Prince of Tennis Nioh Phantom

Chapter 480 : Enemy attack? No, this is Senior Love!

Tokugawa Kazuya was meditating while swinging at the U17 training camp's No. 1 court.

Feeling the racquet in his hand, he recalled everything he had felt in the previous game.

That game later (if not for Irie being voluntarily and suddenly) almost became a singles game, which gave Tokugawa a lot of vague feelings and thoughts.

Therefore, Tokugawa, who liked to train himself very much, couldn't sleep even more.

Unable to fall asleep, he simply greeted the two seniors in the 101 dormitory, and then in the middle of the night on the first court, bathed in moonlight and trained in silence.

However, the silence he enjoyed was broken by the sirens that suddenly sounded through the U17 training camp and several dog barks from far and near.

Tokugawa, who didn't even want to respond to the siren, frowned and looked in the direction of the dog barking that was approaching.

He stared there for less than half a minute, and then he understood the reason why the U17 late night alarm went off.

Echizen Ryoma and Kintarou Tooyama led the team, followed by a group of teenagers from the back mountain group. Behind them, a large group of U17 security guards and a dozen hunting dogs were chasing after them!

"Wow wow wow!"

When Tokugawa Kazuya saw Echizen and Tooyama and others, Kintarou Tooyama naturally also saw Tooyama.

Shitenhouji's first-year students yelled excitedly because they saw their target person.

"Ahead, we found someone!"

The eyes of the red-haired first-year student in the Kansai area brightened, and his running speed suddenly increased by two points.

This time, he was completely at the forefront of the team.

The sudden acceleration made him surpass Echizen's two positions.

Echizen Ryoma, who also saw Tokugawa Kazuya, also started to accelerate when he saw this. He opened his mouth while accelerating and wanted to say something.


Players in the same school have the unique style of their own tennis club, and Shitenhouji is no exception. The minds of the Shitenhouji candidates are roughly the same, just like Kintarou Tooyama and Oshitari Kenya.

"The senior high school student in front!"

"Can I trouble you to be a hostage for a few minutes!"

The enthusiastic Shitenhouji first grader said hello like this.


Tokugawa Kazuya was silent in such a greeting.

As a result of his late night training, he encountered those junior high school students who sneaked into the U17 training camp in Houshan, who seemed to be ordered to steal something. This incident was a complete disaster for him.

Because in the coaches' script, no high school player has ever participated in the consideration of Houshan junior high school students arranged by these coaches.

Moreover, Tokugawa is not a person who likes to manage other people's affairs. He does not want to intervene in the contest between these middle school students and the coaches.

In this U17 training camp, time is precious, and Tokugawa does not want to participate in the trouble ahead.

But the development of things will not be shifted by people's own will. Tokugawa did not want to participate, but when he saw Echizen and the distant mountains rushing over, he had no way to get out!

Echizen Ryoma followed Kintarou Tooyama to accelerate!

Kintarou Tooyama sprinted directly at Tokugawa's location!

Tokugawa wanted to speak and let them leave here, but--


Tokugawa, who has a cold face and expressionless face on the surface, is actually simple and kind-hearted.He may be able to defeat his opponent mercilessly on the court, but in daily life, he has no way to look at the two. It's a little boy who is still a child to start!

Tokugawa Kazuya, who is holding the racquet of the "figure" | tool, has no way to deal with the two who rushed over, and he wants to open his mouth to let them go. Because of the short thinking before, he missed the best and only turned around. Time to leave!


Echizen Ryoma didn't stop his acceleration, he just ran into it!

Kintarou Tooyama, who turned his head over the air, blinked quickly when he saw this, and then confiscated the "weapon-net racquet" from the innocent high school student who had no expression on his face but had a pity in his heart.

Tokugawa, who was hit by Echizen boy and then seized by another red-haired boy, snatched the net racquet:

"You are one-"

He spoke as coldly as possible with a stern face.

However, this high school student who probably didn't know anything about the Japanese middle school tennis world except Rikkai University had no idea what kind of tennis club Seigaku and Shitenhouji were.

Tokugawa didn't even know that his expression at this time in Echizen's heart could not match the effect of Seigaku Minister Kunimitsu's stern face!

So, I was pitted by Shitenhouji's little friend, speeded up and rushed over his head, and then hit Echizen on Tokugawa who couldn't even hide, and broke the can!

"Senior don't move!

"You are already our'hostage'!"

With the help of Tokugawa's hand, Echizen, who stood firm, raised his hand and pressed the brim of his hat, and then solemnly spoke.

Tokugawa, who originally wanted to "inquire about sin":

The high school student at Court No. 1 fell silent again.

He stood motionless like this, incomparably cooperating with Echizen's "Kidnapping Proclamation" from the young Echizen whose head was under his shoulder. The Tokugawa "hostage" player ignored the situation where he was completely out of control except for being seized by the net racquet, and stood there calmly and became the "hostage senior" with a default attitude.

The group of youngsters from the Houshan group who ran over looked at the actions of the two first-year students and said that they were really eye-opening tonight!

And the U17 security patrol officers who chased the last there were dozens of hunting dogs

They obeyed the instructions given by the coaches in the headset through gritted teeth--

*. "Stop!"

The three coaches watching the screen in the monitoring room had no idea what to say except for their staff to stop.

They also fell into silence collectively.

I thought that after the teenagers of Rikkai left, the Houshan group would act "normally".


Who can tell them what kind of school Shitenhouji is!

And that's all about the red-haired first-year student. Seeing that he has played tennis for less than a year, the coaches comforted themselves to ignore the teenager's "extraordinary behavior, words and deeds."

But is a boy like Seigaku's first grade really the heir to that legendary samurai?

Is the minister of Seigaku the player Yamato of their U17 training camp who praises the rigorous and responsible teenager all day long?

It is said that the minister is the soul of a tennis club.

The three U17 coaches collectively stated that they have not seen Seigaku's "rigorous, serious and responsible" style from Echizen youngsters so far!

--Just like the legendary "King of High Cold" cannot be found from Rikkai!

Sure enough, the rumors are all deceptive (of the money). The three coaches are extremely heartbroken.

Echizen Ryoma of Tokugawa, who is "unpretentious" and "hostage", is really just that way-who is this kid like? Yuan!

As for Tokugawa, the top three coaches of the high school student who was chaotic by junior high school students, they said that they no longer want to discuss the words and actions of this high school student!

--Everything is Irie's fault!

--It's all Irie who broke Tokugawa, who was originally "sensible and honest"!

PS, (加更~(3)) # Who is the Ryoma boy like? Of course it is the other Echizen! # (Of course, Tokugawa bears are also unstoppable by Byodoin~)

How could Tokugawa start a fight with the staff? He just came out and brushed "Senior Love".

The three important high school students who played in front of U17: Tokugawa-Echizen, Ghost-Xiaojin, Irie-Atobe Good defense#王者Rikkai大 is to take the initiative in this regard!),

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