Prince of Tennis Nioh Phantom

Chapter 473 : What they can do

Death silence once again appeared in the monitoring room of the U17 training camp.

Coach Kurobe's indifferent calmness is no longer visible. The mood of the U17 tactical coach is completely broken by the scene before him.

The unimaginable picture that is too difficult, even made him forget his identity as a U17 coach at that moment!

Kurobe-eat melon passers. Tactical coach, by Qifu:!!!

It's not just the Kurobe coach, the other two coaches who seriously hope to observe the strengths and weaknesses of the back mountain action group boys from the screen also failed to study Sanada's swift knife without distractions, and so outstanding. The connection and assistance between his sword skills and Sanada’s own tennis.

The stunned mental coach Saitō Itaru had only the same thoughts as most of the middle school students in the back mountain group at this time, that is: Sanada Genichiro, absolutely must completely cool down!

As long as people have some unspeakable emotions towards Rikkai because of tennis, they will know more or less about the Rikkai boys who can play that kind of tennis.

And as long as people who have a "zero seven or seven" solution to Rikkai outside of tennis, they will understand what the real "food chain" of Rikkai Grand Tennis Club looks like!

As a spiritual coach, Coach Saito naturally wants to understand the mental state of all the players, so he doesn't say that he knows the relationship between the players very well, but he can also be said to be the coach who pays the most attention to this aspect of the three coaches.

Therefore, the degree of dumbness in Coach Saito's heart at this time is simply the sum of Coach Kurobe and Coach Takusik!

Coach Kurobe and Coach Takusik were simply shocked by Sanada and Yukimura’s unexpected "meeting ceremony". Coach Saito immediately noticed the cold and murderous eyes of the others in Rikkai looking towards their deputy minister Sanada. !

Just looking at that, with the rich coaching experience and professional level of Coach Saito, you know that at that moment, if you give Rikkai a knife, they will really "follow off" and kill their deputy minister!

Coach Saito stared at the screen blankly. His mood at this time was as turbulent as a fickle ocean. But, for some reason, the coach wanted to laugh out loud.

It is wrong to gloat, coach Saito warned himself.

But the picture in front of him really makes him want to laugh!


He still laughed when Yukimura gently pulled up Kirihaya.

The silence in the monitoring room was broken by his suppressed laughter.

Coach Kurobe suppressed his rare dazed expression that "the development of the matter exceeded the expectations of the director and screenwriter",

Since he served as the U17 tactical coach, in addition to facing the head coach and Byodoin, no one can make him show this expression!

What will happen next?

Coach Kurobe is completely uncertain.

He thought, Rikkai has always done things unexpectedly, and Yukimura won't directly touch the alarm in the tunnel next, right?!

I always feel that as long as Seiichi Yukimura gives an order, then the Rikkai youngsters in the back mountain operation team can immediately "rebel" and "discard the dark" to help their minister stop all the middle school students who come to steal alcohol.

"Sanada's kendo does not seem to be of low level."

Coach Kurobe didn't want his colleagues to see his confused look. He sat upright and said that he didn't have the knife that he paid full attention to.

"Does kendo and tennis go together?"

"In his tennis, there is a shadow of kendo!"

Coach Kurobe spoke solemnly based on Sanada's previous data, as if he had seriously seen Sanada's knife just now. However, the fact is that the attention of the Kurobe coach just now is not on that amazing knife!

"It is not so much that there is a shadow of kendo in his tennis, it is better to say that Sanada's kendo and tennis have a deep impression of him."

Coach Saito said with an expectant smile to his colleagues.

"He already has his own style?"

"This is really good news for U17.

"But in a way, for us and other players, this is not a very good discovery!"

Coach Tuo Zhi's words are very intriguing.

On the outside, Takushoku Ryuji, who looks like a well-built mixed practice coach, is able to get to where he is today. In fact, his understanding of certain things in his heart is not much lower than that of his colleagues.

Just like tennis players need to compete, coaches are also "competitors."

The players competed for the ranks of the first army in qualifying competitions again and again. The coaches rely on the players they teach to get everything they want!

Fame, reputation, monetary benefits, and even privileges

In this heyday of tennis, there are not a few people who hope to stand at the top of the coaching world.

The three U17 coaches who have worked hard to cultivate the players' competitiveness and desire to win and lose in all aspects actually have the same competitiveness and desire to win and lose as the players.

"Respect for the predecessors" is the tradition, but now, "below the overweight" is the trend!

The head coach III, Mifūne Nyudō III, who usually stays in the back mountain and does not care about the affairs of the U17 training camp, has always been the common goal of the three coaches!

"Are we really going to send all the players to the back mountain in batches?"

After hearing the words of his colleagues, Fu Saito who suppressed his smile and was silent for a while laughed again.

Although Hou Shan has almost nothing but has more Falcons than their U17 training camp headquarters, the training effect is sometimes much better than that of the U17 training camp headquarters which keeps up with the technological trend. This is really depressing.

However, in the view of Coach Saito, Hou Shan's training method is only suitable for "special players."

Only after the unforgettable failure, will there be desperate unwillingness and desire to win in the almost primitive environment. The "secret" that stimulates the potential on the back mountain is that simple.


Coach Saito with a smile on his face is gloomy-going out for expeditions and overseas competitions, what is needed is never a large number of middle-level players, but top generals!

Their U17 training camp has always lacked the highest-end combat power!

Judging from the current situation, as long as the head coach uses his methods more, he can make Sanada Mingwu, who is still a little bit ignorant about the way ahead, unswervingly follow the direction of the tennis road in the future!


"The existence of the training camp is still necessary

At the very least, provide players with a stable training environment!

Coach Kurobe is also somewhat helpless.

Nioh Masaharu, a junior high school student currently in the U17 headquarters training camp, is strong, but not trained by them. Seiichi Yukimura is also very strong, but they can't brazenly say that Yukimura was cultivated by them.

Atobe, Shiraishi, Kite, etc. are all pretty close.

As for the hand-made Kunimitsu making wedding dresses for others!

If you see through it, don't tell it, the de country is bound to win the hand of Kunimitsu. Coach Kurobe is the one with the highest voice among the three coaches. How can he not understand Tezuka's most likely future?

The former minister of their training camp, Seigaku, has been looking forward to lifting the "last and heaviest bondage" of the hand family!

It's a good relationship, coach Kurobe thinks so.

For the next U17 World Cup, you can't be frustrated and order to keep your hands at all costs, right?

Although they want to win, they are not crazy enough.

Although the tennis world has a dark side, most people in it still maintain the baseline of being a human being.

"We just need to do what we can do to the maximum."

Do what you can do, and leave the rest to the players and the head coach to check!


Although I have my own selfishness in my heart, the U17 coaches have been selected through domestic audits. How can they not consider the overall situation of the U17 training camp wholeheartedly?

"Tell the infirmary to get ready.

Kurobe turned around and said to the other staff.

"Make them always ready to receive the wounded!"

On the screen, Sanada has been domesticated by his Rikkai teammates

PS, an answer to a comment in the previous comment area. I have to say something for the coaches, and I can't deny them directly because of the little prince. Personal heroism is indeed inspiring, but the fact is that heroes also stand out from the crowd. Team competitions cannot be 1VS7, and no matter how strong they are, they can only play once in a game!

Just like FGO, the Chaldean staff are silent, but in the end they are unwilling to give up their jobs! And without their long-term silent persistence and dedication, the protagonist would have long been GG. (By the way, is the doctor really unable to come back? I have never hoped that the author would eat a book so much!!!).

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