Prince of Tennis Nioh Phantom

Chapter 482 , Tokugawa: Passive-Grand Summoning!

Irie's slap on the door directly opened the dormitory door for him in the 101 dormitory, and even made Shiraishi suddenly sober.


Shiraishi looked dumbfounded and found himself standing in front of the 101 dormitory, next to the senior in court number three he had seen before.

There was chaos in his mind at this time, and he didn't know how he got here.


Tanegashima rubbed his eyes and opened the door.

The high school student-player in the 101 dormitory is still wearing pajamas.

Of course, Irie himself did not have time to change into his day clothes, he was also in pajamas.

"Senior Irie?"

Nioh yawned and walked to the door.

Unable to withstand the repeated invitations of his senior Tanegashima, Nioh thought that it would be boring to live alone in his 214 dorm "Nioh Kingdom" anyway, so he agreed to Tanegashima's invitation.

However, the current Nioh regrets slightly.

He saw the two people at the entrance of the 101 dormitory, and then decisively ignored Shiraishi Kuranosuke, who was absolutely smashed, with a look of disgust, and looked at the smiling Irie who had just completed the task of smashing the door.

The 101 dormitory is a good dormitory, Tanegashima is also a good senior and a good roommate, but the 102 dormitory is not a "peaceful and friendly neighbor"!

--It should be said that it is "Nu Ping"!

--I really want to blow up the 102 dormitory!

When Nioh heard that Irie had said his intentions, the Rikkai Taisho Xuan had only this view in his mind.

"The alarm sounded outside. Shuji and Nioh, do you want to take a look?"

Nioh rolled his eyes perfunctorily by rubbing his eyes.

Tanegashima watched his younger generation's temperamental look sober up, and curled the corners of his mouth to rub the younger generation's white hair.

Nioh Masaharu can get up-this has been personally verified by Tanegashima Shuji.

Nioh, who was suddenly awakened and did not sleep enough, was very aggressive to some extent.

"Senior are planning to come to U17 training camp as a security guard after graduating from high school?"

Nioh hooked a very shallow arc, intangibly giving people a sense of speechless mockery.

He has a beauty mole on the lower right of his lip, coupled with his usual style, usually gives people a sense of sarcasm for no reason, and it feels even worse for the sober Shiraishi at this time.

The minister of Shitenhouji trembled in this situation.

Shiraishi kept his perfect smile, not knowing how many tennis balls he smashed against his "good roommate" Seiichi Yukimura.

"Dreamland", "sleepwalking", and those gentle voices that leave a little impression

Shiraishi is not a simple tennis teenager, he is the head of the tennis department, so he quickly locked the "behind the scenes" on Yukimura.

But knowing who induced him to come down to "sleepwalking" in a daze, is it useful?

It's useless.

Shiraishi should be grateful that his roommate still has the most basic "room friendship" and didn't do everything perfectly-at least, before coaxing him downstairs, Yukimura coaxed him to get dressed!

For the first time in his life, Shiraishi Kuranosuke reflected on his habit of "sleeping naked".

"We are all U17 players, aren't we?"

"It is everyone's responsibility to protect the safety of U17.

Irie has always been a good temper.

Although he never lacks scheming, he is really gentle on the outside.

In addition, the high school student with high EQ and IQ in the No. 3 court has also learned about Nioh's mood of getting up through the past few days.

They are still juniors from junior high school students, they have a little temper. Of course, these seniors should forgive them!

Irie Kanata, as always, behaves in an attacklessly gentle manner.

But Shiraishi, who was on the sidelines, after watching the doubles game he participated in, although smiling on the surface, he never dared to take this gentle predecessor lightly in his heart.

A gentle personality does not mean that this senior has no means of his own.

Shiraishi's roommate, Yukimura, is actually a gentle person, and Fuji Syusuke is more gentle-it doesn't affect them to go to a team together and make their foreheads appear!

"Then seniors will act on their own!"

Nioh didn't expect Irie to be so "self-acquainted" with him now.

He still regards Irie as a gentleman and a predecessor of Shuangshang Online, but he did not expect that his senior U17 high school students, other than his immediate predecessors, have already regarded him as a "level colleague" because of his tennis prowess and initial impressions. .

Although Nioh doesn't lack this "predecessor's love", Irie's abrupt behavior of pretending to be "dead face" also shocked him.

Nioh looked at Tanegashima subconsciously.

Shiraishi followed and looked at Tanegashima.

Tanegashima Shuji looked natural under the gaze of the two middle school students, and he was probably used to the look of Irie Kanata.

For nearly three years, with Tanegashima's absolute number one means of communication in U17, he was able to build a good relationship with the gentle personality Irie.

