Prince of Tennis Nioh Phantom

Chapter 486 : Silent tacit understanding, cold wind blowing

The staff only felt a strong wind blowing by them.

Oni Jujiro tennis player's speed and explosiveness allowed him to reach the other side of the court in a short time.

Even though self-seal of strength and its own power of another dimension, ghosts can still explode with extremely strong strength that amazes ordinary people!

Dark and red things like mist surround him, and the breath from the abyss of hell makes the dazzling glare that invades him seems to have touched some natural enemy, and he retracts all of a sudden.

Nioh curled his lips and looked at the ghost opposite.

Tanegashima's smile became brighter, and he handed Nioh a tennis ball.

--This high school student who carried his tennis bag like a junior came to watch the excitement by the way "doing a good day-save people". In his tennis bag, instead of racquet, many tennis balls!

Nioh's look at the ghost contained the emotion that made Shiraishi squinted because the light was captured by the black and red aura.

Shitenhouji's minister took a breath in silence.

But Irie still lowered his head and said nothing, seeming to be in grief and unable to extricate himself.

But Tokugawa, after feeling the ghost's seemingly warlike aura, walked two steps to the side.

Tokugawa seemed to want to make room for ghosts.

A tennis matchup seems to be about to begin!

The 083 staff members who were sandwiched between the two sides tightened up and down, while the coaches on the camera screen were in an awkward situation because of the several serve of Nioh just now.

--A few excellent cameras in the observation position happened to be smashed by a tennis ball!

Is this coincidence or premeditated?

The three coaches firmly believe in their U17 tennis players, so the answer must be the second one!

This is definitely premeditated!

"Report in time!"

"What's the situation now?"

The twisted angles gave the No. 1 court several blind spots in the eyes of the coaches.

For them, the light effect of the different dimension that lit up was unbearable for the first time. At other times, it could be tolerated by grit your teeth. It was a big deal to drop a few drops of eye drops after reading it.

But now, even if the coaches want to see, they can't see Nioh's situation.

The camera skewed by the tennis ball can't take pictures of Nioh and the others.

But the coaches could see that the ghost suddenly ran to Tokugawa at an extremely fast speed!

--Well, the cameras behind Nioh are still preserved.

-But why did the ghost run over?

Could it be Neijiang?!

The coaches asked the staff at the scene, hoping to get the answers they wanted to know through their vision.


But it was too late.

The speed of the sound is fast, and the speed of the tennis ball is faster!

Tanegashima Shuji was carrying a tennis bag of tennis reserves. At this time, he seemed to hand over three tennis balls to his white-haired junior.

Moreover, he immediately backed away a few steps and threw a tennis ball directly at Nioh's right hand from behind!

Multiple balls in a row?

The staff knows this thing, but

Bang bang bang!

A series of tennis balls were beaten over.

Bang bang bang!

The sound appeared almost at the same time, when the series of tennis balls were played back by Oni Jujiro without fail.

Bang bang bang!

Nioh served again!

He stretched out his right hand and fished it into the air, and immediately got three tennis balls in his hand!

The originally dim light rose a few times again, and the light pierced the eyes of the staff who looked at it like a sharp sword!

The sound of tennis balls tearing through the air came from their ears, and white fireworks exploded in their vision.

There was a blank moment in my mind.

And the screen of Court No. 1 that the coaches saw in the main control room was almost full of flashing lights and the visual cover of the dust mist raised by the tennis ball!

Court No. 1 is the top court of the Second Army of U17, and the ground of the court is naturally not cutting corners.

But it is such a court ground, in the face of the three tennis balls that are attacking powerfully and quickly, it will blow up dust and fog!

It is difficult for tennis to withstand the pressure of the gallop in the game, but in the official game, almost no player really blows the tennis ball.

Because the integrity of the tennis played also tests the player's control of their own strength!

Technique and mental power, the second of the five dimensions, makes the pressure of tennis and the tennis itself reach a fragile balance.

Nioh is naturally able to control his power.

Of course, Oni Jujiro didn't have the slightest problem in this regard.

But at this moment one-

Their power seems to be out of control!

The tennis ball exploded when it touched the ground and raised the dust that drowned people!

The dazzling light caused most of the staff to close their eyes. They are dizzy!

The staff subconsciously squeezed toward them, as if they could find a sense of security in this way.


The cold wind in the middle of the night is so elegant.

Wait until the staff wake up from the dizziness and wait until the dust and fog have cleared

The night is silent, and the moonlight is silent.

No. 1 court, there is no Nioh and the others!


In the main control room, Coach Tuo Zhi couldn't help but smashed the wall with his fist.

"Surely let them run away like this!"

Looking at the screen that was empty except for the U17 staff and patrol hounds after the morning mist had cleared, Coach Tuo Zhi said angrily.

"Is the camera crooked just for the run away just now?"

Coach Saito said quietly, his voice almost sighing.

"What a smart player, the visual screen has been used to such an extent by him. It seems that our U17 security and surveillance still need to be further strengthened!"

The mental coach of the U17 training camp lowered his head slightly, casting a shadow over his eyes.

"But the tacit understanding of the five people is pretty good. If I didn't miss anything, they shouldn't have said anything in advance of the signal, right?"

Coach Takuchi calmed down a bit after smashing the wall.

He turned to notice another angle of the matter.

"Has their tacit understanding developed?"

"But that's all about Nioh, Shiraishi Kuranosuke, how did this player get in touch with others?"

Coach Kurobe is interested in the collective tacit understanding of these five players with little prelude communication.

"If our U17 high school students can reach a tacit understanding with the junior high school students just now, then the doubles game won't need to have a headache for choosing a doubles combination!"

Although recognizing the talents of middle school students, coaches still tend to consider middle school students in the doubles position-this is also the consensus of almost all teams participating in the U17 World Cup.

Let a senior high school student with experience and strength bring junior high school students to play, which is safe and does not waste valuable and limited high school students' combat power!

At the same time, for the Kurobe coaches, although their U17 is different, there is a junior high school that can singles, but two high school students doubles together is too wasteful!

As soon as you can make up a few more doubles combinations that have a chance of winning in a limited time, make up a few more!

The three coaches who have shifted their focus to "Tacit Understanding" even want to consider letting Irie, Tanegashima, and their middle school partners try first in the next time.

Anyway, ghosts and Irie still have time to wander around late at night, and they are also very idle, aren't they?

PS, #player’s rebellious injury through coach’s heart#~Finally finished this chapter!.

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