Prince of Tennis Nioh Phantom

Chapter 437 : One goal elimination system, one goal three

Just like San Mifūne Nyudō San, the coach on the back mountain, gave those middle school students in the "lower group" who had just climbed the mountain not long ago, the first impression of this six-member Rikkai was against the new middle school. The rules of the 21-man game are undoubtedly rough and rough.

To sum it up simply and crudely, it is the "one-goal elimination system", which does not give the players on the court a second chance at all!

If you miss once, you will be eliminated.

Therefore, Inui Sadaharu, who has already seen the doorway and collected part of the data, had to look at Rikkai's Liu in most half of the court with a sad look.

"If you give me enough time for the irregular terrain on the court and the reflection angle of the tennis ball, all these data

He was very unwilling to complain to his junior.

"Senior, it's no use telling me these things now."

However, his junior, Kaidoh Kaoru, a second-year student in Seigaku, stabbed his senior with words without expression.

"This was originally the coach on the back mountain who gave us the "new people"' to get off the ground, right? It's like the previous high school student in the fifth court in U17."

Although he was eliminated by Kirihaya for the first time, Kaidoh Kaoru was full of aggrieved feelings and anger in his heart, but he was able to immediately adjust his mentality and analyze the intention of the game after he left the field.

Kunimitsu has a good vision. Their second-year Seigaku student, Momoshiro Takeshi, is full of passion and sunshine, and has a good tennis talent, but if he wants to become a minister, there is still something missing.

Leaders are not the same as "ace fighters" who charge into battle. Even if there is too much flame burning in my heart, the last hint of clarity should be maintained deep in my heart.

"This court should have been lengthened and widened deliberately, otherwise it wouldn't be enough for so many of us to stand on it."

He said in an analytical tone.

"If I'm not mistaken, Kirihara Akaya should have formed a team with his predecessors and played a game with high school students before we came?"

Kaido’s words resonated with Deputy Minister Seigaku.

"Ah, yes, those high school students looked at us at first--"

Oishi suddenly realized.

"Scaring for misfortune! So Renji and the others defeated them, and do they expect us people to experience their previous psychological gap?"

Inui Sadaharu cheered up and looked at the court analysis.

Their analysis made sense, and the other teenagers who had been eliminated nodded again and again.

The high school students stood on the side and looked at the game intently, but they were actually hiding their embarrassment.

How can I speak it out?

Although some of them had already renounced their qualifications before they came, there were still more than 80 people in this group.

It is natural to be dissatisfied to come to the back mountain, but

They were beaten up by the first group of middle school students who came to the back mountain before Rikkai University.

Later, this afternoon, a few hours ago, they were approved by the "Middle School Losers Group" formed by the two newcomers from Rikkai University-Pathfinder. Driven by their teammates-Vanguard "||Team" gave it to All eliminated!

Why don't the six people from Rikkai feel unfamiliar when facing irregular ground!

The mood of the high school students is broken, they don't want to explain to these new middle school students. Don't say this kind of embarrassing thing!

"Next "

Kirihaya squinted.

His expression was cold and murderous in the dim sunlight that was about to disappear.

"Senior Liu, according to your data, who are we going to kill next?"

The second grader of Rikkai University looked at the teenagers on the opposite side of the net and said critically.


Hiyoshi Wakashi, who had been expressionless on the surface, couldn't help it instantly.

His face twisted, and his eyes looking at Kirihaya were breathing fire.

That kind of picky look, when are we the Chinese cabbage in the vegetable market or the green apple in the fruit supermarket?!

Do you think you can eliminate whoever you want to eliminate?

Hiyoshi snorted in his heart, thinking that Rikkai's second-year student was so arrogant.

You know, this looks rough but it is indeed an enlarged network court. While giving the players more room for activity, it also gives the opponents the difficulty of locking the target!

There are two criteria for elimination.

A goal is conceded, or a foul is committed.

And conceding a goal in this rough game has a rough explanation of expanding the scope! If the tennis is not skipped next to a player's racquet, if the player's approximate range is that there is no tennis ball next to him, what about other tennis balls? It doesn't matter to him!

After all, if you have to catch the ball, you can save it.Previously, high school students faced four or two people from Rikkai, and it is estimated that it only takes two seconds to declare defeat!

"It's up to you.

Kirihaya hummed softly.

He swept his gaze over, and fell on the two first-year students who were not prominent in their height but were very conspicuous.


The tennis ball flies out.

The sound of air friction caused by the almost extreme rotation made the eardrum feel uncomfortable.

Kirihaya moved his left finger knuckle, followed by another swing, and the tennis shot immediately exploded!