And after the relationship gets closer

#U17交交花# Tanegashima said, you will find that your colleagues are actually very cute little friends~

"But I can't deal with so many high school students in Hou Shan. Seniors need your help, Nioh."

In Shiraishi's shocked look, Irie said.

"Shiraishi-kun might as well help your staff."

After noticing what Minister Shitenhouji realized, Irie persuaded him again.

The high school students in the No. 3 court didn't care about the coaches' "diligence and loneliness", and in a few words they ruthlessly shattered the white lie that was already suspected of "collective withdrawal from the loser group".

"It sounds interesting, little Nioh, do you want to go?"

Tanegashima is not very active about this kind of participation in all kinds of things. Although he has a good relationship with many people, he has always been outside of things and observes as an outsider.

But he was really interested in "Houshan junior high school students provoke the coaches to make the sirens sound through U17".

At that time, the Byodo-in Temple made a very deep impression on the players of their session, and even the current Tanegashima has a great interest in the "Hou Shan Produce" players.

However, so interested, he decided to consider the opinions of his younger generations intimately.

Since Rikkai came to the U17 training camp, the No.2 of the First Army has gone further and further towards the road of "good predecessors", and no longer the previous randomness.

Tanegashima, who was a "three-person family" in the 102 dormitory, and many colleagues complained about it. At this time: really fragrant~

"Junior" is really confusing.

At least Tanegashima, who thought that Oni and Irie had protected Tokugawa too much back then, now thinks that if Byodoin starts to attack his younger generation, he will definitely end up with the boss of the army with racquet!

Even if he can't beat Byodoin Temple, Tanegashima Shuji thinks that if he encounters this kind of situation-colleagues VS juniors? Of course he chose juniors!

………Look for flowers…

Who are "colleagues"?

Tanegashima said he didn't know him!

Feelings are generally two-way, even for Rikkai Taisho, who is considered by outsiders to be "cold".

Tanegashima's concern for Nioh can be realized by Nioh himself.

Nioh, who is gradually developing towards a "good junior", can naturally find that his senior Tanegashima is interested in the things that came out of Houshan Junior High School. He thought that he had been woken up by the senior next door, so just go and check it out!


"I also want to see what happened outside, but the U17 training camp is so big, how do we find those people?"

This is a very real problem.

But for ghost and Irie--

"Court One!

"Let's go to court No. 1 to find Tokugawa first!"

The two high school students in the 102 dormitory had the same answer.

The seniors of the tennis players intuitively told them that the back mountain team with the two extremely talented first-year students will definitely choose to go to the first court that impresses them when they are desperate in the pursuit of the U17 training camp!

"In this case "


Nioh's expression was weird for a moment.

"Then wait for us to change clothes and go to Court No. 1 to have a look!"

"Shiraishi, wait for us outside now!"

Nioh, who was indulged by his Tanegashima predecessor, made the decision. His predecessor and the middle school teammate who had no right to discover made the decision.

"Then it's settled!"

Irie waved happily, turned and walked towards his 102 dorm with the ghost who had just walked out.

Shiraishi couldn't help but sigh after closing the two doors of the 101 and 102 dormitories--

"Xiaojin, please give me strength!"

"Hold on, wait for us to save you!"

As for the other third-year students Oshitari Ken and Golden Koharu, Minister Shiraishi said that they no longer need the care of the Minister of Tennis.

Only younger generations can get care, so what are the teammates of the same generation?!

Shiraishi, who was standing alone in the corridor on the first floor, was filled with curiosity and worries about Kintarou Tooyama, a single-cell junior, when he didn't know that his second-year junior had joined the team of the Houshan team.

In the faint sound of the sirens, 101 two big Rikkai contestants and 102 two short-term high school students contestants, plus Shitenhouji junior high school student Shiraishi contestant #五名满位文字队# is about to make the final assembly. !

However, unfortunately-the three coaches in the monitoring room with many screens are only paying attention to the movement of Court No. 1 and neglecting to check the monitoring screens of the dormitory building!

The coaches who felt very speechless about Tokugawa’s behavior still don’t know. Under the secret promotion of Minister Rikkai, Tokugawa’s two roommates and seniors have already brought three people to accompany them to "look at this muddy water." !

PS, before the Houshan teenagers officially returned, before Tokugawa's "Senior Love" was not clearly awakened, this high school senior and his two seniors were in a "special-binding" state!

#102 Dormitory-Tokugawa player, the passive skill of the great summoning technique: There is a certain chance to trigger the other two high school students of 102 to appear! #Tokugawa appears, how can I lose Irie and the ghost? With Irie, is Tanegashima still far away?

Yukimura can't sleep well, how can Shiraishi, who also watched the game, sleep well? As for Masaharu's scenes about Sanada, he needs his participation~ (seeking a fresh flower monthly ticket evaluation ticket~) soil.

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