Prince of Tennis Nioh Phantom

Chapter 379 : Disqualification in the world, Orthodox nemesis

What kind of ball is that?

Compared to before, the ball looks flat.

There are no petals flying, no white light flashing, no energetic entanglement, it looks like just an ordinary return ball.

The young man with long silver hair floating on the iris behind Yukimura looked at the opposite side, but he didn't look at the different-dimensional warrior, but looked at the unreachable sky.

His gaze seemed to penetrate the barrier of time and space, reaching another world.

Is this really just an ordinary ball?

Rikkai's main candidates stood by the court. Although they did not face such gazes, they felt that they had lost their control over the body, and their spirits became trance.

The soul seemed to become lighter and lighter, breaking free from the body's shell.


Until Echizen Nanjiro raised his arm and waved it, the sound evoked their long-distance mind.

"Mental strength?!"

Yanagi Renji's face changed.

"Everyone, stand farther away!"

This is simply not a game they can participate in now!

Even standing on the edge of the court will be affected by mental power!

Originally, Yukimura's mental power alone could not do this level.He may not even be able to complete this move alone, but now he has Nioh's mental power as a reserve, and Nioh is in the backcourt with him. One person's mobilization and cooperation, so the influence produced is beyond imagination!

Better than the Rikkai Taisho elections, no matter it is Sanada, Yanagi or Kirihaya, they can't struggle from the mental power that escaped to the court just now!

If it wasn't for Echizen Nanjiro to crack this trick

"What a joke, this trick is..."

Sanada let out a low growl.

In his view of 020, the level of that ball is already as powerful as they are now beyond imagination, but is it that easy to crack?

The tennis ball was spinning in Echizen Nanjiro's racquet, looking quiet and supple.

"What's the name of this trick?"

Looking at it with deep eyes, Echizen Nanjiro asked.

Does the seemingly ordinary return of Yukimura just now have no effect on him?

Now, the quiet and tamed tennis ball on his racquet, just interrupted the game he wanted to play!

Echizen Nanjiro has played many tennis matches, but he has never encountered an opponent who can crack the "Impermanence".

However, he now met two teenagers who were still middle school students, and he used his own different dimensions to interrupt his trick!

What's more, what made Echizen Nanjiro even more shocked was that this trick made the different-dimensional phantom behind him blurred for a moment!

The people of Rikkai who watched the game did not realize that, but Echizen Nanjiro knew clearly that it was not an illusion.

Under that seemingly ordinary return ball, his different dimension seemed to have lost its supporting power at that moment!

Echizen Nanjiro even wondered, if he had used "Heaven Clothes" just now, would the light of "Heaven Clothes" disappear?

The moves that have not yet reached that level, today, now, Echizen Nanjiro has a glimpse of the terrible future.

Such a different-dimensional profound meaning is really a "disaster" for the world tennis world!

It is simply the "doomsday" of the "no-self" genre and the phantom of different dimensions!

"The trick to forcibly interrupt the opponent seems to be a success."

Yukimura, whose face turned pale on the other side, chuckled lightly.

He was pleased with the effect of this trick but also embarrassed.

It's not that he won't belong to him after all. Although Nioh's spiritual power can be used by him, he still needs to use his own basic spiritual power to mobilize these spiritual powers to use and integrate Nioh's different-dimensional power.

Moreover, the consumption of this trick really exceeded his own maximum expectations!

Thanks to Nioh's last timely subsidy.

If it's just him, it's estimated that it can't be done, right? And looking at the effect, my current strength is still unable to exert greater power, at least facing world-class opponents, I can't give them a greater blow.

Almost miscalculated.

If it weren't for Nioh to make up the last bit of it in the end, I'm afraid this trick will fail, right?

However, it seems to be a success now.

Moreover, we still won before the battle!

"I haven't had time to name it just now."

"However, since it has the effect of interrupting the opponent's next move, it can weaken the opponent and have a negative impact, although you are still a bit worse for the seniors."

