Prince of Tennis Nioh Phantom

Chapter 456 : The second set, double stroke, Tokugawa change

Irie is a strong high school student.

This person's acting strength, after discussion by some small groups within U17, is recognized as "unmatched"!

Therefore, even though Irie performed so well before, the phantom of the different dimension is going to flash blind, Shiraishi and Qianshi, the two naive and ignorant middle school students, still subconsciously left this senior in their hearts. The impression of "not so powerful" in strength.

Irie: Thank you Nioh for attracting the attention of those two junior high school students! I also want to play with Hyotei's junior high school students!

Yukimura glanced at the expressions of the two teammates who came to "Explore U17" with him, and smiled without saying a word.

"The second set is about to begin. Senior, are you really not coming back?"

Nioh nodded to his junior high school teammates on the edge of the court, and then asked his current doubles partner.

However, Tanegashima, who was standing beside Oni Jujiro with a carefree expression, was not moved at all.

Old arms and legs are old, what else are you moving!

The world now belongs to young people!

The U17 high school senior thought so.

Nioh was not upset when he saw this, he gave the three Yukimura at the court a helpless look.

Those eyes are full of indulgence towards seniors!

Shiraishiand Thousand Stone:!??

"If you don't want to play games, you don't have to force it.

"Senior just watched me play tennis. I will win the game for Senior!"

Nioh Masaharu has always considered himself a very considerate junior, and he is happy to take care of his senior's "want to watch a good show" mood.

Of course, if you take care of one end, you can't take care of the other end.

Shiraishi and Sengoku glanced at each other, and both of them saw the face of the other who also wrote the word "stunned".

And the ghost as the referee: Byodoin! Come back soon 067!

Oni Jujiro never missed Byōdōin Hōō like this.

He would rather play a hundred games with Byodoin Temple than here watching Rikkai's seniors communicate their feelings to each other.

And Irie, who entered the "I am weak" acting state, really almost couldn't hold back and hit the ball directly, making the second set begin immediately.

He could barely maintain his expression.

Fortunately, Shiraishi and the two are stunned, otherwise Irie's "fame" in U17 will be planted here!

On the court, opposite Nioh, another high school student in the 101 dormitory had an unusual expression.

--That's an expression of extreme patience and on the verge of exploding.

In line with the ghost's thinking, Tokugawa Kazuya, never missed Byōdōin Hōō so much!

He admits defeat!

He acknowledged the strength and status of Byodoin U17 training camp No.1!

He sincerely and willingly supported Byodoin's leadership and rule of the First Army!

- Tokugawa Kazuya only asks the leader of the Byodoin Temple to quickly end his expedition led by the army!

It's only a few days now

The junior high school students only came to U17 for a few days, and Tanegashima became Tokugawa's "familiar but unfamiliar" appearance.

If it is Byodoin Temple, Tanegashima Shuji has always been showing off at Byodoin Temple!

However, now, it really is #retribution #!

Tokugawa had a cold face, feeling that he had never been so supportive of Byōdōin Hōō--and only No. 1 can suppress N..2, right?

At the worst, Byodoin alone can attract all Tanegashima's "(bhcj) dazzling" firepower.

#From the people who eat melons to the victim's Tokugawa#

#Resolutely support the status of Byodoin Temple, Tokugawa who only seeks to transfer firepower#

#Finally realized the charm of Byōdōin Hōō's team leader, and realized that Byodoin has an indispensable role in U17 training camp#


The voices of the high school students in Court No. 1 can fall out of ice scum.

However, Nioh was not affected in any way. He turned his head to re-enter the court. He didn't want to use even 60% of his strength in this game. Tanegashima, who blatantly wanted to "lie down and win" with the younger generation, exchanged a "tacit look between the younger generations". ".

Shiraishiand: It's so cold suddenly!

Ghost and Irie: The boat of friendship is overturned! Tanegashima, you are no longer a colleague with us!

Tokugawa: I want to play shining ball! How about going to Byodoin Temple to learn about professional "destruction"? (心动.jpg)


Irie tried to pretend to collapse, and a soft serve interrupted everyone's thoughts.

(Resentment BUFF)

"Senior Tanegashima and Masaharu have a good understanding."

Yukimura completely ignored the reality that Tanegashima was simply standing still on the backcourt, and his tone was as sincere as Tanegashima and Nioh played doubles.

