Prince of Tennis Nioh Phantom

Chapter 517 : In tiebreak, prepare one-

"Enter the tiebreak!

Akutakawa Jirou, who watched the game without turning his eyes, said excitedly.

He was excited and his eyes were shining.

"Look at it now, who can last longer in tiebreak."

Noting the nervousness and excitement of the teammates, Yukimura spoke slowly.

Who can hold on for longer, who can make their current strength play more smoothly, who can get the final victory.

Judging from the current strength comparison between the two sides, their winning percentage is almost the same.

Although Atobe's eyesight is stimulated by Irie's constant pressure, if Yukimura is allowed to make judgments based on what he knows, Yukimura still prefers Irie, a senior high school student.

He knows what it is like for this predecessor, who usually does not seem to show up, to give full play to his tennis prowess.

Therefore, even if the current high school students of the No. 3 court do not completely let go of their strength restrictions as always, and abide by the hidden rules of the top ten tennis players in the U17 training camp, Irie can still play with Atobe, who can see through the absolute dead ends of human action. fierce.

You can see the absolute blind spot, and you can hit the tennis ball to that place every time without representing the 17 watch!

Irie's eyesight, even though it is not exactly the same as Atobe's development direction, is currently higher than Atobe's. What he can see, plus his mental power perception, plus his own not-low technology and speed, can completely move his hands before Atobe is not ready to hit the absolute dead end!

Therefore, the scores of these two people almost alternate with each other.

"1:0, No. 5 court Atobe Keigo scored!"

Atobe focused his attention on his eyes, his eyes were extremely sore and his body was sweating profusely.

He played with Irie for more than a dozen rounds before seizing the opportunity to hit the tennis ball to Irie's absolute dead end and scored his first point in the tiebreak.

"The first point is from Atobe!"

At the stand on the fifth court player's seat, Akutagawagawa Jirou tightened his fists and opened his eyes wide.

He seemed to feel the emotions of the players on the court just by watching the game.

The tennis ball fell four or five meters to Irie's right side, almost a distance that can be reached in one step or two steps. As long as you move two more steps, you can hit that ball as long as you reach out and swing your racket.

However, Irie stood there, and when he wanted to move subconsciously, he was stuck at his right ankle and didn't move.

"Irie was caught by the middle school student, which is really strange!"

Saitō Itaru, the spiritual coach in the monitoring room, completely released himself, just watching the play (crossed out) and watching the game.

As he spoke, his gloating tone fully expressed his feelings at the moment.

"So, he is going to lose?"

Coach Tuo Zhi is still stunned.

He hasn't reacted yet.

"No, they should have a long tiebreak."

Coach Kurobe looked at the screen and said.

Bang bang bang!

The tennis ball continued to fly back and forth over the net without any intention of stopping or slowing down.


"1:1, No. 3 court Irie Kanata scored!"

The high school student who was good at seizing the opportunity decisively hit the tennis ball at Atobe at the moment when Atobe was a little slow.

The next game, as Yukimura judged and Kurobe coach analyzed, was a long, long, protracted battle.


It took more than a dozen rounds before the goal came out.

I don't know if the two sides deliberately, they always can't hit the difference of two points!

Seeing Irie lead by one point, Atobe immediately caught up and smoothed the gap.

"46:46, No. 5 court Atobe Keigo scored!"

So, there is another long tug of war

Most of the high school students who watched the game have dispersed, after all, they still have their own training tasks.

Most of the high school students who stayed are players on the third court.

Their eyes on the junior high school students changed again!

He played so smoothly

This is not something that you can do with just physical strength!

The stable performance of strength tests not only the endurance of the players, but also the mental power and patience of the players!

Under Irie's pressure, I insisted on not letting the wind fall for a long time-middle school students can have such a mentality and have completely subdued these U17 high school students in the training camp.

And the middle school students who were praised by the seniors in their hearts--

"When are they going to fight!"

Although I have heard that tennis matches have been played for nearly a day, it is a large-scale tennis tournament like five or seven sets!

It's just a tiebreak, how can it take so long?

The middle school students don't know whether they should worry about their teammates on court or whether they should feel sorry for themselves watching the game hungry.

In the current season, the daylight hours were not long, and the time when the sky was getting dark was much earlier.

They were showered with rain and snow that turned into snowflakes due to the icy temperature, feeling the rustling wind, and their stomachs were hollow, watching the game in the sunset

How desolate and miserable!

Tanegashima, who was originally interested in watching the game, couldn't help it.

He raised his hand and yawned, but he actually regretted watching this game in his heart.

The look in Nioh's eyes when looking at the game has also changed a lot.

--From the time I felt in my heart, I am a little stiff and indifferent now.

No amount of feelings will disappear without a trace as time stretches.

Nioh Masaharu, who is considered by many to have no shortcomings, actually hates protracted battles in his heart.

This is the psychological sequelae left by him a long time ago because of his lack of physical strength and the shadow of certain memories.

Although he can do it, he never likes to do it.

Therefore, although he admires the endurance and patience of Atobe and Irie, he is also very dissatisfied with their performance.

Bang bang bang bang!

The speed of tennis has slowed down.

The two players on the court both fell in state.

--It's just that I don't know if one of them is acting again.

"63:62, No. 5 court Atobe Keigo scored!"


Sweat wetted all the forehead and slid down the bunches of drops along the cheeks.

Atobe has long been reluctant to wipe his sweat.In addition to staring at his opponent, he can see the absolute dead corner of the opposite high school student as much as possible, ignoring the fatigue of his legs and running quickly, and ignoring the soreness of his arm. I can't think of other things anymore.

At the moment, Atobe has nothing else but tennis.

Opposite the net, Irie's image also looks similar to Atobe, both of them are sweaty and panting.

Therefore, after Tanegashima in the stands found a place for himself to sit down, he did not really watch the game on the court at all.

--Before one side showed weakness, Tanegashima was unwilling to spend a lot of attention to analyze the situation of the players on both sides every second.

Although this U17 first-team player has never performed anything, his usual training volume is really heavy.

He has little energy left for every day except for improving himself or amusing younger generations.

Therefore, this savvy high school student, because of his teammates, still insisted on watching the game in pity, missed the crucial moment of the turning point!

PS, the second one is late. The heating in the new building seems to be overhauled, so the dormitory building that I have been living in for more than two years, which has just become the most broken dormitory in the school this year, has to stop heating! Trembling, codeword efficiency is several hundred per hour

After three and a half hours, I was so angry that I was shaking while holding the pillow. .

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