Prince of Tennis Nioh Phantom

Chapter 460 : Just get used to it, and the atmosphere is relaxed

"Ah, hiss--"

After listening to Nioh's words, Shiraishi Kuranosuke subconsciously turned around and ran into the nearest innocent and poor tree.

The interaction force made him now clutching his forehead and gasping quietly.


Sengoku shouted with some worry.

"I'm fine!"

Shiraishi rubbed his red forehead with his left hand, and waved his hand at Sengoku with his right hand.

"Used to it!

"As the minister of Shitenhouji, I insist on sprinting and approaching every day and then jumping into the school gate!"

"This method of entering the school is not that difficult!'

Sengoku Kiyosumi actually heard some strange pride in the words of Shitenhouji's minister.

Yamabuki's Zheng Xuan made a face and withdrew his worried eyes.

--Well, this classmate deserves no sympathy!

"Is it true?"

However, Sengoku Kiyosumi's self-paralysis could not prevent Shiraishi Kuranosuke from speaking out.

"I thought I was dreaming, but I didn't expect it to be true!"

Shiraishi rubbed his forehead and muttered quietly.

"Is it possible to use such moves on the day of the national finals?"

"But I remember the other-dimensional phantom I saw that day--"

Shiraishi said, looking at Yukimura, who was smiling and watching the excitement with his gaze in search.

There is no doubt that the gap between the prototype of the different dimension and the phantom of the perfect state of the different dimension is huge. Although Shiraishi has not seen Yukimura's current phantom of another dimension, he can perceive something from his instinct and from the game he has just seen.

For example, the purple-blue light group he saw in the final of the national competition has a different feel from the different-dimensional phantom that Nioh just used in the game.

"That is the prototype of our minister in another dimension!"

However, it was Nioh who answered Shiraishi's question.

Nioh was not in a hurry to start the next game. He left the cold-faced high school student there to sink into a thoughtful countermeasure, but he couldn't wait to answer Shiraishi's question in place of Yukimura.

Sengoku Kiyosumi, the patron of Goddess of Luck, felt something unpleasant in an instant.

Although Nioh respectfully refers to Yukimura as "Ministry" in his own words, Sengoku feels a little bad because of this.

The feeling of the "Lucky Sengoku" player is completely correct.

Just like Nioh only calls Sanada "Vice Minister" only in certain special-special-time-moments (such as digging a hole for Sanada, such as making Sanada jump a hole, such as adding a few shovel soil to Sanada in the pit). , Nioh only needs to call Yukimura "Minister", except for some serious and special moments, except for some serious occasions, except for certain moments when he shouts slogans or moves his heart.

Except for these time occasions, Nioh always has some "not very good thoughts"!

This is a small habit that Nioh Masaharu can't change.

Yukimura knew it himself, so he kept smiling.

"As I said just now, our "Son of God" minister perfected his different-dimensional phantom on the day after the national competition ended. "

The Rikkai member on the court, the Nioh Masaharu tennis player, imitated the voice of Irie he heard at the end of the previous game, and said with an aria of sighs.

"After our minister's different-dimensional phantom is perfected, it will take on a new form.

As he said this, his mood rose and his tone rose by an octave.

Sengoku didn't know why, so he took a peek at Yukimura subconsciously, and then trembled in his heart.

The Minister of Rikkai is still smiling, but looks terrible QAQ

"Yes, that day, my tennis level improved a lot.

Yukimura didn't let his over-excited clerk talk about the most important point. He took Nioh's words in a very gentle tone.

"Do you want Zang Lin to play a tennis match with me? Maybe Zang Lin will improve after the game is over!"

Minister Rikkai's voice is very nice, very gentle, and very su.

However, Shitenhouji's minister does not want to choose "death", he thinks he can save himself!

"No, don't bother you, Yukimura!"

"Let's watch the game together!"

Shiraishi refused repeatedly.

He is still a person with a sense of crisis. Moreover, Shiraishi believes that if he has to play a game of tennis, he has to prepare himself!

"If Yukimura you want to play tennis, you can find Fuji! Or Sengoku, would you like to play tennis with Yukimura?"

The clever-minded Minister Shitenhouji patted Yamabuki's shoulder enthusiastically as he spoke.


Sengoku Kiyosumi was caught off guard, he seriously underestimated the heart of a certain minister.

"No! No! Don't bother Yukimura!"

Sengoku firmly refused.

"No, Sengoku.

"You see, after Seigaku's Echizen and Yukimura played the game, they awakened seamlessly. After our Xiaojin and Yukimura played the game, we also improved a lot!"

Shiraishi persuaded enthusiastically, looking very much into consideration for Sengoku.

Therefore, in the following time, Shitenhouji's minister and Yamabuki's official election joined the tug-of-war of "persuasion and counter-persuasion".

The opportunity to enter the exciting "Secret Seiichi Yukimura's New Face in Another Dimension" was thrown into the elapsed time by Yukimura's light and light words.

The conversation and communication have entered ". "Garbage Time".

Nioh glared at Shiraishi and Sengoku, who looked very spineless in his hatred of iron and steel, and then decisively avoided Yukimura's gaze, and his voice firmly said to the senior across the net--

"Seniors, let's continue the game!"

#Very good, it's so awkward! #

# Seiichi Yukimura is the (magic) son (king) of the god (big), it is better to avoid it#

So, under the slightly subtle eyes of Tokugawa and Irie, the game that was interrupted for more than a minute due to the "Shiraishi tree hitting incident" resumed.

The only difference is that after Shitenhouji's professional Glory King level funny (crossed out) Tennis Minister blended, after a few words from Nioh and Yukimura, the atmosphere on the court naturally relaxed.

Tokugawa, who was originally distressed and anxious because of the "disqualification", which caused the "black hole" to disappear, was distressed and anxious. At this time, he even slightly hooked his mouth to play.

--But this is not a serious doubles game.

(Of Zhao's) Tanegashima, who is about to "lie down and win", said that he had a great time watching the show and eating melons!

Slap! slap!

"5:1, Nioh and Tanegashima score!"

The ghost finally remembered his role as an interim referee, and he announced the score.

Because of being too addicted to the game before him, Oni Jujiro did not judge the points in time for several times. If he does become a full-time referee in the future, don't talk about bonuses-I am afraid that he will be deducted from his salary!

But fortunately, he is currently a promising tennis player.

As a tennis player, I am obsessed with tennis games and watching games, which is not ashamed and deserves encouragement.

PS, Shitenhouji is a school with a distinctive school style and a mystery of painting style. However, after getting used to it, we will find that this is a school that makes you want to laugh out loud when you see the name of the school!

Don't feel bad about Shiraishi. He hit the top of the school gate many times because of sprints, run-ups, and high jumps. .

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