Irregular serve, this was originally his stunt, his scoring weapon.

And on this kind of court, the power is even greater!

"This ball is mine!"

Echizen Ryoma's amber cat's eyes brightened a bit, and he ran over in a few steps, and racquet waved.

Even if he is unfamiliar with such a court, Echizen Ryoma is confident to receive the ball with his own ball sense and strength!


However, one of his teammates did not think through their actions at all, and rushed directly in accordance with the most honest reaction of the body.


Two racquets collided.

Seigaku's first grader and Shitenhouji's first grader opened their eyes wide.

"Echizen Ryoma and Kintarou Tooyama are eliminated!"

Liu directly put the net racquet under his elbow and stood out of the court. He stood outside the court watching the game and said.

Yanagi Renji voluntarily abstained from the game, probably because he thought his teammates could handle everything?

In other words, Rikkai, as always, "dos slow" and disdains "siege"?

"Damn it, obviously we have the advantage in numbers."

After thinking of something, Shishido Ryoh's face was clearly grumpy.

The party with the larger number is besieged by the party with the smaller number?

It sounds like a cold joke.

But this is indeed the truth. It is the truth they are about to face but has been clarified by Liu's withdrawal.

Regarding the number of tennis balls played at once, anyone with a big Rikkai has the ability to kill any of them in one round!

"Has the military division progressed to the point where it always counts people's hearts?"

Liu Sheng's spectacles flashed.

As Liu's teammate, he naturally understands Yanagi Renji's true thoughts.

Liu actually thinks that the end of the game is set, and it is better to collect data (watching the play), right? Anyway, he has eliminated the most threatening team, and he has made his due contribution to the victory of the Rikkai group.

As for the other dozen or so people, just look at Echizen Ryoma and Kintarou Tooyama, and you know that the addition of singular numbers equals negative numbers!

Thanks to the double match of the U17 mental coach, the doubles in the middle school team were separated. This saves some energy and time for the Rikkai Big Six to win, allowing them to more calmly deal with opponents who are large in number but generally insufficient in strength.

However, the inner thoughts of Liu and Liu Sheng were ignorant of the teenagers in the loser group.

After being defeated by a former partner or friend, they want to prove themselves.

They don't want to lose again, and they don't want to be looked down upon!

In short, those who stayed on court, no matter what they were thinking, were a little more irritated by Liu's attitude.

The speed at which they ran, and the speed at which they swung a little faster.

The tiredness of traveling long distances and rock climbing seems to have disappeared at this time.

Echizen and Toyama glanced at each other, both angrily preparing to step off the court.

But their withdrawal is not the end of this ball!

In an instant, a new knockout appeared on the court!

Emotion has always been a double-edged sword in the game.

Just like Hiyoshi Wakashi was irritated by Kirihaya's attitude, he thought he was being ignored, so he stared at Yagyu on the opposite side of the net, but forgot that it was a team game.

Team competition!

Not a one-on-one duel!

And in accordance with the simple and rude rules of the game...

The lethality of a tennis ball, if the conditions are met, can definitely bring a player elimination number greater than or equal to two!


Reluctantly in a panic, Hiyoshi stretched Racquet across his chest.

The tennis ball was blocked by his racquet, but at the same time--

". "Hiyoshi-kun, you can go off."

Liu Sheng pushed his glasses and said for his junior.

How could he and his own (Li's) generation to grab opponents?

The matters of the second graders should be solved by themselves!

Irregular serve, even if it is called "irregular", even if it appears on an irregular court ground, it must follow the orders of its owner!

Kirihara Akaya, the goal at the beginning is not to be alone!

And Liu Sheng's own goal

Of course it is a third grader who is a Hyotei player with Hiyoshi Wakashi!


The yellow light beam flashed by, and after landing, it bounced over the edge of Shishido Ryoh's racquet frame.

"Shito-kun, please end with Hiyoshi-kun."

Liu Sheng's expression was still so polite, he didn't look like an athletic teenager on court. But judging from his expression, he was like a gentleman with great demeanor, not aggressive at all.

But this is just the appearance.

It's like the one that hit Shishido Ryoh just now.

Yagyu Hiroshi, Nioh Masaharu's doubles partner in the third period, is an out-and-out attacking player!

Originally, he was the young man who was brought closer to the "battlefield" by Nioh. What he yearned for in his bones was to attack!

If Yagyu didn't give in because of his love for younger generations, I am afraid that Hiyoshi Wakashi would not be able to escape the fate of being concentrated by the yellow light beam or flying by him in the first round!

PS: I woke up from sleep. Happy National Day everyone!

New January, please ask for a flower monthly evaluation ticket! and.

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