Prince of Tennis Nioh Phantom

Chapter 525 Love each other


"How is this going?!"

Sanada saw his teammate and a certain senior smile at each other, and his eyes met some kind of information, and his heart felt bad.

Why did his teammate Yanagi Renji say such inexplicable things to the predecessor who seemed to be lax!

Liu hasn't been to U17 training camp at all?

Could it be that they met through other means before, and now it's just the first time they met?

The deputy minister of Rikkai felt that there was a mysterious and harmonious atmosphere between his teammates and the opposing seniors. He felt as if he was cheated by his teammates.

He frowned and looked at Rikkai's still indifferent military division, the pressure low.


"Calm down, Deputy Minister."

The calm Yagyu Hiroshi patted Sanada on the shoulder under the shocked eyes of Rikkai sophomore Kirihara Akaya and many others~.

"This is Senior Tanegashima."

Rikkai was keen on reasoning and told the tennis player who read.

"Senior is the former head of our Rikkai Grand Tennis Club."

Liu Sheng said with his calm voice as always, it seems that the person who has been asking Rikkai's Army Master Liu for relevant information is not him.

Ever since I followed Nioh somehow into the Rikkai Grand Tennis Club, where I can't get out, Yanagi feels that his reasoning ability has been exercised quite intensively.

He can already find any clues that may be clues from the mysterious actions of a certain white-haired teammate, and then cooperate with Liu to reason and find the truth of certain things.

"Former Minister?!"

Kirihara Akaya opened his eyes wide.

Rikkai's sophomore ace, who hadn't even seen the former minister, was completely confused at this moment.

His Minister Yukimura is the current Minister of Tennis Department since the beginning of the country


Former minister, this senior is still in high school!

Can only play tennis, don't know the history of Rikkai Grand Tennis Club, at most I know Rikkai's XX series-Kirihaya never thought that he would meet Rikkai seniors who are several "generations" higher here!

He thought he would meet Maori seniors at most.

Unexpectedly, the former minister still insisted on playing tennis!

Rikkai's sophomore ace was in awe.

"Senior Tanegashima!

Kirihaya shouted with a calm look, but his upward tone betrayed him.

There was something more immediately in his eyes when he looked at the person in front of him.

--That is the emotion Tanegashima has seen in Yukimura's pupils.

Junior high school students from Rikkai University seem to have such eyes.

Is it the heritage of the tennis club?

Or is it the like-mindedness of the younger generations?

This is all wanting to carry out a revolution, and it is up!

It was first seen by Nioh and Mori, and then Yukimura, who was brought to the suitcase and carried a tennis bag to recover his strength, saw it like this, and now it is seen like this by younger juniors.

The N.2 high school student who has been a member of the U17 training camp for a long time, apart from being seen this way by younger generations, it seems that he hasn't felt such strong eyes and eyes for a long time.

He doesn't go out to expedition, and Irie and the ghost in the training camp are not interested in looking for him to compete, Tokugawa wants to challenge Byodoin

Other high school students can't wait for Tanegashima to wander around on the coach's balance bike all day-who knows the identity of this big brother, how dare to provoke him!

The players of the first army are not very provocative.

Every time an army changes positions, regardless of the winner after the end, which loser does not end up with an injury?

No one wants to go to the infirmary for a long day trip, so Tanegashima hasn't seen him in such a eager gaze for a long time.

This used to be Maori's eyes.

However, "Destroyed Nothing" caused this unconvincing younger generation to step back again and again - Tanegashima never admits that Yuezhi's attraction is greater than his own N..2's attraction!

This is what Nioh once had.

However, after being defeated by a younger generation, Tanegashima himself is ashamed to say that he is a high school student that no one has beaten!

After Nioh's Yukimura-Alaya came out, Minister Rikkai's emotions became more and more unfathomable, but Tanegashima was a little bit confused about Yukimura's thoughts.

After all, he doesn't know how to read minds, nor is he dedicated to insight into people's hearts like Irie.

However, for the second-year junior in front of him, his eyes were too easy to be recognized.

Tanegashima saw such a familiar look at a glance, and his tone became softer unconsciously.

"Hello junior, although you may not realize it, but this is not the first time we met~"

The No.1 of the first army shifted his attention from Sanada and Yanagi to Rikkai's thriving little kelp (crossed out) the second-year trump card.

Tanegashima Shuji, a very caring high school student, said that in order to make a certain white-haired junior in the seven-ball matchup a little easier, he took the initiative to give up the opportunity to "recognize relatives (cross out) recognize juniors"!

"Little Akaya, how is life in Hou Shan?"

"Although the conditions are a bit tougher, but after the training of the three-ship coach, you should have gained something."

Speaking affirmatively, after Tanegashima finished speaking, he was satisfied to see the green-eyed junior on the opposite lake nodded quickly.

