Prince of Tennis Nioh Phantom

Chapter 489 : 214 meetings, scheduled repertoire

The junior high school students on the second floor of the dormitory were reminded by Nioh Masaharu, the owner of the 214 "chat room" code-named "Nioh Kingdom", and finally returned to the subject.

Most of them frowned, thinking about how to bypass Oni Jujiro to challenge the players in front of the court or kill the ghosts in the way!

"Yukimura has been in court No. 5 for so long, and the coaches didn't arrange a qualifying match for him.

The ambitious Okinawa boy Kite Eishirou analyzed with a straight face.

His slightly gentle appearance, coupled with his glasses and expression, gave people a cold feeling.

"Or, let's talk to the senior high school student ghost?"

Qianshi asked tentatively.

As a junior high school student who has seen the last part of the doubles of Irie, Tokugawa, Nioh, and Tanegashima, Sengoku doesn't think they can single-handedly defeat the veteran and somewhat fierce No. 5 court gatekeeper.

"Don't order me!"

"Huh, just tell him no? If you disagree, fight!"

Even though Akutsu Jin has curtailed his previous desperate arrogance, he is still the "furious ha" Akutsu who "hit the south wall and don't want to look back"!

Unlike Shitenhouji's distant mountains, Akutsu has the intuition of a wild beast, but also the arrogance and unrestrainedness of a fierce beast!

But what he said, although on the surface it is easy to irritate others, but in fact it is very reasonable.

If it doesn't make sense, you can only fight one game.

They actually have no other choice at all.

If you can't persuade Oni Jujiro to let him "open the door", or if you can't defeat the "hell gatekeeper", these outstanding tennis players among junior high school students, should they cry like children to ask the coaches for help?" Back to justice"?

Children only sue, and junior high school students are no longer children who have grievances or difficulties to go to adults to sue 17 or ask for help.

The junior high school students who have the right to speak and have prestige in court No. 5 and court No. 6 are seriously discussing what tomorrow should be for their future.

How to persuade ghosts and prepare for the worst-defeat the unfathomable high school student!

The players on court number 5 were discussing each other, even Yukimura interrupted and said a few words from time to time.

The players on the No. 6 court also talked about their ideas-they also hope that the junior high school teammates on the No. 5 court can move forward. After all, they are currently blocked in the No. 6 court.

If the No. 5 court cannot vacate a place, if the teammates of the No. 5 court are frozen there, will they continue to stay in the No. 6 court?

At the beginning of the moon, the fingers accelerated, and quickly moved around his slightly curly black hair.

I am currently staying in court No. 6 (*The change here is because a few people went to the back mountain, so the No. 6 court position was vacated), and my head was slightly contemplative.

He had also paid attention to the high school student on the No. 5 court before, knowing that the strength of the opponent was not comparable to them now.

However, if Rikkai Minister Seiichi Yukimura makes a move, maybe you can give it a try

and many more!

Thinking of this at the beginning of the month, I was suddenly shocked.

Rikkai is not only Seiichi Yukimura from Court No. 5!

Nioh, who owns the No. 1 court system and has a good relationship with the high school student named Oni Jujiro who seems to be uncomfortable with No. 5 court, how can he watch their Rikkai-big minister stay in No. 5 court? Isn't it moving?!

At the beginning of the month, I can see that Nioh will never be the kind of person who has resentment and jealousy towards his minister.

The tennis club, led by the king Rikkai and Seiichi Yukimura, not only has no dead ends in the game, but also invulnerable in terms of internal relations!

So Nioh doesn't care about the minister who has been in Court No. 5. What is the reason?

Is it deliberate?

Or is it that Nioh Masaharu is waiting for this moment?!

At the beginning of Guanyue, although he was not a top middle school student in tennis, he had to say that in terms of the ability of "script writing" alone, he has a very outstanding ability.

If one day, these junior high school students see a play called Guanyuechu in the theater, they will not be too surprised.

Now, with plenty of clues, Guanyue is finally able to make perfect use of his "script writing-reconstructing script based on clues" ability!


Guanyue, who wanted to understand, let out a confident and proud laugh that made the scalp of others numb.

The eyes of the teenagers in the 214 dormitory drifted over.

"Court No. 5, you people of court No. 5, don't just think of Oni Jujiro, but also the high school student at court No. 3!'

