Prince of Tennis Nioh Phantom

Chapter 418 : End the first game, a sense of awe

"Waltz of Shattered!"

Along with this lob came to Shiraishi's half court, Shiraishi Kuranosuke just woke up in the dark and subconsciously swung a pat and uncontrollably played a plausible Atobe Keigo move.

Shiraishi's expression, who realized what he had done, immediately turned into total confusion and incomprehension, and then into shock and horror.

"It's really not gorgeous!"

Atobe, who watched Shiraishi's series of actions outside the court, gritted his teeth and said.

It's nothing more than using his tricks, but can he reflect the essence of his gorgeous aesthetics?

Even if you can't reflect the essence of it, you have to look like it anyway?!

On the surface, Shiraishi's ball looked like a "destroyed waltz" movement, but in fact it didn't even catch the fur at all!

And it’s such an ugly trick in Atobe’s eyes, Nioh even imitated his voice and shouted out

"Jen: Wang. Ya, Zhi!"

After a word, Atobe's face was dark as if he was about to bite Nioh's name into scum.

However, Minister Hyotei's grievances could not prevent Rikkai Taisho on the court from Nioh's "display and performance on the use of mental power", who is also a court player.

Atobe's moves are so eye-catching that you can tell who came from at a glance, so Nioh naturally wanted to try it out.

"These mental powers... the effect is not bad!"

Facing the oncoming smash, Nioh nodded his head thoughtfully and commented on his performance just now.

He didn't simply want to show the use of mental power when he played this trick.

Nioh, who knows the effective use of resources very well, actually faced the goal and the move with a "research and experiment" attitude.

Therefore, although he released a lot of mental power, he only used those to deter junior middle school students.

Nioh didn't want to put his roommate in the U17 training camp's infirmary, so he only used a small part of his mental power to actually operate this trick.

Different from the "erasing" effect of "disqualification" that Yukimura had previously understood from it, "Two-way Phantom" was defined as "manipulation" at the beginning of Nioh's development.

Manipulate the opponent's every move like controlling the "phantom" and turn the opponent into a "puppet" in his hand, playing tennis according to his own script!

Nioh's mental power is like the poison of bone erosion, invading Shiraishi's internal organs, brain and heart, paralyzing his thinking, and giving his muscles and bones commands completely different from Shiraishi's own thinking. .

Shiraishi's own style of playing is obviously not the same as Atobe, but under the influence of Nioh's mental power, his style of playing has changed!

"After the presentation, the first game will end like this.

Faced with a tennis ball that seems to be powerful but actually soft and not aimed at the dead corner of his wrist, but like (bhcj) is a "self-throwing net", it is facing the comfortable receiving position of the racquet racket, Nioh easily cited shoot.


"Game1:0, No. 1 court Nioh Masaharu takes the lead!"

The first round of the shuffle game with Shiraishi is over.

Except for the relatively long time spent on the last ball, all the remaining tennis balls were successfully returned by Nioh.

Moreover, even the seemingly long confrontation with the last goal of the first game only took less than three minutes. The spectators outside the court all understood that, except for the last time Nioh took a little serious, Nioh was just casually showing his strength or showing his huge spiritual power.

Now, when Nioh put away his great mental power that interfered even outside the court, the middle school students came back to their senses one after another, and at the same time they recovered their usual calmer thinking, they all got chills at the same time.

"Is this the strength of court number one?"

Shitenhouji's choice Oshitari Ken also subconsciously glanced at the three Irie standing on the other side, his eyes were very complicated.

This more clever candidate originally thought that the three seniors were selected by the U17 training camp to give them the candidates who gave birth to Mawei in the middle of the country. The high school players in the U17 training camp court are not all that scary.

He even thought that Irie, Oni, and Tokugawa would always act together (at least he saw these three seniors together at least twice), perhaps because of the similar level of strength and the same tasks assigned by the coaches. reason.

However, what he sees now is that Shitenhouji's minister Shiraishi and Nioh, who was suddenly announced as the No. 1 court player, dispelled his thoughts.

The smaller the court number, the stronger the strength.

Even if the strength of the ghost is not the level of court No. 5, even Irie is not only the level of Court No. 3, but it is calculated from the strength of Nioh's No. 1 court-the tennis strength of the other top court players is also poor. Where can't you go?!

Kenya, who was eager to play the qualifying match with a fire in his heart, instantly lost so much confidence.

He suddenly felt awe at the U17 training camp.

Although Nioh Masaharu didn't know when he entered the U17 training camp, he must have entered the number one court as a middle school student.

In this way, U17 is not a place to rank seniority according to status at all. Coaches don't care about the status of middle school students or high school students.

Therefore, the high school players in the first courts must be masters with "real materials"!

His idea is what most middle school students think of at this time.

At the same time, this is the attitude the three U17 coaches want.

"The middle school students are good, but they are all too arrogant."

Kurobe watched with satisfaction the changes in the faces of junior high school students on the screen.

"You still have to polish it well, otherwise even if the aptitude is a rare good talent and beautiful jade, it will only be a waste product in the end!"

After all, potential is just potential. If the potential cannot be turned into combat power, everything is just fantasy.

Coach Kurobe is a very pragmatic person, and his strategy and tactical planning are down to earth. As an excellent coach, his plan has never been illusory but not really useful "castles in the sky".

"If you're'polished' like this, the Byodoin students will be a little bit satisfied."

"After all, everyone will become teammates, and there cannot always be civil strife in the team."

Coach Saito said with a smile.

Although high school students have a very arrogant temper, their "arrogance" is based on their tennis strength. Generally speaking, if their strength can be recognized by them, high school students will accept their new teammates. But how difficult it is to recognize this!

Don’t you see that even in the middle school group, even if someone loses to others, will there be feelings of dissatisfaction?

Unless it is crushed by absolute strength, a victory with a big score will get the respect of the opponent from the heart. If middle school students want to get their approval, if they take the path of "defeating the opponent or even sweeping the opponent", it basically won't work!

Even if a few people can, but the middle school students who coaches want to be able to integrate into the U17-military team are not just a few!

So, almost the only way is to make those high school students with "arrogant temperament and eyes above the top" develop appreciation and even identification with the "juniors" of middle school students.

After all, the identity of the younger generation still has a filter bonus.

Because they are younger generations, the standard for getting "recognition" will be lowered-although it will not be reduced to a very low level, it is enough for middle school students to do it.

However, due to the lessons learned, the U17 coaches took pains to arrange the match between Nioh and Shiraishi.

One lesson from Tokugawa is enough.

The newcomers who enter U17 must know the horror of the real masters in the U17 training camp!

Never let them think that there are only a few outstanding players in U17!

If it is because of attitude problems that the group of high school students who went out on the expedition have lumps in their hearts, then there may be unnecessary situations that will lead to the loss of valuable combat power.

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