Prince of Tennis Nioh Phantom

Chapter 404 : It's chaotic, there are ghosts haunting

Bang! Bang!

The two tennis balls flew to two people who Kirihaya and Hiyoshi thought were ghosts.

Although the Kirihaya did not hold a racquet at this time, with their excellent wrist strength, they also brought the power of the two tennis balls to the peak that they two could reach at this time.

Oshitari Yuushi was dragged by his Shitenhouji cousin and ran over.

His original running position is still behind Oshitari Kenya-.

However, the tennis ball from Kirihaya rushed straight to his face.


Oshitari Yuushi, who was so frightened by the ghost that he didn't know what it was, was probably hit by a tennis ball like this for the first time in his life.

He is a "genius" figure, even when he first learned to play tennis, he was not directly hit by the tennis ball and hit so badly!

Lying on the ground, Oshitari Yuushi tremblingly raised his right hand and wiped his face.

Seeing blood already!

Which bastard did this?!

My face is probably bruised!

How can it be repaired, bet on the roses of Atobe, I will never end with you!

Feeling the fluid flowing in his nose, Oshitari hadn't figured out the situation yet, and was thinking about it right now.

And when he was smashed in the face, bleeding and his ears were roaring, his cousin was also hit by the full force-ancient martial arts-tennis from his second-year Hyotei junior.

Hiyoshi Wakashi has always acted calmly.

But neither Kirihaya nor Haitang knows, this is just a superficial phenomenon.

In fact, Hiyoshi is no less nervous than them! He is just habitually expressionless, so he appears calm!

Although I like anecdotes, are there few things that "Ye Gong is a good dragon"?

Seeing something strange and strange, Hiyoshi didn't wait to see what it was, and immediately reflexively set aside the posture of "Furutake State".

Of course, at the same time, Kirihaya was "angelized" for a moment when he threw the tennis ball.

"Hey, we are human!

Oshitari Ken also deserves to be the "Naniwa Star" of Osaka, and his reaction speed is faster than his Hyotei cousin.

But he was still one step behind these two second-year students.

Since the tennis ball has been thrown out, there is no reason to take it back.

After Oshitari Yuushi was hit in the face and fell to the ground, Oshitari Ken also followed in his footsteps.


There was another scream.

It hurts to be hit by a tennis ball in the face.

But how to say-one

Who made the "Future Zombie Series" popular now?

In the eyes of the teenagers, to hit those weird things, of course you have to aim at the head!

Even if it's not helpful, I have to interrupt the neck position!

It's just that Kirihaya and Hiyoshi weighed the hit rate for the first time, and thought it was easier to smash the face.

After all, it is a matter of life safety, and it must be hit with one hit!

Fortunately, the people who came out on the expedition this time were the successors of the second grade schools. They have more or less accepted the guidance from the minister, and they are relatively stable.

Otherwise, if it is a first-year student, such as Kintarou Tooyama

Oshitari Ken also really wants to thank Echizen Ryoma!

Had it not been for Seigaku's first-year student who attracted the attention of his family, Xiaojin, then his neck would probably be broken at midnight today!

Even if it is not the neck, even if it is the face, he can't stand a "super invincible and absolutely delicious windmill" or something!

Sadly, he covered his face and sat up by himself, Oshitari Ken also had the heart to rejoice.

He thought about it, and smiled cheerfully, then accidentally tore off the wound on his face and took two breaths of "hiss".

Shitenhouji's positive selection is really excellent and unique!

It's different from the Hyotei who keeps spitting in my heart next to him!

After Kirihaya threw the tennis ball, he finally had time to take a serious look at the appearance of the "pounced ghost".

He looked at an Oshitari lying on the ground wailing, and an Oshitari sitting on the ground inhaling, and his mood was indescribable.

--Hahahaha, I'm really too witty!

Kirihaya was happy in her heart.

The second-year student of Rikkai University felt that he had chosen the dormitory activity "Midnight Adventure" very wisely, and he had no regrets about the tennis he just hit.

He can't wait to go back in time and bring "props for proper defense" when he comes out of dormitory 205-racquet plus some tennis balls!

"Who is yelling, don't let people sleep!"

"That bastard is outside?!"

When Kirihaya was having a good time, some grumpy voices came from some dormitories.

It is a horrible thing to disturb people's dreams at night.

Especially for the high school students on the first floor, their training volume during the day is very large, and they all rely on these hours to rest at night!

A few angry shouts instantly brought Kirihaya back to a state of "strategic planning".

"Hiyoshi, take Shanghai Hall, let's go!"

The second-year student of Rikkai University made a decisive decision, and raised an arm of Haitang as he said.

Hyotei's second-year student gave Kirihaya a clear glance, then reached out and took the other arm of his unconscious roommate.

Then, both of them exerted their strength at the same time, half-supporting and half-dragging Kaidoh Kaoru and rushed upstairs.

The two second-year heirs were really excellent talents. They ran upstairs in one breath before the senior high school students went out.

205 dormitory, three people, successfully escaped!

"What's the matter with you two here?"

………For flowers…

A gentle voice rang in Oshitari Yuushi and Oshitari Ken also.

However, at the same time, they were all irradiated by the strong light of the flashlight and had to close their eyes and leave a few tears.

"Senior, senior!

Oshitari Yuushi didn't know who came, he couldn't open his eyes because of the light from the flashlight.

But the words on the first floor-calling "predecessors" must be correct!

"Senior, there is a ghost on the first floor!"

Oshitari Yuushi struggled to sit up and said, covering his face with one hand.


"Senior, there is really a ghost!"

Qian also closed his eyes and nodded desperately while enduring his physiological tears from the flashlight of this unknown senior.

Who knows how this senior's temper is!

Although I heard it just now, the voice is very gentle, but the character has nothing to do with the voice!

Shiraishi's face is the opposite of his character, and Oshitari Ken is also a little distracted.


I only hope that this senior looks at them for explaining the reason so honestly, let them go this time!

Qian also thought optimistically.

But today at midnight, it seems that the Oshitari brothers are very violent, and the two of them seem to be in a period of high risk of bad luck.

Oshitari Yuushi felt the bright light come closer.

The gentle-sounding senior seemed to squat down.

"Ah, are you talking about Guijun?"

Trying to open his eyes to see who the senior is in front of him, Oshitari Yuushi finally sees the direction of the curly "good-hearted senior" in front of him while moving the light of the flashlight in cooperation with the senior. people.

"Are you looking for him?"

"He's called'Gui Jujirou'! I didn't expect the reputation of the ghost to be so big, even you new middle school students have heard of it."

Irie Kanata, who held a flashlight in one hand for lighting, and pointed at Oni Jujiro in the other, sighed.


Oshitari Yuushi's eyes widened, but he still didn't realize what Irie was saying. His cousin Oshitari Ken has also been scared by the "Ghost", who should be called "Ghost Senior", from a awkward sitting posture to a lying position!

Under the lighting of Irie's flashlight, a little bit of light illuminates Oni Jujiro's expressionless but extremely vicious face.

Oshitari Yuushi swallowed in despair.

Oops, the sky is going to kill him!

Why is this senior called "Kijujiro"!

Atobe, where are you? Come and save your family members!

I don't want to die with Qian!

Hyotei's genius uttered a desperate cry in his heart.

PS: My heart is as desperate as Oshitari, I will be back to school tomorrow, and today I will pack and pack my things and have a backache. Good night ~ earth,

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