At the beginning of watching the moon, everyone looked over, raised their heads and pointed out with curly black hair around him.

"Court number three?"

"High school student?

"? ?? "

Isn't it the matter of Court No. 5 that we are discussing?

What's the matter with the high school student at Court No. 3?

Could it be that because they have a good relationship, it is possible to "curve to save the country" and let the high school student who looks very gentle and talkative at court No. 3 help intercede?

Tennis is very good, but from a certain angle, most of the tennis teenagers who are really weak are at a loss.

Rikkai Chief Minister Seiichi Yukimura, who was the first to be the No. 5 court but stayed there, was not impatient and smiled.

Nioh Masaharu, the "indigenous people" of the 214 dormitory who is also a tennis player in Court No. 1, remained silent.

"Court No. 3"

Atobe's sea-blue eyes instantly shrank.

The missing corner, the thought of breaking the line, a chess that can be cracked with only a little ingenuity, he finally got the answer!

"The owner of Court No. 3, Irie Kanata...

Minister Hyotei Atobe Keigo whispered.

His voice was very low, and only Oshitari Yuushi sitting next to him could almost hear what Atobe was saying.

"Next thing one-we don't need to act to find the gatekeeper of court No. 5!"

Atobe raised his forehead and looked confident as always.

"Senior Ghost will take the initiative!"

"The way our No. 5 court rises is not a single-player shuffle game, but a team game with the No. 3 court!"

The purple-gray-haired boy said, and stood up directly.

He spoke to all the middle school students in the 214 dormitory with a gesture of pointing the country, like a king patrolling his own territory and subjects.

Nioh looked at Atobe like this and suddenly smiled.

It's not unreasonable for Irie to "love at first sight" for Atobe.

Atobe Keigo has that trait that Irie likes very much.

Just as Oni Jujiro had no resistance to the lively and enthusiastic younger generations like Kintarou Tooyama, Irie Kanata admired the teenagers who have the temperament of "bewitching people" like operas!

The minister of Hyotei, the leader of the central ice water empire, Atobe Keigo was born with extraordinary power.

The ability to take over Atobe, who was able to take over Hyotei's tennis club, is more than just his tennis skills after the extraordinary leadership (a few months before they were so familiar with their Rikkai Maori seniors).

"Ah, you people who are not gorgeous, follow this uncle and win the next team game!"


Atobe snapped his fingers, and the fingers of the other hand stroked his eyebrows, as he used to lead Hyotei.

Pop, pop, pop!

Applause sounded at the right time.

Yukimura gave Atobe a lot of face, and immediately after he finished speaking, he smiled and applauded.

Nioh and Yukimura began to applaud almost at the same time. There was a tacit understanding of doubles homophony, which made them "connected with each other" at this time.

- Atobe is so good!

Smiling Fuji and Shiraishi, who were wrapped in silkworms but still struggling to stretch out their hands, also applauded enthusiastically.

Not to be outdone, Oshitari Yuushi gave them a sincere expression of applause and support from the Minister of Hyotei.

"Now, Xiaojing, do you still need us to call Hyoteicall?"

Oshitari, who felt he was one step behind in applause, refused to admit defeat.

"Everyone is already intoxicated by your gorgeous speech!"

Hyotei's genius continued to speak (dead) when his forehead blue veins violently jumped.

I didn't feel that everyone was immersed in their gorgeous speeches. Instead, I felt that the teammates had a crossroad on the forehead of Atobe, who was subtlely conveying a certain emotion that he didn't want to know.

He glared at Oshitari with his icy eyes, and then glanced at everyone in the room as if he were the owner of 214 dormitory.

Atobe's eyes finally settled on "True-Nioh Kingdom-Dormitory Master" Nioh.

"Ah, Nioh"

Minister Hyotei curled his lips and smiled meaningfully.

"Aren't you familiar with the high school student at court number three?"

Atobe said frankly.

"Then, the task of placing the battle book on our No. 5 court is up to you!"

Standing up, the purple-gray-haired boy looked at Nioh sitting there from top to bottom and said.

In his sea-blue and very deep eyes 087, there was a trace of joking and the "commission and encouragement" that was not seen and did not exist.

Nioh Masaharu, a junior high school student who was planning to watch the show and came to the meeting at the No. 1 court:

"Then leave it to Masaharu!"

