Prince of Tennis Nioh Phantom

Chapter 450 : Where science is, light and shadow and inquiry

The player is an actor, and the court is the stage.

The curtain opened and the lights were dazzling.

But the figure on the stage who was supposed to be the "actor" on the basis of reasoning, can't see the face!

--It's a strange different-dimensional ghost.

Although Nioh could not help but raise his mouth because of the appearance of Irie in this way, he actually raised his vigilance against Irie in his heart to a higher level.

According to his own understanding and exploration of the virtual shadows of different dimensions, the different dimensions of tennis players can often reflect the spiritual essence and true characteristics of the players, can map the players' talents, and point out the direction of improvement for the players.

Irie's different dimension is not so much an "actor" as it is a "theatre stage".

--The different dimension with its own background, Nioh Masaharu has not seen it before. His own different dimension lisianthus flowers have two different backgrounds of light and darkness.

And the different-dimensional ghosts and gods similar to Onijujiro and the different-dimensional pirates of Byōdōin Hōō, their different-dimensional phantoms are essentially focused on "ghosts and gods" and "pirates", not the smell of hell, the fire of the ghost, and the stormy waves. Angry waves, pirate fleet!

But Irie's different dimension-actors are different.

Nioh can feel that the senior high school student on the third court opposite him, the power of different dimensions is not condensed on the virtual shadow of an actor who can't see the real face, but is evenly distributed across the entire background board. And the invisible face-probably the overall phantom of the actor-on!

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The power and speed of Irie's swing immediately rose a step, and the increase brought by the appearance of the phantom of the different dimension was obvious.

Therefore, even though Tokugawa glanced at Tanegashima, who was smiling "oh, oops" on his stomach, he chose inaction at the right time and made this doubles game go to the singles situation that Nioh least likes to see in doubles. But Nioh, who has not used his own different dimension, is naturally struggling to face Irie, who clearly appears in the virtual shadow of the different dimension.

Nioh Masaharu pays attention to training his physical fitness, he is still only a third-year middle school player.

A large number of scientific researches and facts have proved that the physical development of most girls is the middle school stage. The physical development of most teenagers is not in the middle school period. The period between graduation from junior high school and graduation from high school is the stage when teenagers are advancing by leaps and bounds.

In their daily lives, people can often find that after the high school vacation in junior high school, they used to see relatively short teenagers. It's too fast!

This is the natural growth law of the human body, and there may be accidents, but as a whole it cannot be violated.

Since the high school students came to U17 and succeeded in staying, with the strict training menu, they have further stimulated their physical growth potential.

In that situation, each of them can feel that their tennis strength is improving by leaps and bounds. They all thought that now they can completely abuse the original self, their self-confidence has been expanded a lot, and their strength has really improved a lot.

As a member of high school students, Irie can feel the tremendous progress he has made this year. But unlike others, his self-confidence is still mild and not swollen-although his original self-confidence is not low.

"30:0, Irie and Tokugawa score!"

A tennis ball with a halo effect like a stage light rushed to Nioh's half court.

Irie Kanata of Court No. 3 obviously did not miss his high school homework when training tennis and honing his acting skills. Even if he loves literature, he may prefer liberal arts subjects, but his science subjects are not bad.

At least, physics is excellent.

--The knowledge of optics was used by him, and it was used in the competition on the court!

Nearly perfect use of the visual effects of "light" and "shadow", after leaving Nioh's eyes with the wrong visual experience, he did not forget to "flash".

And the tennis after "shining" disappears as if it fits into another different dimension of time and space.

"Using the conversion of light and shadow, and then using the auxiliary role of mental power, will it cause visual errors?"

"Senior Irie, tennis is impossible to miss."

Nioh saw that his side had lost two points, and Tanegashima-senpai, who was standing on the court, was still in a state of "smiling and weak", sighed and said.

"Even if you can't see it, the tennis ball is on court."

He spoke softly.

The sound was not loud, but the few people present could hear it very clearly.

Irie's eyebrows were crooked, and the power of his swing was added a bit, and his mental power continued to flood into the different dimensions.


The pure white light lit up, illuminating the place that was not illuminated by the "stage lights".

The tennis ball, which was originally classified as a blind spot due to the distortion of light and the induction of mental power, appeared in Nioh's eyes. He did not hesitate to grasp the timing of the swing.

The whole picture of the different-dimensional lisianthus flower has not been fully revealed yet, but the branches and leaves of the different-dimensional phantom lisianthus flower appeared out of nowhere at that moment.

Follow the ball path and spread upward.

………For flowers,

Pieces of tender leaves were flying around the tennis ball, and then suddenly burst out like a feather arrow, rushing to the "unknown figure on the stage phantom" behind Irie.

With max insight, Irie is ready. Didn't Nioh really hurt his other dimension? But he also underestimated Nioh's level of improvement over the past year.

The curtain of the different-dimensional stage was pulled up.

Like the legendary stray flowers and flying leaves that can hurt people, the young leaves of lisianthus flowers are blocked from the curtain.

But the tennis ball landed steadily!

"At 15:30, Nioh and Tanegashima score!

The ghost's gaze was scorching, and there was a depressed warfare in the eyes that looked at Nioh.

Just as Irie had a different foundation for Nioh Masaharu after defeating Nioh to hide his fighting spirit, the attitude of the ghost towards Nioh is also different from that of middle school students and U17 colleagues.


But for the sake of the overall situation, for his future plans, Oni Jujirou still resisted the fighting spirit rising in his heart.

He announced the score in a deep voice.

Nioh Masaharu's strength improvement is in their expectations. After all, a player who was able to use the different dimension in the early stage of the second stage of the country so smoothly has definitely awakened to the different dimension in the first stage of the country. And they concluded that Nioh would definitely reach the different-dimensional realm earlier, maybe even at the beginning of the middle school.

But the ghost was still surprised.

He clearly remembered the level of the different-dimensional basic strength Nioh used last time. Just now, the gatekeeper of Court No. 5 took a breath.

Bang! Bang!

The rapid swing sounded again.

The curtain in the different-dimensional phantom behind Irie was controlled by his mental power and opened again.

The scenes exposed are still the previous stage layouts and the silhouettes of people who can't see their faces, figures, and costumes.

That should be an actor, right?

Nioh guessed.

His curiosity for Irie's different dimensions has never been higher. The restless fox by nature is eager to find out.

People who don't know their gender, body shape, or appearance

Just like a criminal suspect in a detective XX, people can't help but reveal his true face!

PS, we still have to believe in science and physics. Have you seen #万年小学生# (I have given up looking after it a long time ago)? The suspects in it are all the same before being identified, which impressed me deeply. I can't forget the figure even if I forget the plot.

Of course, Kanata’s different dimension is an "actor", not a soil,

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