Prince of Tennis Nioh Phantom

Chapter 469 : Smooth progress, a prelude to the meeting

Sanada, who took the lead in shouting the slogan "There is no dead end", under the expectant gaze of the teenagers in the Back Mountain Action Team, took the teenagers in Higa and set off with a serious face.

As a senior middle school tennis player, Sanada is not weak in handling the ball. Coupled with the practice of kendo since he was a child, he is very clear about the things like "where to play and let the opponent coma"!

The two youngsters in Higa are also uncompromising practitioners of Okinawa martial arts. Although their Shuchi method is only a simple version, it does not prevent them from easily "swishing~" Explode your hand speed while passing people and dogs!

Boom! Boom! Boom!


The only hound that was not unconscious was stuffed into a tennis ball: huh~

Coaches in front of the screen:!!!

Coach Tuo Zhi: Dogg, hold on for a while! When the bear kids are gone, we will send someone to rescue you right away!

At the same time, the other teenagers started "True-Flying Over the Wall!

Kintarou Tooyama runs, jumps, and somersaults on the roof like a fish in water. At this time, the first-year student of Shitenhouji had a great affection for the plan proposed by the 17th sophomore of Rikkai.

In contrast to this, it is--

"!! !"

One of Shitenhouji's third graders is choosing to vacillate repeatedly in terms of fear of heights and imbalance.

"Um, Oshitari-san

Oishi spoke kindly, wanting to remind.

"Stop, stop, stop!"

"Stop talking, I'll run over immediately!"

"Let you see the speed of Osaka's "Naniwa Star"!

Oshitari Ken also surpassed several teammates in front of him in an instant.

Yanagi was a few steps away from Oishi, widening his eyes that couldn't see his emotions under the lens.

Rikkai's big election was caught in doubts about science.

Is it still possible?

Unscientific speed

- Oshitari Kenya-kun, do you know what Oishi wanted to remind you just now?

"Did it pass by stepping on the air?!"

"You deserve the title of'Naniwa Star'!

Marui stretched out his hand and gave the running Oshitari Ken a thumbs up.

"It is not impossible to analyze it from a theoretical point of view. However, Shitenhouji's Oshitari-kun is still different from ordinary people in terms of speed, right?"

Liu Sheng said with a deep analysis.

"Oh, I knew so long ago--"

He said.

"It's time for Oshitari to also follow Sanada!"

Marui cooperated perfectly with Yanagyu's words.

"Yes, Oshitari-kun's speed is only below the maximum value!"

Kuwabara, who did not pick up Yanagyu's words a step late, accepted Marui's words proficiently.

They said, looking at the place Oishi was staring at before.

The U17 training camp has a big business, and it is impossible to worry about the corners of the entire training camp in all directions.

And this training camp is not brand new. There are always some minor issues that are not so important and have not been put on the agenda by the staff for the time being.

Under the bright moonlight, careful tennis player Oishi Syuichirou clearly saw that some of the tiles two or three steps in front of Oshitari Kenya were no longer where they should be.

The kind Oishi player wanted to remind him of his teammates on this route.

However, his words seemed to be misunderstood by his teammates as soon as he spoke!

Oshitari Ken, who thought he was being urged, also gritted his teeth and closed his eyes, and ran in a straight line!

He perfectly stepped in the gap of that step!

But I have to say that the name "Naniwa Star" is well-deserved. It is said that the highest speed can achieve the achievement of "floating on the water". Before his right foot fell into the air, before he was not pulled down by the gravity of the earth, he succeeded in speeding wildly. , So that his feet finally stood at the end of the roof at the same time!


With his feet on the ground, Hikaru Zaizen, who looked up on the ground and looked at his senior who was still standing on the roof, was helpless.

"Senior Qian?

He raised his voice slightly.

"Qian Yeqian--well!""

The second grader of Shitenhouji was elected and was successfully covered by the second grader of Hyotei blankly.


Tennis crit!


"Kirihara Akaya, what are you doing ah ah ah-"

The suppressed roar penetrated the screen through the hidden camera and came to the monitoring room of the U17 training camp.

Before the three U17 coaches had time to call and ask the staff to rescue their U17 dog, they were startled by the actions of the teenagers in Houshan.

However, before they had prepared the heart-warming emotions such as "the future of U17 is promising", "These children are so good", they were brought back to the cruel reality of life by the actions of the handsome teenagers for less than three minutes. middle!

Looking at the screen on the screen that was so impatient to wait, so he hit a tennis ball and knocked him off the roof, a teenager who was recognized as a tennis player among the second graders, and the hearts of the three coaches were filled with unanimous despair.

They had already received a mental crit from Rikkai Deputy Minister.

-A good boy Sanada Genichiro who originally looked serious, turned out to be a "violent boy" who stunned the guards and passed the guards, and they have broken the Rikkai filter to pieces.

As a result, is there any hope for Rikkai's next generation?

It is said that the high cold is perfect and there is no dead corner of the king style?!

Which tennis club did this group of problematic teenagers come from!!!

# Nioh: This question, of course, I have to ask Senior Tanegashima!#

# Yukimura: Yes, we are all just successors of Rikkai#

#真田: You guys, too lax, iron fist sanctions!#

# Kirihaya: Dye you red! Blast you!#

#浦山:I, I will work hard!#

"It's okay, they will definitely not be like this next!"

Coach Tuo Zhi planted himself a flag (Flag~) 073.

"Next they will go through the passage from the restaurant to the food storage room with drinks, but a high-end anti-theft passage equipped with an infrared alarm!"

Coach Tuo Zhi firmly believes that the teenagers in Houshan will soon be stumped by the high technology of their U17 training camp.

" hope so."

However, Coach Saito responded vainly to his colleagues.

"We seemed to be too focused on watching the actions of the children in Houshan."

Suddenly found that I had forgotten a certain teenager coach Saito who was also very strong in fighting (making troubles), and felt that things had been completely out of their control and expected.

"You guys, do you remember the first shot we saw?"

Coach Saito looked at the corner of his pajamas that twitched his eyes on a certain screen, and his voice was faint.

He raised his head up to a forty-five degree angle, showing an expression of indescribability.

-Minister Seiichi Yukimura of Rikkai University ran out without sleeping in the middle of the night!

One he is already slowly approaching the restaurant passage by himself!

Rikkai is going to complete the victory meeting in the storage room?

Saito doesn't know what Yukimura thinks, and he doesn't want to know whether Seiichi Yukimura is an "enemy" or not. He only hopes that the six people from Rikkai and the other teenagers from the back mountain, don't smash the whole thing with one impulse. Dinning room!

PS, Tanegashima: My juniors are very promising!

Byodoin: They have a little bit of my demeanor back then!

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