Yukimura nodded in relief.

"Thank you Nioh!"


"Then say so!"

"Thank you, Yukimura"

The others nodded and thanked Yukimura.

--Since Yukimura, the Minister of Rikkai, has nodded, then the matter is settled!

- Nioh's own opinion is not important at this time, after all, Yukimura of Court No. 5 has already nodded~

"Masaharu, you can go back to rest."

Yukimura accepted the thank-you from his teammates without any difference, and then began to care about his only member in the U17 training camp.

Nioh's expression is normal, but I really want to learn Shiraishi's "sincere and innocent complaints".

Dormitory 214 is clearly his "Nioh Kingdom"!

It's written on the outside!

What is it that gives you the illusion--this is not your meeting room!

Nioh, who was urged by the minister to "return to the 101 dormitory to rest", felt very tired.

With the waves of the teenagers, Nioh opened the door, and Nioh walked out of his dormitory.

He feels that he really needs a patient "talker" at this time!

Who should I call?

Forget it, Tanegashima-senpai, he and Yukimura are in the same group!

The three of Irie won't bother. After all, I wanted to make complaints about his junior high school teammates. To those three seniors, Nioh really couldn't let go of them.


The only candidate

Senior Maori who is on the expedition is you!

PS (Timed) However, the Maori seniors can only go online with Yuezhi in Fanwaili.

Senior Ochi looked blankly at his seniors, receiving all kinds of complaints and complaints from Rikkai's middle school students.

Also, it feels like a complaint. Moonlight really wants to give Masaharu a "spiritual assassination" through infinite radio waves!

Do you know how lively the Maori predecessors are (annoying)?! The smarter he knows! hhhhhh.

Maori: blingbling.vs Yuezhi: Cho~

The timeline is on the night of the "214 Conference".

Location: Room at a certain lodging place on Maori and Yuezhi Expedition Road.

Characters: Maori, Yue Zhi (but many people will have names)

[The following text]

How does it feel to have a close younger generation?

In Hyotei, Tsukimitsu Ochi, who is not close enough to his younger generations, thinks that it is a very good thing to have younger generations close to you.

Yue Zhi didn't say anything. In fact, he really enjoyed the worship (?) and trusting eyes that Maori blingbling looked at him.

Therefore, although he is taciturn, once Maori has any questions, the more wisdom he will answer the Gao Yisheng in detail.

Not only that, but Tsukimitsu Ochi, the former Minister of the Middle School of Hyotei, is also concerned about the relationship and communication of Rikkai high school student Mōri Juzaburō.

--That's #U17交交花# Tanegashima Shuji ignored it!

--Maori is a younger generation of Rikkai!

--But Tanegashima just doesn't care about gross profit~

Worrying about the wisdom of the younger generations of seniors, in the eyes of Tanegashima, who only cares about the middle-aged students of Rikkai, regardless of Maori, it is actually quite sweet.

Tanegashima said that if he cared about gross profit that day, the smarter he would be, he would be unhappy.

Therefore, for the unity of the army, Tanegashima should still care about his Rikkai junior high school students!

After hearing the above remarks, the leader of the army, Byōdōin Hōō, was frequently on the verge of evaporating his mind. Hearing the above remarks, Maori rolled his eyes angrily, and Yue Zhi, who heard the above remarks, remained silent - Tanegashima said that he could not see Yue Zhi's bangs in his eyes. Emotions.

However, in general, Yue Zhi is still happy to have a descendant who depends on (?) him.


Although the younger generation is very good, it is not so wonderful to have a very annoying younger generation!

Tsukimitsu Ochi, who listened to Maori "balabalabala", was very anxious.

He was upset, and felt that his younger generations might not have any special talents-this kind of combat power, I am afraid that there is the legendary five million goose!

Yue Zhi, who is reticent and has a combat power of only about ten thousand geese, has nothing to do with the gross profit of five million geese.

He quietly raised his eyes.

Smarter: Stare--

Under the highlighted bangs, he looked over with cold eyes.

The power of the eyes of the "spiritual assassin" | is very powerful.

Even the players of the First Army were unwilling to look directly at Yue Zhi who showed that look. After all, Yue Zhi's mental power is so high that it matches his deadly eyes. Although they will not be "assassinated", they will not sleep well at night!