Yukimura said with a low smile, and he arched his eyebrows.

"This kind of effect, this trick is called'human disqualification'.

With a flash of inspiration, the Minister of Rikkai satisfactorily named this trick.

"Hopefully, one day, I can let those beings lose their power."

Whispering softly, Seiichi Yukimura didn't seem to realize how scary he was.

There was a god who said that the world should have light.

Thus, "light" appeared on the earth.

But "Alaya", he exists above God, no matter what "light" it is, it is not allowed to shine in the world privately in the end!

There is no "heavenly clothes", that is what I don't need, it's not that I can't do it.

Yukimura was enlightened when he was playing against Echizen Ryoma. He is naturally happy to play tennis, but he would not choose the same tennis path as Echizen Ryoma. He has to go out of his own way!

Just like the tennis legend in front of you, create your own way!

"Alaya" is a manifestation of Yukimura's own consciousness. The obsession with "Tianyi" has made Yukimura's different-dimensional profound meaning into this thing-"human disqualification".

The world belongs to human beings.

The court belongs to me.

Tennis is me!

Didn't everyone say that Alaya is the root body of all human consciousness and the seed of all things?

So as my different dimension, "Alaya" is my own will.

According to Yukimura's idea, according to his mind, according to his style of play--

Legendary things, such as "Heaven Clothes", such as "Different Dimension", do not need to exist on this court!

All you need to do is to have a tennis ball on the court.

The teenager who was once hailed as the "son of god" by the tennis monthly magazine of the junior high school tennis world, on this simple court, issued his declaration of war on those things that are regarded as gods by the tennis world!

Liu, Sanada and the others stared blankly at their minister, the slender but not thin figure.

What was Yukimura just talking about?

Is he cryptically saying "the world is seamless"?

The IQs of the regulars who watched the Rikkai Grand Tournament are not low, at least not low in tennis, but they now feel that their brains seem to be insufficient.

They feel terrible even in different dimensions, Yukimura wants to go further

The six teenagers who were watching the singles match in the national finals not long ago looked at each other and checked each other whether they had understood what Yukimura had just said wrong. But the final result is consistent--

Yukimura, he really wants to challenge the existing "Selfless State" series that is faintly regarded as the orthodox position of the tennis world!

"Selfless State" because of Echizen Nanjiro, the status has always been detached in the tennis world, so "Tianyi" will be so admired by people.

But if "Tianyi" falls off the altar

"The minister can definitely do it!"

Kirihara Akaya flushed, he said firmly.

In his mind, Yukimura's ability to defeat Echizen Ryoma has already demonstrated that "Heavenly Robe" is not invincible. What's more, in the heart of Kirihara Akaya now, different dimensions are the most powerful!

Although, he also knew in his heart that those words Yukimura said contained objects that naturally included the different-dimensional phantoms of his mind...

"Learned another trick."

Nioh on the backcourt muttered to himself in a low voice.

Although this kind of trick consumes a lot of money, but the opponent is different, the consumption can naturally be reduced. After all, there is only one Echizen Nanjiro in the world, but there are many people who have "selflessness", and some people have further "celestial clothes".

And even if it's not facing these, different dimensions and some tricky skills have to face their nemesis!

Even if it can't completely disappear, it's not impossible to weaken it, and many uses can be developed based on this!

This is definitely a very cost-effective alternative dimension, Yukimura's tennis talent is beyond doubt.

"Yukimura, my minister, how many surprises can you give me?"

The topaz eyes flashed with enthusiasm, and Nioh curled his lips as he lowered his body to prepare for the ball that Echizen Nanjiro had said.

PS: Minister's goal, kill "Tianyi"! And those weird things!

There was an idea very early:

When the light of "no-self" is on, when the white light of "heavenly clothing" is shining, the minister of Rikkai smiles slightly, like an ordinary slap - slap! I am really embarrassed, your light is extinguished by me~ .

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