Prince of Tennis Nioh Phantom

Chapter 534 : Desire to go to the world

"Let's go on to say something more important."

After the senior high school students mentioned that the United States ranked fifth in the U17 World Cup, the topic quickly changed.

No matter how good the U17 teams from other countries are, it has nothing to do with them.

Provide more information to the younger generations, so that the younger generations have a bottom line about the next thing-this is what Tanegashima has to do as a senior!

Everyone has their own emotional bias, no matter how good Tanegashima tennis is, it is no exception.

What's more, he is an "ordinary first army player", not a captain or a coach, and he doesn't need a bowl of water to take care of the overall situation.

Therefore, in the 101 dormitory, No.2 of the First Army began to "instigate" his Rikkai juniors to "set off a subversive revolution"!

"The U17 training camp has been silent for too long."

The senior high school student who has already been in the third year of high school said so.

"The First Army needs'fresh blood"!"

As he said, the current age of the U17-Military players immediately came to mind.

"In the current army, most of the players are third-year high school students like me."

"So most of us can only participate in this U17 World Cup.

Tanegashima introduced the topic, he slowly said, every word is very fine and precise.

Even without the arrival of these middle-aged students, the "big change" of the first army is inevitable.

In a few months, many people will leave this U17 training camp!

"U17 World Cup"

"Is this one of the competition rights enjoyed by the first army players?"

Yanagi Renji said, raising his head.

There is a very pure yearning in his eyes.

The World Cup-even if it's just the Youth World Cup, such an event is enough to attract the world's attention!

As long as you are a tennis player, you must really want to participate, right?

Thinking like this, Liu turned his head slightly to look at his Rikkai teammates who made a circle.

Unsurprisingly, he saw Kirihaya with bright eyes, Marui who showed longing, and their first deputy minister Rikkai who was already fighting.

Both Liu Sheng and Kuan Yuan were patient--but Junshi Liu wasn't sure whether the two teammates were holding back in their hearts.

It was Seiichi Yukimura, the minister of Rikkai University, who was out of the mood.

Rikkai’s military strategist ignored the mood swings of his own tennis club’s "fraudster"-anyway, he couldn’t tell the truth, he might as well just ignore the past without seeing the heart.

However, Yanagi Renji didn't think that Yukimura would be completely indifferent after hearing what they said just now.

Minister Rikkai is not someone who will pretend at this time, and Liu is sure of this.

So, why is Yukimura so peaceful?

"I'm so envious""

Rikkai, who is currently the youngest player in the U17 training camp, showed aggrieved look in front of his predecessors.

The curly black hair became listless as he became aggrieved.

Kirihara Akaya unconsciously flattened his mouth in front of his predecessors, and his lake-green eyes were a little dim.

"Why am I only a second-year student now!"

Rikkai's sophomore ace said dissatisfiedly.

"If I were a third grader

"Huh! I've already become Rikkai's N...1, and then next year I can--"


It's the familiar pain again!

"Ahhhh, vice minister, don't hit me QAQ"

Kirihaya held his head for a second.

He seemed even more wronged at this time-isn't he talking about what would happen if he were a third grader, did he say something wrong?

Isn't it good to be confident?

Don't forget your original intention, isn't it something worthy of praise?

The persistent Kirihaya has not forgotten his declaration of "young ignorance" when he first entered middle school.

"Senior Tanegashima!"

The second-year junior high school student holding his head hid towards the only high school student present.

Intuition tells Kirihaya that his deputy minister has no advantage or benefit in front of his senior high school students.

Therefore, Kirihaya decisively "shifted his position", stood up from next to Liu and next to Sanada, walked quickly to Tanegashima a few steps, and then sat down decisively.

Continue to speak, continue his unwilling "what if".

"If I am a senior student now, then I can participate in the U17 World Cup this year!"

Kirihaya now admires his Maori predecessors very beautifully.

The gross profit is just one year high, just in that (original) age group.

"Senior Maori can indeed participate.

"But, Akaya, if you are a member of the country, you can also participate."

Yukimura finally spoke.

When he opened his mouth, he was a "king bomb"!


"You are talking about one-"

As soon as the minister of Rikkai finished speaking, his deputy exploded.

This time, Sanada finally, driven by his overly excited emotions, overcame his shadow of something and dared to talk to his young tame.

You know, even though Kirihaya was so noisy just now, Sanada didn't shout "too lax"--because Sanada would not dare to say anything as long as he saw Yukimura!

However, Sanada didn't say anything, and Yukimura wouldn't let him down the steps.

The Minister of Rikkai knew that someone couldn't hold back.

Now, as soon as the news comes out, isn't someone directly emotionally exploded?

"Aren't we the players in the U17 training camp?"

The tennis player Seiichi Yukimura of court number three asked rhetorically.

The junior high school students who received the invitation letter exceptionally have been a member of the U17 training camp since they passed the test in the U17 training camp.

Therefore, in theory, there is no "identity difference" between junior high school students and high school students.

And once there is no difference in "ranks", then the qualifications

"As long as you win the first army, you can automatically make up."

"Really, Senior Tanegashima?"

Minister Rikkai smiled.

He is currently not interested in the next U17 World Cup.

Because his goal is this year!

--The future qualifications for the World Cup must belong to him.

--He is also indispensable for qualifying for the World Cup now!

Yukimura has this self-confidence because he has the tennis strength to support his self-confidence.

Moreover, the fragmentary information that has been slowly obtained since the third year of the country has also supplemented the correctness of his ideas.

". "Yes!"

Tanegashima did not deliberately sell Guanzi, he simply nodded directly, confirming the correctness of Yukimura's words.

The conversation between the two of them succeeded in making Kirihaya, who had already calmed down a lot and jumped a little in front of the seniors, jumped directly.

"I can also participate in the U17 World Cup!"

He yelled out directly, and then was directly bracketed by a predecessor who looked helpless--


"Senior Nioh, what are you doing!"

Declining his eyes to signal that he would not yell again, Nioh let go of his hand.

"Don't disturb other people!"

Said the young man with white hair but his hair color was like a layer of silver under the light.

Sitting in the innermost position, Nioh, who was forced by his younger generation to intervene between himself and the senior high school student, released his hand and pointed his left index finger directly to the door of the dormitory.

# Fireproof Anti-theft Anti-predecessor#

Nioh doesn't want to wait for a few days to play a doubles game with a certain three people, and there will be a few extra "audiences" next to the court!

Oni and Tokugawa might be okay to say

If you let Irie know--then this senior high school student will definitely appear at the scene!

And maybe, Irie will even (well) persuade the entire Hyotei team over!

In this way, don't you have to be watched?

Since knowing that he was "booked" for a doubles game, Nioh Masaharu has been fully alert.

He shouldn't have let down his vigilance originally, because whether it is Yukimura, Tanegashima or Irie, their numbers are too high!

"If you really want to qualify for the competition, just quiet down and continue listening!"

"Listen well Tanegashima's comments about the common sense and rules of the U17 World Cup!

"What a bluff, Akaya, don't you have the confidence to be selected?"

Rikkai's white-haired junior high school player said so deliberately.

His intention is obvious, it is to change the subject.

But with such a simple radical method, Nioh is unsuccessful in dealing with Kirihaya.

Kirihaya followed Nioh's words and became dissatisfied-

"Senior Nioh, I am very good now!"

He said angrily.

"Senior, wait, Shiraishi and I will beat your noon on doubles!"

He began to speak harshly.

PS, although the weather is bad, I am in a great mood today, so there is still a chapter update. Everyone wait for me o((三マSo)!.

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