It's just that Tsukimitsu Ochi's "eyes" do not have the slightest deterrent effect for Maori.

Mōri Juzaburō has proven his superb innate and acquired talent "mental resistance ability" on court with facts!

After Rikkai's "mental baptism", Maori faced Yue Zhi's "mental assassination" on court, and his outstanding performance was beyond the surprise of everyone in the army.

As a result, Maori was quickly recognized by them, and became the No. 10 of the first army and the partner of Tsukimitsu Ochi.

Before that, Yue Zhi was very happy that Maori was not afraid of his "mental assassination".

But now he is very upset.

In his daily life, he would not really use the "spiritual assassination" on the court.

It’s just that, at present, Yue Zhi only appears to have a "spiritual assassin" style, but in fact, the eyes are "gold and jade outside, but in the middle". For Yue Zhi to carry out "spiritual assassination" of opponents on court, he is under mental pressure and Yue Zhi. For Mōri Juzaburō, who works with doubles tacitly, the power is infinitely close to zero!

Maori continued to "balabalabala" under the gaze of his predecessor Yue Chi.

He was extremely excited when he received a call from Nioh.

You know, under the background of the use of mobile phone text messages in the past, Nioh was able to call him just now, how pleased and happy he was!

Maori was so moved that he couldn't stop his mouth.

After he answered the phone, he faced Yue Zhi "balabalabala....."

Otsuchi summarized a few key meanings from the words of the seniors in front of him.

It's roughly one-

1: Nioh took the initiative to call him, it turned out to be texting!

2: Regarding the call that Nioh took the initiative to call, Maori himself was very moved.

3: Maori thinks that his white-haired junior Rikkai misses him very much, his senior on the expedition.

4: Maori himself missed his junior Nioh very much, missed his junior high school student Yukimura, and missed the people of Rikkai.

5: ...

In short, to sum up, it is very simple!

--The younger generation took the initiative to call him to exchange feelings, and Maori was deeply moved by this!

Yue Zhi has no expression:

Is this moving?

Kosaburo, what are you making up in your own mind!

Hyotei's high school senior felt that Rikkai's senior high school had a problem with his brain circuit.

Mōri Juzaburō's brain circuit seems to be very "amorous! And kind!" as long as it encounters "Rikkai", and its brain circuit is very "touching".

Yue Zhi couldn't complain about this.

He was used to it, but, now, Tsukimitsu Ochi said that he is not used to listening to Maori non-stop", "balabalabala"!

The conversation between Maori and Nioh didn't mean to avoid the more wisdom, so Tsukimitsu Ochi heard the conversation easily.

However, the smarter I heard the call, I found that my understanding of the content of the call is fundamentally different from the understanding of the content of the call of the seniors!

Maori: Ah, the younger generation asked me to have a heart-to-heart talk! I'm so touched!


Maori: Little Nioh must miss me!

Yue Zhi: Did I really understand it wrong? Isn't this a mere complaint?

Gross profit (moved): balabalabala

Yue Zhi (Deadly Silent): Stare--

The chicken and the duck talk about different brain circuits.

The language is impassable, and the same human language sounds completely different to people with different "emotional filters" even without the influence of dialects.

Regarding Nioh’s special filter of "the affection degree has reached its full value and the caring, caring little Nioh", the call is automatically turned (translated) into what I want.

Without the filter (Qian Zhao) mirror, the smarter:

Speechless, don't want to speak!

Yue Zhi feels that he can't drag Maori to the court to fight!

--If you do it like this, you will be dug into the hall by the guy who wants to change partners and wants to become a demon!

Tsukimitsu Ochi will not let the guy with the brain circuit problem get the opportunity to get closer to the "partner" relationship with Maori!

Maori is already simple enough. If he is handed over to other high school students to look at the other army, are there any serious and responsible high school students?

Ochi believes that he is in line with the "responsibility that predecessors should have", and cannot just "give up" gross profit!

So helpless Tsukimitsu Ochi can only do this: stare--

Although it doesn't work, it's better than nothing

PS (Let's take a short one, it's too long to finish writing): Senior Maori is really cute~

Moonlight Sang is also very fond of it. Since he blocked the ball, I feel that this senior "has been helpless all day", but the partner he chose must not let it go! Go out! Go!

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