball with a strong sense of pressure has arrived in front of Nioh.

It didn't look sharp at all, but Nioh didn't dare to look down on it.

The purple-blue lisianthus flowers are scattered with illusory light, and between the opening and closing of the buds, there are stars of light.


With a loud noise, the phantom of the lisianthus flower behind Nioh was shaken off a few petals.

This time, the fallen petals are a bit dry!

Some rudimentary courts began to fly up.

Echizen Nanjiro chuckled lightly, and he swung his backhand.

Sure enough, his eyesight has not regressed. The tennis prowess of this Rikkai teenager is really deep.

This kind of strength can also be mixed in the top few in the high school tennis world, right?


Echizen Nanjiro thought this way, and his interest grew.

Nioh's different dimension seems to him to be relatively mature, and he must have understood this trick a long time ago. So, has the next different dimension trick been developed?

This middle school student is really an evildoer.

"How long can it last?"

Originally, he seemed to be an unpretentious person, suddenly the shadow of a knife flashed in his eyes.

The pace of the game has accelerated!


The sonic boom appeared with the tennis ball.

The "samurai" behind Echizen Nanjiro moved the samurai sword forward and followed the tennis ball in accordance with his rhythm.

Even after announcing his retirement for more than ten years, Echizen Nanjiro's strength is still unfathomable!

Cold sweat began to appear behind Nioh.

He pursed his lower lip, and the lisianthus flowers behind him swayed violently.

At this time, Yukimura's different-dimensional ghost is basically invisible, like a background, integrated into Nioh's different-dimensional.

They have entered the realm of "resonance", the resonance of different dimensions.

Ability resonance, this is a very high level in doubles, and it is a great bonus to doubles.

But any realm plus Chengdu is limited, just like Echizen Ryoma's "Heaven Clothes" cannot defeat Yukimura. Beyond a certain limit, even if it is a realm bonus, it is useless!

The coercion of the "Samurai" phantom is too heavy.

Just like the natural suppression of the low-level species by the high-level species in the food chain, the "resonance" at this time is actually a burden for Nioh!

Just like "homology" is to connect the mental power of two doubles partners together, there are roughly two ways to break a move. One is the suppression of individual strength in the same "homology" realm, and the other is to directly break it with force by relying on personal tyrannical strength!


Tennis hit a hole in the half court of Yukimura and Nioh.

On the court of this kind of land, that is, Echizen Nanjiro's strong control ability can happen, otherwise, I am afraid that the entire half of the court will be ruined by the huge power contained in that little tennis ball!

Nioh gritted his teeth.

This game is definitely the most strenuous one he has played in the past few years!

Not only physical strength, but more importantly, mental strength!

Although he has a lot of mental power, it is so much that Echizen Nanjiro is surprised.

But because of the "resonance", because of the resonance of different dimensions, Yukimura's consumption is actually counted on him!

Two to one, it seems that they have an advantage.

But when teammates are in the mud, how can the other person who is still on the shore not be dragged along!


Another ball landed on the court and threw up a cloud of dust.

Nioh squeezed racquet tightly.

No, this won't work!

He originally wanted to wait for Yukimura's enlightenment to finish, and fight back after completing the different dimensions.


Can't wait any longer!

I have lost so many goals in a row. If this continues, the samurai senior on the opposite side will be bored? And I am tired of losing the ball myself!

Nioh's expression suddenly turned cold.

A hint of cruelty flashed in the topaz eyes, and Nioh's eyes suddenly changed.

Echizen Nanjiro turned his racquet and raised his eyebrows.

Are you finally going to make a move?

Let me, a retired person, try, can you withstand the pressure and go to the world!

The lisianthus flowers have become more and more ethereal, and the purple-blue lisianthus flowers even look a little transparent, but they are more holy.

However, the original purple-blue light was illusory, making it difficult to see.

But now, the color of the light is getting deeper and deeper, changing toward a darker tone.

Yukimura's face changed, and he felt that his mental power was also induced by Nioh to undergo a fluctuating change.

What is Nioh going to do?

Before the thought of Yukimura completely flashed, the purple blue had turned into deep purple, and then purple black!

"Live to death."

Nioh's wrist stretched, and his lips curled up.

He still lacks a lot of things, especially his physical fitness.

This can't be improved overnight.Why didn't U17 recruit middle school students before? Isn't it because the physical fitness of middle school students is so different from that of middle school students?

But he also has a personal advantage that is incomparable to others!

Does he lack spiritual power?

Even if he has to bear the pressure of Yukimura's different dimensions and the pressure of Echizen Nanjiro's "Samurai Phantom", he can fight back!

Between the opening and closing of the eyes, a huge spiritual force appeared on the court.

Like the sea, it is not 017 bucks, but it is compressed and condensed by Nioh.

While one part was converging into a barrier for defense, the other part rushed over!

"Senior, please advise!"

After gritting his teeth and shouting, Nioh exploded with his mental power.

At this moment, the yellow tennis ball turned into an attack with a purple-black atmosphere in Echizen Nanjiro's eyes.

That breath is very contradictory, desperate and hopeful!

"I underestimated you."

Echizen Nanjiro felt excited after a long absence. It has been a long time since he retired from tennis. Although he still basically maintained his tennis level, he hasn't played a happy game for a long time.

Although Echizen Ryoma's strength is strong, in his opinion, it is far from his requirements.

And Nioh Masaharu

"While protecting your comrades with your mental power, you still have so much extra power to attack. I really underestimate you!"

One person bears the pressure of two people, and can carry out such a counterattack.

Such a teenager has reached the qualifications for me to use that trick!

Echizen Nanjiro's expression became serious, and his posture changed.

Moreover, the momentum has also changed!

It's no longer the sloppy look, but the boldness and vigor as he was when he was young!


It seemed to be the sound of metal.

PS: Please forbearance minister, your different dimension is not perfect yet. .

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