Prince of Tennis Nioh Phantom

Chapter 394 : Adjust mood, objection is invalid

"Senior Nioh!"

Kirihaya, who was slapped with a fist by Sanada and sober, had tears in her eyes.

"It's useless for you to look at me like this, Liu has already left with the car.

Nioh said coldly to his aggrieved younger generation.

"Hurry up and do two exercises, we're going to trot to U17 training camp-!"

Today's Nioh seems to be possessed by Sanada's character, in Kirihaya's view, it is extraordinarily harsh-and unreasonable.

"I see, senior."

Responded in a low and aggrieved manner, Kirihaya was filled with grief and anger at this time.

Ming woo woo, senior Liu.

Senior Liu, I miss you so much!

Kirihaya, who was trotting with her three seniors, had tears in her eyes.

"Akaya, don't be sad."

Yukimura sighed, slowed down two steps, and ran right next to Kirihaya.

He seemed to comfort his aggrieved younger junior who was still awake.

"Minister Yukimura!"

Kirihaya's voice was full of his emotions.

Sure enough, Minister Yukimura is the best, 10,000 times better than Senior Nioh!

"Cheer up, after the match with me tomorrow, you can see Liu and Marui and the others."

However, Kirihaya was moved a little too soon.

Rikkai's second-year ace opened his eyes wide and looked at his smiling minister in disbelief.

How can this be?!

Seniors, am I not your younger generation to take care of? Why do you treat me this way!

Angrily glanced at his three third-year seniors, Kirihara Akaya knew that he couldn't provoke anyone, so he had to turn his grief and indignation into motivation, and suffocated his breath and ran on the road.

In this run, he has been running at the forefront of Rikkai's big four small team, and ran until Nioh called to stop.

"Everyone, stop, walk down the road for a few minutes and you'll be there."

Although the road in front of you is not very wide, it is not the bumpy dirt road anymore.

"Akaya, as our successor to Rikkai, you must come to the U17 training camp headquarters. This is related to the image of our Rikkai."

Nioh said to Kirihaya solemnly.

Rikkai's second grader opened his eyes wide.

"Even if you are playing against Yukimura, you have to show your tennis prowess! You want to compare those second-year students in other schools, do you understand what I mean?"

Nioh continued to speak to Kirihaya.

Senpai's words gave a depressed Kirihaya a firm look between his eyebrows and eyes.

"I see, Senior Nioh!"

"Even if I lose, I have to perform better than those from other schools!"

Rikkai's next minister said solemnly.

Nioh nodded with satisfaction. The younger generation is so coaxing, but even this kind of Kirihaya makes him full of accomplishment.

Don't look at Kirihara Akaya in Rikkai University, which has always been suppressed by their predecessors, but in the outside world, Kirihaya has always appeared as a "child of someone else's family".

Among the second graders, Kirihaya from Rikkai is definitely the strongest one!

The tennis strength of Rikkai's sophomore ace is recognized as strong and there is no room for doubt.

Yukimura looked at Nioh with a smile in his eyes and just a few words aroused Kirihaya's emotions, and his mood became even better.

He is walking on the road leading to U17 training camp.

This road is also familiar to him, after all, he has been here once before. Only that time, he came alone, and he was full of thoughts at the time to quickly restore his tennis strength, and did not pay attention to the surrounding scenery.

At that time, although he recovered from his illness, he suffered a serious illness and was in a bad mood after all.

Presumably the seniors whom I met by chance at that time also saw it, so they didn't mention tennis to him much afterwards. On the contrary, he himself couldn't be bored during the restorative training that night, and saw such a practice match when he went to a remote place to relax.

Tokugawa Kazuya, Oni Jujiro.

These two people shouldn't be the same level tennis players as other high school students, how do their strength compare to the first army?

It is definitely better than the bottom ten.

It’s just that I don’t know how it compares with the top ten senior high school students.

I always feel that these two people deliberately did not enter the First Army, so what is there in the current First Army that makes them scrupulous?

And the seemingly friendly senior Irie, who actually made Yukimura feel a dangerous aura that cannot be ignored, can train with the two of them.What is the level of strength?

Yukimura looked at the scenery on the side of the road and kept reminiscing about the U17 trip in his heart.

He thought of the predecessors who impressed him, and he thought of the predecessor who had won two national championships with them.

Mōri Juzaburō.

Their Rikkai is only one level higher than their Maori predecessors, and their predecessors are already N..10 in the army!

Is the strength of the seniors really in line with this seat, or is it just on the surface?

Yijun, the water is deep.

By the way, there is also Tanegashima-senpai who makes him unable to see through, but shares his interests.

I don't know how this senior ranks in the army.

It is said that Senior Tanegashima has given up many opportunities to go out to exchange games between countries because he does not like to fly. How hard to find a powerful opponent!

