Prince of Tennis Nioh Phantom

Chapter 416 : Mighty, spiritual strength

"Speed, power, and technology.

"Senior Nioh, is this going to show his five-dimensional advantage?"

Kirihara Akaya asked curiously, the person he asked was Sanada.

He felt that his Minister Yukimura was in a weird state now, which gave him a very dangerous feeling.

Kirihaya didn't dare to bother easily. Because his instinct told him that if he intervened, his fate would definitely be very tragic, so he had to ask his Deputy Minister Sanada.

But Sanada's current state is not as good as that.

It was Nioh who was clearly sleepy and sleepy, but Sanada felt dizzy at this time.

"Mental strength.

Rikkai's deputy minister gritted his teeth and whispered.

Sanada finally knew why Yukimura would release his mental power.

It's not because Yukimura's emotions are too agitated, it's not because Yukimura can't control herself, it's because Yukimura wants to resist Nioh's mental power!

Nioh Masaharu's mental power is almost like air, pervasive and undetectable.

If it weren't for the interference of the spiritual power thread released by Yukimura, even Sanada would not have noticed that at the beginning of the game, all of them would have been disturbed by Nioh's spiritual power!

Obviously what speed, power, etc. were said on the mouth 17, the result

He knew how the power of this guy Nioh was so powerful, it turned out to be a lie!

Slowly squeezing his fists, Sanada was bitter in his heart.


"What did you say, vice minister?"

The second-year student of Rikkai University showed a confused expression. He didn't listen to what Shirada said just now.

But at this time, there is no need for Sanada to answer anything.

The answer will be revealed by the fraudster on court.

"In the end it's mental strength."

"Speaking of which, what I am most satisfied with about my tennis is mental power!"

Speaking of his extremely proud mental power in tennis, Nioh's spirit seemed to be lifted up.

Perhaps it was because of mental power, or the legacy of "Nioh Phantom"? Nioh's dark circles seemed to disappear, which made him look very spiritual at this time.

Shiraishi on the other side of the net didn't have the energy to care about it.

He frowned slightly, thinking, did he change his way?

Unconsciously, his mood became a little impetuous.

"It seems that since Nioh started to fight back Shiraishi's serve, he hasn't yawned anymore!"

"The probability of real lack of sleep is 74%, and the probability of pretending is 21%. Because the probability of getting excited about the game is only 5%, is it because the mental power does not feel sleepy?"

The bystander must always see clearly, although the bystander is already in a deep trap.

Seigaku's Inui Sadaharu said so, his glasses lit up.

However, Fuji's expression next to him was okay, just because the situation of the game was a little dignified, and the emotions of the three of Rikkai did not change greatly in his heart.

But another person, Kunimitsu's face suddenly changed.

No matter what happened before, even if Oni Jujiro easily defeated Momoshiro Takeshi, even if Nioh was announced as the No. 1 court player, his face only changed slightly.

But now, the minister of Seigaku took a breath.

Dan Feng's eyes flashed with a fleeting white light under the gold-wired glasses.

At that moment, the hand felt like being knocked on a sap, and the mind seemed to be blown up.

He seemed to see something extraordinary.

When the white light with the aura of Selfless State flashed silently in his eyes, Kunimitsu saw a wave of mental power like the sea.

He really saw and felt the sea of ​​spiritual strength!

Is that true?

Is it an illusion?

If it is indeed true, then how much mental power can be manifested like a manifestation?

With a few drops of cold sweat dripping on his forehead, Seigaku's minister pursed his lips and felt his heartbeat speed up.

On court, the "Phantom" has been revoked, and Nioh's original figure was revealed.

But in Yukimura's eyes, Nioh Masaharu is still in his "phantom" state.

Seiichi Yukimura is extremely talented in mental power. He was born with extremely excellent mental power beyond ordinary people, coupled with the initial inadvertent and intentional exercise after learning tennis-one of his hobbies is simulated imagination exercise - Yukimura has been ahead of many people in the use of mental power.

"That's the trick, right?

Minister Rikkai's eyes were shining.

He disregarded the doubtful glances of his two teammates, and regardless of the suspicious glances of the candidates from other schools, he said to himself.

"The trick mentioned by Tanegashima-senpai, after resonance and homology, gave me a different-dimensional inspiration.."

The low voice came from the throat, Sanada and Kirihaya, who are currently very close to Yukimura and standing on both sides of Yukimura, had deliberately listened to them, so it was obvious that they heard their minister, and his voice was shaking at this time!

Kirihara Akaya didn't care about the surprised eyes that other teams were looking at at this time. He didn't bother to stare back at the gaze of his two roommates from Hyotei and Seigaku's team at the moment.

The second-year student of Rikkai University looked at his senior Nioh intently.

He wants to learn something from Middle-School.

Everyone who dreams of wanting to have his own different-dimensional phantom, Kirihaya is very eager for the higher levels of the different-dimensional profound meaning.

At this moment, when he learned that his minister’s extremely powerful and growing upright "human disqualification" was actually inspired by King Ren 040's tricks, how could he resist his eagerness to see that one? What's your mood?

Can't help it.

Even Sanada held his breath unconsciously, watched Nioh's movements seriously, and used his mental power to feel the changes on the court and the faint fluctuations of Nioh's mental power gradually spreading outside the court.

Although the expressions of the three of Rikkai who were in the court appearance battle attracted a lot of people's attention, they stopped being noticed in an instant.

The overwhelming spiritual power gave up hiding, simple and rude, and directly pressed it up.

Not only in the court, nor is it a problem of overflowing a little bit off the court

"How could there be so many?!"

Atobe lost his image.

Minister Hyotei's eyes widened, his voice trembling.

Atobe Keigo has not only watched Nioh Masaharu's many games, but he himself has also played twice with Nioh. Atobe thinks he knows Nioh's level well!

He felt that he had passed so many times, and he would no longer be surprised by Nioh Masaharu's mental power, because he had known it a long time ago.

But until now, Atobe didn't realize that what he thought was too simple!

PS: Sure enough, a 2000-word chapter is the right way! It’s updated here today, don’t wait. Although it is raining, I want to go out for a stroll~,

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