Prince of Tennis Nioh Phantom

Chapter 495 : Disillusionment warning, a must-win game

Most middle school students never thought that the high school student on the court was so "resistant".


The stronger tennis ball flew over, and the Zhonghe Inner and Outer Road was knocked to the guardrail.

The singles third player at court number three looks terrible.

However, the junior high school players in the fifth court almost rushed into the court in a hurry!

"Because the Lilia Ande Zang of court No. 5 cannot continue the game, so for singles three, the winner is the No. 3 court player Zhonghe Dao!"

It looks terrible on the outside, but in fact, the high school student who is not as miserable as the appearance gave a "squirt", and then walked to the side of Liliadent Krauser, who was completely overdrawn and could no longer support it even if the willpower was high.

He bent down and squatted, and directly hit the middle school student, who was only about one centimeter taller than him, on the shoulder, and then pressed his lips into a straight, non-curved appearance. , Step by step to the place where the No. 5 court players are.

"Look, little Nioh."

Tanegashima pointed at Zhonghe Neiwai Dao proudly.

"Our senior high school students in U17, although the appearance is a bit fierce, but the heart is actually very gentle!"

Tanegashima helped the entire U17 high school students to impress their juniors.

His tone was similar to "My friends are good, right" "Come on, senior will show you my colleagues who are both strong and gentle."

"Senior Zhonghe Nai does have a gentle heart that is contrary to appearance, but this senior can't represent the entire U17 high 090 middle school seniors, right."

However, Nioh only agreed with part of the "Amway" given to him by Tanegashima Shuji.

Tanegashima only knew that Nioh had been to U17 training camp once. He thought that Nioh didn't know much about U17 high school students.

However, Nioh just "knowed" some U17 high school students because he didn't know why fate made a little joke.

Fierce appearance does not mean tenderness inside. This sentence is true.

However, not all high school students are so gentle!

In Nioh Masaharu's long vague memory, there are so few predecessors who are not gentle!

"No, little Nioh.

Tanegashima smiled mysteriously.

"Don't just look at the surface. Sometimes, under the cold or even cruel appearance, there will be unexpected surprises waiting for you to discover."

Tanegashima shook his head and said with a sigh.

He gets along well with his colleagues in the U17 training camp, is it just because of his good personality and high strength?

Tanegashima, who is good at digging into the shining points of his teammates, said that he should take a closer look at his colleagues with different personalities-they are actually gentle people, although they are a little proud!

"Puff, then I will wait and see. I look forward to the predecessors' showing their tenderness."

Nioh's expression was a bit weird for a moment, apparently thinking of the disillusioned feeling of "(bhcj) impression collapse" after his country slowly understood Maori for a while.

Therefore, after listening to Tanegashima's words, he immediately reflected on himself and shuddered subconsciously.

Could it be that the real disillusionment has just begun?

Even though Nioh has a vague impression, he did not spend as long with these high school students as Tanegashima.

Nioh actually didn't know how many senior U17 seniors, so there is such a possibility!

After Rikkai's deceiver thought of this possibility, his expression was involuntarily stunned in front of the predecessors he trusted.

"However, I didn't expect in advance that the outside road would actually play tennis.

"He is not a player of this style.

Tanegashima didn't care about Nioh who seemed to be in a daze at this time, and talked to himself about his feelings of watching the game.

"That first-year student is called Liliadent Krauser, right? Tennis prowess has improved in the game. It was not in vain that our appearance was so fierce that we could scare off the underworld boss but the inner soft No. 3 high school student."

"Kanata is also not bad. He brings his personal characteristics to the high school students in the third court.

He praised a few words about the wonderful performance of middle school students, and even praised Irie.

"Senior Irie's tactics are really good."

Nioh deliberately ignored the words of "Irie Kanata's personal characteristics" that his predecessors meant, and forced his attention to the list of matches.

"In the first game, we gave the junior high school students a good start, letting them know that the strength of the third court player is not comparable to the strength of those high school students before.

When he said this comment, he completely excluded himself from the scope of "junior high school students".

This makes Tanegashima, who has always regarded him as a "little Nioh", feel a little funny in his heart.

Tanegashima always thinks that Nioh's character is very cute.

Obviously he is a junior, but he behaves like a mature senior.

But sometimes the little willful and coquettish (???) character completely shows his "junior attributes"!

However, Tanegashima, who was thinking this way, couldn't tell it through. On the surface, he continued to follow the topic of the younger generation.

"Then the second game will give the No. 5 court middle school students hope of victory. The victory of Doubles 2 will definitely boost the morale of the No. 5 court middle school students who have declined because of the defeat. .,

Tanegashima has no doubts about the result of Doubles Two.

Because, the next player on the fifth court is one-

"The perfect bible Shiraishi Kuranosuke from Osaka!"

"Kanagawa's undefeated son of God Seiichi Yukimura!"

The minister of Shitenhouji and the minister of Rikkai, this kind of doubles combination, at least facing the high school students on the opposite side of the net, there is no dead end!

"Betting on my lucky value, Yukimura Shiraishi and the two of them will definitely win!"

Sengoku Kiyosumi said with a deep face and with great certainty.

"Nonsense. If they don't win, I will pluck all the roses in the Atobe's garden!"

Oshitari Yuushi was also nervous at first, but after seeing Yukimura and Shiraishi on the court, he started to vomit.

"But they can only play the best when they are in the singles position? Why do you want them to have two doubles?"

If singles, maybe they can win two games.

Kikumaru Eiji thought so.

"Uhhhhhhhhh, Minister Rikkai's mental skills are not so suitable for doubles."

At the beginning of Guanyue, he rolled his hair with his fingers and said.

Unlike the disapproval in his words, there is a bit of expectation in his eyes.

High school students, what do you want to see?

Fuji Syusuke curled his mouth slightly.

No matter what the high school students think, his two roommates will never lose!

And can he look forward to the scene of Minister Rikkai hitting three in the doubles game?

If Yukimura killed Shiraishi while destroying the opponent, it must be very interesting~

Although knowing that the probability is poor, the smiling Fuji sincerely hopes that Yukimura can realize his little wish-who makes a certain brown-haired teenager show himself so carelessly every night?

PS, Fuji really doesn't want to see his roommate's nakedness--even if the roommate is good-looking and handsome, it won't work!

Nioh really doesn’t have a lot of articles! I just can’t find the little pity that I posted! (So you can pit yourself! Looking forward to QAQ) (or you can find articles that were not mentioned before in the comment area Say it)

The fraudster and the other two books are linked texts, and the system tasks are proof. (I like his Kanto contest finals. Then there is the World Cup exhibition game! The best part is the exhibition game! Speaking of the scene of playing now, I forgot, but I still remember it when I was moved! Akaya almost couldn't help crying when he shouted!)

Ignore him! I don’t want to delete his comment. I just want to show how ignorant this person is! (Anyway, I almost swallowed the candy in my mouth when I saw the comment~ I was ridiculed by the comment for the first time. After that, I want to laugh hhhhh) (The comment reveals the fact that he didn't read the text at all!)

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