Yukimura's lips curled up thinking about this.

Since he, as the minister of Rikkai University, has confirmed that he wants to enter U17, he must not let the seniors "lazy".

Airplanes are really a safe and fast means of transportation. How can we not use airplanes for cross-border exchanges? Senior Tanegashima must keep up with the trend of the times. As for the very subtle issue of "the predecessors do not cooperate", of course it depends on our Vice Minister Sanada of Rikkai!

Xianichiro will definitely urge Tanegashima-senpai to get on the plane.

Yukimura made a good calculation in her heart, breathing the fresh mountain air, and her mood became more and more happy.

Yukimura's mood is very good, Nioh's mood is not bad, Kirihaya has been raised by Nioh in a few words, so the senior of Rikkai is only Sanada in a low pressure state.

Sanada's face was quite bad, but Yukimura didn't take the mood of his deputy minister at all.

Minister Rikkai's heart had already flown into U17.

And Kirihaya can't wait to play tomorrow's game. He is very concerned about hitting the three "successors" of Hyotei's Hiyoshi, Seigaku's Kaido, and Shitenhouji's Hikaru Zaizen.

Therefore, Kirihaya is simply in a state of self-excitement, and it is completely useless to understand Sanada's low pressure.

As for Nioh

"Sanada, it's time for you to perform, let's go!"

Nioh pointed to the two in front who were wearing the same uniforms, and at first glance, the high school students in the U17 training camp said in a relaxed tone.

When he Nioh Masaharu does things, there are naturally no dead ends.

First Deputy Minister Rikkai's sorrowful mood needs to be vented, otherwise, based on Sanada's uprightness, he will definitely be seen by those flexible-minded former opponents in U17.

………For flowers-

Bang! bang bang bang!


Before the two high school students on the 16th court could speak, Sanada took out his racquet.

Swing a pat, it's as fast as the wind!

Yukimura raised her eyebrows, and it seemed that their Rikkai deputy minister was indeed very angry, and even used the word "fast as wind".

"Go get some more jars!

Sanada knocked down a row of beverage cans on the center line with a single ball, and the tennis ball was able to leave a hole in the wire fence.

But he was still not satisfied.

Sanada had already seen the wire fence, which was obviously the traces of the junior high school students who entered U17 before them. Sanada decided to double the round marks that were pierced by the tennis ball!

"No, you guys"

"Wait, this is"

The two high school students have the same expression at this time, and they are both in a dumbfounded state at this time.

"Shut up, go get the jar!"

Sanada loudly reprimanded someone who should be his predecessor.

"Yes Yes!

Two high school students, Nono, couldn't say anything, so they had to obey Rikkai's orders and went to the vending machine to buy some cans of drinks for Sanada.


Their hearts are dripping with blood.

Are the current junior high school students so strong?

The group just now is already very powerful, and there is even a school called Hyotei who has chosen a champagne tower here.

Hyotei's off-white formal dress really impressed them.

And these middle school students

The khaki-colored dress is selected!

"Rikkai is big, this is the king of three in a row, Rikkai is big!"

One of the high school students on the 16th court, one of the two high school students who was pushed by others to disarm the junior high school students, Tenjin Kosuke, at this time finally recognized Rikkai's khaki team uniform!

Frightened the whole person trembling and shaking, Tenjin Kosuke exchanged a desperate look with his colleague Hei Li Dunping.

It's over, this time I kicked the iron plate again!

The two sophomores at the bottom of the U17 court recalled the dark memories of last year.

On that day, they took their orders to stop a few black coats, but they were beaten by one person and all the players were exhausted and paralyzed!

The guy from Rikkai has already risen to the team with a winning streak. The desperate talent for tennis is not comparable to those high school students who were recruited only in the later batches.

And now--

"Ping Li, have you brought enough money? Let's go buy more drink cans for this classmate!

"When he finishes playing the current one, if he is still not addicted to the fight, what shall we do if he comes back to fight us!!

After trembling to say these words, after receiving a stiff nod from a colleague, Tenjin Kosuke seemed to grab the last life-saving straw, pulling Heili Dunping straight to the vending machine.

Spend money to eliminate disasters, only hope that Rikkai students will not find them to compete!

We at the 16th court really can't stand the dissatisfaction of the four Rikkai players!

PS: What is the goal? Of course, it is to leave the big legend of Rikkai in U17! Senior Maori has made a good start~ Don't learn the lazy style of Senior Tanegashima, that is too lax!

#粉到深处自然黑#,#路風機戺,前途光#, I understand what everyone thinks. Please rest assured, Sanada, don't worry, Yukimura will definitely give you the opportunity to let you press the predecessor with a wooden knife on the plane! Dignified N..2 How can you not take the plane, it is too lax!

Highlight reminder-good night~ I have to adjust my sleep time, the countdown to school starts. earth.

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