Prince of Tennis Nioh Phantom

Chapter 442 : Inside doubles, people's hearts are sinister!

"Has Tokugawa-senpai had any doubles experience?"

When walking to the court, Nioh asked Tanegashima curiously.

In his impression, Tokugawa Kazuya has always been a singles player. Although this U17 high school student with considerable potential and strength can "resonate" with Yukimura in the doubles game in the future, this does not mean that Tokugawa and Irie can become a pair of doubles partners with excellent cooperation.

"Resonance" only means that the two people have a high degree of compatibility or mutual appreciation between the two. It does not mean that the players are good at doubles or have a tacit understanding of doubles. On "tacit understanding" alone, "homology" is the magical skill on doubles!

But this doubles game was not proposed by Nioh Masaharu himself.

It was Tokugawagawa himself who offered to carry out doubles!

"Little Nioh, have you forgotten who is Tokugawa's roommate? Who is the one standing next to him now?"

Tanegashima chuckled softly, glanced at the other side, and then asked Nioh back.

Tanegashima, who was dragged into the water for a doubles match, can be said to have "no fighting spirit". The emotions in his heart at this time were not half tense, they were all expectation and joy.

"You actually call Tokugawa "Senior" now, little Nioh, this is grown up, do you know how to'respect the old and love the young'?"

Tanegashima sighed as he looked at the younger generation who had an expression of sudden realization.

One leaf is blind.

No matter how smart the fox is, it is impossible to calculate everything, and there will always be negligence.

Hunters who are good at observing may not be able to shoot a shot at a prey in the distance if they pretend to be lurking somewhere for a long time, but once they press the trigger, it will be a hit!

Nioh Masaharu was originally surprised that Tokugawa Kazuya, who thought he had only the goal of "defeat the Byodoin Fenghuang", offered to propose doubles. He had a restless factor in his bones and loved and was good at doubles. He naturally agreed to the other party without any need. The invitation to fight.

As a result, the other person who was hidden behind Tokugawa achieved his goal calmly, and even realized the expectations of his roommate and junior!

"What are you two talking about? Let's hurry up and start the game."

Irie stood on the front court and said mildly.

The high school student in the 101 dormitory has long been aware of Tokugawa's idea of ​​wanting to play a game with Nioh to improve his tennis skills.

But "playing a game" is easy to say, but it's hard to get the opponent to agree.

The tennis match that Tokugawa Kazuya wants is not the kind of practice match where each other's strength is pulled together, nor is it a daily match that hides the cards and deliberately ties or even admits to losing! What he wants is Nioh Masaharu who seems to have defeated him before. 'S full shot!

The time is almost up.

Tokugawa knows that the U17 World Cup date is gradually approaching, and the expedition players of the First Army have not many days to come back. Byōdōin Hōō is coming back!

Even if he no longer constrains his opponent to the Byodoin Temple alone, Tokugawa wants to defeat the one who let him enter the "land"||prison!

Of course, this is not the main reason why this doubles happened today.

It would be a bit miserable if Nioh comes back again, but is only seen as a "stepping stone" or "booster" by this promising high school student.

The main reason why Tokugawa Kazuya invited Nioh to play today's doubles match is simple!

-He wants to play an all-out tennis game with Nioh Masaharu!

He wants to know how Nioh is now in tennis!

And as Tokugawa knew, Irie could also think of this. So, there is today's doubles!

"Kanata, you say that, it really makes me feel bad."

Tanegashima lamented.

These people used him blatantly one by one, don't they know to cover it up?

It's all about the juniors who are dragging themselves to participate in this doubles game. After all, they are juniors, so they should be spoiled.

But even with the staff, you don't want to be perfunctory, and directly show your goals so honestly-this is too much to put the friendship of the two or three years in the eyes of the team?!

"What is Shuji saying, when did Tokugawa and I not care about you? Are you not feeling well today?"

Irie said, her eyes lit up and she showed a worried expression.

"If you feel uncomfortable, don't hold on."

It is best to increase the stroke!

Whether we can achieve the "little wish" of Tokugawa and I today depends on your performance, Xiujun!

The emotion in Irie's eyes was so sincere, and he made no secret of his thoughts.

"Seniors! Is it really good for you to cheat me as a new middle school student?"

Nioh said depressed.

Fudge yourself in the name of "doubles", senior U17 high school students, have your consciences followed the army on the expedition?

Even Tokugawa, who was originally called upright, has failed to learn!

Now, how can Nioh not understand what the two seniors on the opposite side of the net are playing?

Then the reason for "doubles" aroused my interest and let myself agree to it. But since it is a doubles, it must have a partner. Tokugawa and Irie have the same goals and can form an alliance with doubles. There may be some loopholes in their cooperation, but the two are still good. With Irie's insight, they should also be a relatively tacit partner.

And my partner in this field--

"Senior Tanegashima, you won't continue paddling in this game, will you?"

Nioh blinked and asked.

He was disturbed.

If the plan of the two seniors on the opposite side is to succeed, there is a very crucial factor that can be called the decisive factor. Their plan is based on the premise that "Tanegashima Shuji does not work hard and will continue to paddle the water"!

"Senior, you must keep your "undefeated' history!"

"Senior must not be caught in the trap of the two opposing people!"

Nioh was worried about his predecessor, and his emotions agitated.

What broke his heart, however, was that his predecessors were totally unappreciative of his "sowing discord".

"You seem to have forgotten something, little Nioh."

Tanegashima smiled faintly at his junior and partner.

". "Who at first defeated my predecessor without mercy in front of Maori?!"

It's not too late for a gentleman to avenge him in ten years.

If it is too slow, then it is better to hit the sun than to choose a day-let it be today!

Tanegashima felt that his previous attitude towards younger generations was still too weak, and he should learn from Byodoin.

Because the opponent is a junior, I didn't give my full strength at the beginning and then cocooned myself. That feeling is really bad! Tanegashima doesn't want to experience it again!

"I'm really looking forward to seeing Nioh, you have a new breakthrough in tennis.

Tanegashima said with a smile.

Spoiling the younger generation doesn't mean that he doesn't hold grudges!

The senior U17 high school student who has pitted Rikkai Deputy Minister, today I still want to pit his other junior!

"Little Nioh cares about seniors so much, I am really touched."

He immediately said under Nioh's shocked gaze.

"Whether the predecessors can keep the'undefeated' history in front of our opponents and the ghost king, it depends on you, little Nioh!"

As soon as this sentence came out, Nioh's expression was completely broken.

If Tanegashima is willing to cooperate, Nioh and his predecessor can definitely win (Li Zhao), Irie and Tokugawa. After all, they have an advantage in terms of individual strength. The tacit understanding on doubles, with Nioh, is not afraid of it.

But now the situation has changed.

The human heart is sinister, but so!

Nioh felt that his heart was going to be broken when the original game was stable, but it turned out to be such a start.

Even if he is good at doubles and is not inferior to any of the two predecessors in front of him in tennis, he can't win the opponents without any effort when the No. 2 army next to him does not work hard. Zenith's U17 top-level high school students!

PS: #Which is the best digging technology? Find Irie in U17 training camp!#

Nioh: Pill! Can I apply for rewinding again? If I do it again, I will never enter the unlucky place of U17 ahead of time! Yukimura, my minister, where are you?! Come and save your staff !

Yukimura: (Your minister is not currently in the service area) I can't hear, I'm talking about cute plants with Zang Lin~

#一遇四天误一生生#The style of my small scroll was taken away by them! Friends, what do you think of my text? Did you pull it back?!.

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