Prince of Tennis Nioh Phantom

Chapter 454 : Language art, the role of luck

The 201 dormitory of U17 has four members.

Among them, Seigaku's hand Kunimitsu and Fuji Syusuke, as original teammates, acted together logically.

So when Rikkai only had Yukimura and Nioh staying in the U17 headquarters training camp, and Nioh was missing, Yukimura and Shiraishi had a chat about their beloved plants, and smiled and invited his roommate Shiraishi to join him. Go to "Explore U17".

Shitenhouji's minister Shiraishi Kuranosuke readily agreed.

And, after he had a heartfelt communication with the minister of Rikkai University, Shiraishi volunteered to knock on the door of the 21-7 dormitory.

"Mr. Qianshi, let's go to explore the U17 training camp together-let's!"

The Kansai players are so passionate.

Sengoku Kiyosumi looked flattered at Shiraishi and Yukimura who were smiling brightly, and nodded subconsciously.

Shiraishi's smile became brighter.

Plan pass v

#One step closer to finding Nioh Masaharu#

#Use your power, Sengoku Kiyosumi, Goddess of Luck!#

"Now you just need to find Masaharu, and that's it."

Sengoku, who joined Shitenhouji and Rikkai's "Mystery U17 Unit" inexplicably, looked at the smiling Yukimura in confusion.


Shiraishi echoed the road.

"Find Nioh, we will have a guide!"

Shiraishi said the reasons he thought were appropriate.

However, his instinct told Qianshi that something seemed wrong, so he showed a look of doubt.

Upon seeing this, Yukimura immediately gave the talkative Minister Shitenhouji a "cheering" look.

As a result, Shitenhouji Minister Shiraishi Kuranosuke, who once fooled Caiqian, coaxed Toyama, and persuaded Chitose, once again began to "show his personality and language art"!

"Do you have anything else-one"

Sengoku's intuition is still very keen, after all, he is a young man whose lucky value is unscientific.

But Shiraishi's face did not change, Yukimura kept smiling.


"If we want to'explore U17', we must find Nioh and proceed in private without disturbing senior high school students! Otherwise, we will be disturbed!

Shiraishi righteous words.

"I mean, your purpose for looking for me seems to be"

Qianshi hesitated to speak but stopped.

And Shiraishi didn't give him time to finish this sentence again.

"Our purpose of looking for you is to find Nioh, and then "Explore U17' together!"

Shiraishi spoke resolutely.

Yukimura still kept smiling and was a qualified listener.

When Sengoku Kiyosumi heard the words, the trouble on his face increased. He thought he understood the real purpose of the two ministers opposite, so he twitched his mouth.

"Um, if you are looking for Nioh, go to court number one--"

He struggled to speak.

"No! We are here to find you, then Nioh as a guide, and finally "exploring U17' together!"

Shiraishi emphasized the order.

"Are you just looking for Nioh

Qianshi was choked and pointed out directly.

"No! Sengoku, don't change the subject! We came to the door of the 217 dormitory specifically, do you still look for Sanada?"

"Oh, yes, I didn't come to find A Yin. Don't get me wrong, Qianshi!"

Shiraishi resolutely said.

In order to take advantage of the lucky value that Yamabuki is choosing, Shitenhouji's minister really did it.

He ignored their Shitenhouji in the 217 dormitory.


Sengoku felt bad after hearing Shiraishi's words.

He felt the long-lost breath of danger.

- You know, the last time he felt this cool thing behind his back, was it because Akutsu Jin didn't know him when he first entered the tennis club! (Akutsu: Don't order me! Who knows you!)


Sengoku's other roommate, Fudomine's Minister Tachibana Yoshihira looked at his roommate Ishida worriedly.

Ishida Gin, Shitenhouji's official selection, is well-known in the middle school tennis world for his strength. Tachibana, who has this younger brother as a member of the power of the wave ball, can't understand it better.

However, it is precisely because he understands that he is worried!

--How to do?!

Since coming to Fudomine, the Kyushu lion, who has been "worrying" on this "road of no return" and never returning, has become more and more Buddha-like.

He is like a "big Buddha", "Pursuing all things", worrying about all kinds of things.

Nowadays, Tachibana has a hunch

His roommate Ishida Gin seems to have the urge to play a swing ball at his other roommate Sengoku Kiyosumi!

[I knew Shiraishi would come to see Chitose, so I went to Chitose!]

Orange gritted his teeth and thought.

The reason why he stayed in the dormitory was actually because his original good partner and good partner Chitose talked to him and then unswervingly found Kunimitsu, the expressionless handist.

Chitose's dedication to the hand was beyond Tachibana's expectations. So Fudomine's minister had to stay in the dormitory.

He had originally thought that his roommates were all nice people-after Sanada had left, Sengoku was completely alive. And even when Sanada was still here, Sengoku, who was not afraid of Akuzu's evil voice, was not afraid of Sanada's black face and seriously enlivened the atmosphere!

"Really a good teammate, Chiishi.

This is the idea from Orange Ji Plain.

…………For flowers

But now his thinking has changed!

- Sengoku Kiyosumi, you are about to cheat me, do you know!

Watching Sengoku close the door and leave, Tachibana felt very tired when facing the low pressure Ishida.

And five minutes later, when Tachibana Yoshihira was carrying racquet across the ball site and across from Ishida Gin, he felt more tired.

However, the minister of Rikkai, the minister of Shitenhouji, and the favored person of Yamabuki will not care about this "little matter".

They happily embarked on the road of "Finding the Guide Nioh Masaharu"-under the guidance of Sengoku.

Because a few words from a certain heart governor Guanxixi provoked the roommate's "maliciousness" towards him, Qianshi had to leave his dormitory with this minister and another director Guandongbu with the same heart.

He doesn't know where Nioh is.

So, he walked around randomly according to his own mind.


However, the teenager favored by the goddess of luck is such an unusual one-U17 has so many hidden, abandoned, and camera-free venues, and the U17 training camp is so large that Qianshi walked and heard the sound of hitting the ball!

Yamabuki's positive selection:

"I know, my role is to take you to find Nioh!"

Qianshi said with a sad expression on his face.

The two big brothers were too dark-hearted, and his own number of paragraphs was completely insufficient, so he could only work hard and obey the instructions.

But it’s good to “explore” with Yukimura and Shiraishi

Senshi maintained an expression of grief and anger on the surface, but he was very satisfied in his heart.

"Wow, is that a special effect?!"

Irie Kanata's different dimension comes with special lighting effects, so that Chinishi and the others can faintly see the light effect that will blind their eyes through a grove of nearly ten meters.

"Go and see?

Eager to try, Qianshi completely abandoned his "reluctant" personality and two roommates in the 217 dormitory at this time.

[Can Tachibana comfort Ishida, right? I can definitely do it! I'm still at ease to follow Yukimura and Shiraishi to watch the game, there are not many opportunities like this!]

[And without Yukimura's lead, I always feel that I will be hit by a tennis ball!]

Sengoku's lucky value gave him extremely keen intuition.

"Yukimura, Shiraishi, let's go quickly!"

Yamabuki's official election is actually a boy with a heart.

How could Sengoku, who can grasp the context of Akutsu, have no such thing as "scheming"?

PS, Yukimura: On the role of Shiraishi!

Sengoku: On the role of the roommate (Orange)!

Shiraishi: On the role of Ishida!

Tachibana-Innocent-Injured by implicated accident-Yoshihira: (Suddenly miss Sanada Kanjun!) Tu.

.. Sure enough!

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