Such a compliment

Shiraishi's expression stiffened.

No, his roommate is not "praising against his will"!

Based on Shiraishi Kuranosuke's understanding of Seiichi Yukimura, Yukimura was really serious and sincerely complimenting the two people on court just now!

--That's it. The Minister of Rikkai University has the highest requirements for the members?

The Minister of Shitenhouji felt that he had suffered a very serious spiritual injury.

As a result, he tried to divert all his attention to the game, without seeing Yukimura's aftermath sweeping the expression on the corners of his mouth.


The Minister of Rikkai couldn't see anyone anymore, and he focused on watching the game.

Tokugawa played hard in the first game.

80% of him was over-repressed in the front and then suffered a lot of mental damage from Rikkai. He played very seriously from the beginning.

In contrast, although Irie's performance is not as good as Tanegashima's "blatantly paddling", but he also started to play "I'm weak so I can't play tennis."

A doubles becomes singles again.

"15:0, Irie and Tokugawa are leading!"

"15:15, Nioh and Tanegashima are ahead!"

The different-dimensional phantom behind Nioh has not recovered.

But compared to before, his extra-dimensional lisianthus flower seems to be a little smaller.

So Shiraishi began his guessing--

"Is Nioh's different dimension consumed by that senior?"

Very reasonable guess, but love.


Yukimura said without changing her face.

"Is that a kind of plant? Yukimura, Shiraishi, do you know what it is?"

Sengoku's focus is on Nioh's different dimensional form.

He still doesn't know that Rikkai's different dimension is no longer a light group, and Yukimura's different dimension has a very beautiful state of perfection when they didn't know it. But this does not prevent Sengoku Kiyosumi from exploring the different dimensions of Nioh Masaharu.

People are always curious about new things.

Although new things will become "heretics" in the eyes of most people, they will not accept it. But Sengoku Kiyosumi, Yamabuki's right choice is different! He is a tennis teenager who can "shun Mao" for Akutsu Jin!

Qianshi was born with a big heart, and he is not afraid of new things at all!

"It looks like an lisianthus flower.

Shiraishi looked at the two-dimensional phantom and said.

"Yes, it's lisianthus flower."

"Zanglin really studies plants, we must have a good exchange in the future!"

The plant duo happily reached a consensus v


"Senior Tokugawa, this is not enough!"

Nioh noticed Irie's paddling and started provoking Tokugawa.

This inexplicable doubles, but the two seniors on the opposite side took the initiative to invite the battle! On the court, how can it be counted if it is not a good fight?!

Nioh also wants to see Tokugawa's strength improvement in more than a year!

When the tennis ball was in contact with racquet, it was surrounded by dots of silver and white light.

At the moment the tennis rushed out, Tokugawa finally broke out his hole cards--

"Black hole!"

Racquet's continuous swings and cuts distorted time and space and bound the tennis ball.

Even if it is not the strongest defensive skill, there are very few people who can break the "black hole"!

"30:15, Irie and Tokugawa score!"

Nioh Masaharu was able to break the "black hole", and Tokugawa naturally knew about it.

But one by one, his physique, even if it can't be compared with ghosts, is definitely stronger than Irie Kanata!

The mental power exploded.

The black-purple vortex seems to be able to swallow all attacks, and it seems to be able to restrain tennis from any angle and any ball path.

Slap! slap!

"1:0, Irie and Tokugawa score!"

Nioh narrowed his eyes in the form of a contracted different dimension.

The progress of this senior in high school seems to be greater than he imagined!

Tokugawa, who already has the consciousness to step into the world, is stimulated by the back of Byōdōin Hōō, and his current strength can match the ghost. Irie has such high expectations for him and Byodoin's heavy special treatment. !

PS: The attitude of the U17 left-behind high school students is completely opposite to the attitude of the junior high school students in the expedition team~ (A) Maori himself or Maori plus Tanegashima plus a group of Rikkai? Such a simple arithmetic multiple-choice question is very easy to do .

[Crazy hint: look at my out-of-flight picks 15, 16, 17!]

Expedition Team: Captain, we won't go back!

U17 trio: Byodoin, come back quickly!

(However, the return of the boss of the first army is far away, covering his face. But it doesn't matter, the end of the world, we will contact us by text message ~ everyone must believe that the Maori senior is a qualified Rikkai Taisho election!),

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