Prince of Tennis Nioh Phantom

Chapter 391 : Junior high school students, meet in a narrow way

early morning.

"Zero%, U17 training camp has never recruited middle school students in previous years, so this time the 100% probability of recruitment is that there is another hidden story!"

"Why is U17 in this place? It's so hard to find!"

"Hey, Oishi, there are still cameras here!"

"Hiss-get out, don't get in the way!"

"Obviously you blocked my way!"

Seigaku's regular candidates, led by Kunimitsu, the rigorous head of the Tennis Department, were the first to come on this road.

"Shiraishi, Seigaku is ahead! Ahead, why didn't Ahead come!"

The Seigaku candidates who were sighing on the way to the U17 gate saw the boys in yellow-green formal uniforms.

"It's Shitenhouji!

"Shitenhouji is here too?!"

"Isn't this Seigaku, where did your "little pillars" go? You guys who ran away from the small pillars, don't just die!"

"Are you all here except the kid Echizen Ryoma? Yuji and Cai Qian were both unsuccessful, so sad~"

"Echizen went to the United States!

Annoyed for a while.

When the two schools of Youth Gakuen and Shitenhouji met, they provoked each other in the first place.

However, Kunimitsu and Shiraishi Kuranosuke are well-measured ministers, and none of them have allowed the members to "remember the old" for a long time.

They then reached a consensus and planned to follow the road in front of them to reach their common destination together.

As for the "old hatred" in the national competition

Shitenhouji's Minister Shiraishi smiled with Minister Seigaku's hand Kunimitsu and the chestnut-colored smiling teenager next to him nodded.

Hmm, Ecstasy~

When we get to the U17 training camp, let's talk about tennis skills with each other!

However, the U17 training camp recruited junior high school students for such a magnificent thing for the first time.

Drop! drop!


"The people in front, all give way to this uncle!"

A school bus with the Hyotei school badge directly broke into the sight of Seigaku and Shitenhouji.

All the teenagers who played tennis were flexible and vigorous. They hurriedly avoided the fate of a car accident.

"Atobe is still so revealing, I really miss the game in the national competition."

As a member of the Seigaku tennis club that eliminated Hyotei, Fuji Syusuke said with a smile. It's just that this time, Seigaku's genius smile seems to be quite genuine.

After opening the car door, Atobe Keigo, who was the first to get off, listened to Fuji's words.

However, Shiraishi's focus is not entirely on Hyotei's minister and his staff.

The teenager from Kansai enthusiastically waved at the Hyotei school bus--

"Kite, good candidates in Higa, hello!"

The candidates of Shitenhouji cooperated with their ministers and greeted Hyotei's school bus enthusiastically.

"As expected of Kite Eishirou!"

"You are awesome, you really deserve it in Higa!"

"Is this the legendary'Assassin's Profound meaning'?"

Shoujia Kunimitsu looked at Hyotei's school bus behind Atobe and made his mouth slightly.

Realizing that something was wrong, Hyotei finally realized that there might be some minor problems with their school bus.

So, along with Shitenhouji's hello, Minister Hyotei, who was ignored by the Kansai people, and his electors collectively turned their heads and scanned their school bus.

The body is intact, no problem.

Hyotei's school badge is as gorgeous as ever, no problem.

However, when they shifted their gaze to the top, when they noticed the group of people (in fact, only five) on the roof of the school bus, their faces changed neatly together.

Another school in the Kansai area, the candidates from Higa, came with Hyotei's school bus!

"Kite, how did you get up?!"

It's not gorgeous, I don't even know when I got into my uncle's car!

Atobe watched the middle minister Higa, who was pretending to be Dosven, wearing glasses and a neat haircut, sat leisurely on the roof of his school bus, furious.

His insight didn't even notice that there were people on the roof of their cars on the way!

"Hello everyone, our Higa is also invited to participate in this training camp."

Kite coughed slightly and waved at the three school ministers under Atobe's gaze.

"Kite, when did you go up?!"

"It's so cool, sitting on the roof of the car!"

"I want to go up too!"

There was a sound of admiration.

Atobe darkened his face in these voices.

"Thank you, Minister Hyotei, Atobe for your helpfulness. The first time we came to Tokyo, we went to Hyotei Gakuen and Hyotei's candidates to complete the assembly, so we followed.

Kite behaved indifferently, as if he didn't even realize what he was talking about.

And, then, under the leadership of the middle minister of Higa, the teenagers who practiced Okinawan martial arts landed on the roof of the car neatly.

"Does the police care about you?!"

Mukahi Gakuto jumped with anger.

They turned out to be followed all the way, and they were driven all the way to the car!

"Of course it was because Hyotei's school bus was so gorgeous that it was not blocked."

Kite said that he took the staff so easily and drove the car to the destination. He was very happy, so he didn't mind explaining to Hyotei's candidates.

However, his commentary made Atobe's face darker.

Seigaku and Shitenhouji had already started to laugh, but they were worried about someone's face and didn't laugh out loud, but the laughter of "Puff, Puff, Puff" still came and went one after another.

"It's not gorgeous!"

The central figure of the incident, Minister Hyotei, was also the kind person Kite thanked Atobe on behalf of all of them, gritted his teeth.

"Ah, people thought Hyotei was bankrupt, and even a school bus would be overloaded!"

Knowing that the traffic police probably saw Hyotei's school badge so they did not block it, but the fine may have arrived in the mailbox of his student union, and some strange rumors may appear in the middle school circle from today. At this time, he looked towards Atobe. Kite's eyes were filled with sharp cones of ice.

But how could Kite, known as the "Assassin" and practicing ancient martial arts, be afraid of this murderous aura.

"Why is there only 027 with everyone here, hasn't Rikkai come here yet?"

He asked nonchalantly.

Thinking that they would follow Atobe, Kite raised his eyebrows even though the car was fast but was already late. He looked around, and looked at the collective expression that was hard to say--

"Isn't there yet?"

Minister Higa nodded clearly.

"Sure enough, the championship school is going to be the finale. It's just that we are sorry for Seigaku. We were forced to arrive at the earliest by the hand!

Fuji said in a slightly complaining tone.

The hand pushed down the glasses, and the air pressure dropped.

"It's okay! They will definitely be here anyway, everyone will meet sooner or later!"

Shiraishi said heartily.

"I am looking forward to exchanging knowledge about plants with Yukimura."

The teenager with Ding Zi's brown hair looks bright and sunny.

The people around him gave a cold face.

"Me too~"

Fuji's words changed Atobe's face again.

The three people Yukimura, Shiraishi, and Fuji get together, and the effect is comparable to natural disasters!

Atobe, who remembered his trip to Great Britain, felt heartbroken.

And now he sincerely regrets another thing he did at the beginning-knowing that he would be picked up on the roof of the car by those in Higa today, my uncle shouldn't arrange a cruise back to Okinawa for them!

I would have let them fend for themselves on the docks of Great Britain if they knew it, anyway, sooner or later they would be able to slowly plank back home by themselves!

PS: Higa Chinese Art Troupe came to report~Thank you for the support of the Atobe Foundation!

Warning again: Anyway, it's the same person, everyone don't care about the original plot, it has already gone wrong~.


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