"Senior! The conditions of our back mountain are terrible!"

Knowing that this is Rikkai's senior, Kirihaya has completely released himself.

Rikkai's sophomore ace in the sophomore year has become "Rikkai acting like a spoiled young man".


There was an inhalation sound among the black-coat middle school students who were shocked and horrified.

They seem to have seen a fake Kirihara Akaya!

The third graders of Rikkai University know that their current second grade ace-the future head of tennis bag looks like this?

Riyoshi, who became curious, took a quick glance at the seniors of Rikkai junior year and got an affirmative answer.

--Well, they know!

The third grader Sangbara listened silently, and with all his strength, he suppressed his urge to rub his junior's hair and black hair.

Marui, a third-year student, looked at Kirihaya with a kind of gaze, which seemed familiar to Hiyoshi. He seemed to have seen this from nowhere.

So, Hyotei's second-year student quickly glanced at a certain Hyotei third-year doubles player who was wearing a hat and looked shocked.

It's a bit like, but not right!

Hiyoshi thought so, shifting his gaze.

Then, it stopped on the face of a second grader!

--The second-year student of Saint Rudolf's Fuji Syusuke with an older brother named Fuji Yuta!

I found the right person this time!

Rikkai's Marui looked at Kirihaya, isn't it the same as Seigaku's third-year student Fuji looked at his brother?

The elder brother looked at his younger brother's eyes, of course it was very kind!

Hiyoshi choked in his heart--it turns out that Kirihaya is the "brother" in the eyes of his predecessors.

............ Flowers......

That kind of guy, who was not taught to be a junior by his predecessors, was indulged as a younger brother - Kirihaya is also lucky!

For no reason, Hiyoshi Wakashi thought of it like this.

His thoughts became even more determined after hearing that Kirihaya and senior high school student Tanegashima Shuji happily met in a few words.

--The tone of that senior is completely indulgent, isn't it?

Not only Hiyoshi Wakashi, but other junior high school students look at Tanegashima in a complicated look.

Tokugawa Kazuya was even more expressionless, he suddenly felt that standing here was a bit redundant.

On the second court, the black-coat junior high school students as well as the high school students who Tanegashima and Tokugawa have neglected for a long time, after witnessing this scene, they dare not say a word.

They feel that they seem to be dreaming now one-

Someone dared to challenge Tanegashima Shuji?

Junior high school students, do you know that they are not the second army at all?

Tanegashima Shuji is a player in the first army.He does not go to the expedition only for personal reasons (ren) and (sex), it is not that he is not strong enough!


The original group of high school students in court No. 2 felt that the junior high school student who challenged Tanegashima calmly not only has a high level of tennis, but also has high courage!

Even after listening to the conversation, Migihashi Itarou was convinced by this group of middle school students. Although Tanegashima has a very wide social circle and generally maintains good relationships with other people; but it was a first time meeting (the right end heard it, Kirihaya, this is the first time I met Tanegashima!) The junior high school student, who is still a second-year student, said directly and easily, "Fighting

Let’s play, senior" like this

How strong the heart of this middle school student should be!

Migihashi Itarou, who doesn't understand Kirihara Akaya's daily training in Rikkai Tennis Club, thinks like this.

He didn't even know--

After Yukimura, Sanada, and Yanagi's "first meeting" blows, Sanada's entry blows, and Nioh's daily "squeezing" after entering the department, as well as the tennis training performed by the seniors together, Kirihaya has long formed a unique kind of Cognition.

Kirihara Akaya has linked the equation of "predecessors = opponents who can challenge at any time".

In his mind, as long as he is a senior Rikkai, he is an "excellent opponent" who can say anything in advance to play tennis.

Therefore, after Tanegashima Shuji put the label of "Senior Rikkai" in his heart, Kirihaya applied a formula very smoothly in his heart-"Senior Rikkai = a tennis player who challenges at any time and likes to challenge himself." !

"Senior Tanegashima, we are done!

"You have to play a few more games of tennis with me-I'm tired of playing with Vice Minister and Senior Liu now!"

Rikkai said in a cheerful tone not afraid of death.

He didn't get to Hiyoshi, Kaido, and Cai before looking at him with the rare unanimous "Are you looking for death? You are dead!" The gaze is also logical, successful, and Zhangdi ignored the Vice Minister Rikkai and stared at him. "Too lax" eyes!

PS, Tanegashima: Hello junior~ a wink~

Kirihaya: Senior! Online court, appointment?

Sanada: Too lax! How can Rikkai have such lax predecessors and younger generations! Both of them are too lax! (However, no one cares about him at present hhhhh)

PPS, can I give a fresh flower monthly pass evaluation ticket? Soil,

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