Prince of Tennis Nioh Phantom

Chapter 536 : New small goals

"Although the coaches didn't mention it, but based on my own observations from seniors-this year's World Cup is very different from previous years."

Tanegashima looked at a circle of cleverly seated juniors around him (descriptive words after adding the filter~), slowed down his voice, and said every word clearly.

When he spoke, he originally spoke with a natural Kansai accent.

However, in order to let the "unconscious" younger generations around him hear clearly what he said, Tanegashima Shuji did not hesitate to speak standard Mandarin~!

"I know, Tanegashima-senpai!"

"Is it because of junior high school students joining? -"

Kirihaya, who had just drew back after obediently listening to seniors' words, moved in again-came up.

His lake-green eyes were set against the light, and there seemed to be little twinkling stars in his eyes.

A junior high school student at the age of Kirihara Akaya is a very energetic teenager. His whole body is filled with an active atmosphere, which makes his precocious third-grade seniors unconsciously always put this junior in their hearts and patiently teach them, and sincerely look forward to their younger juniors when they grow up. What kind of a spirited king would look like.

Now, in line with his small expression of "seeking confirmation", Kirihaya also naturally poke Tanegashima's heart softened a lot.

"The U17 training camp is not a street network where you can go in and out at will.

"This is not a well-meaning asylum." "

"Competition has always been the main theme of U17."

Tanegashima smiled, revealing the "true face" of U17 without mercy.

Chasing the tennis dream?

No, the U17 training camp wants the result, only victory!

To put it bluntly, this country’s tennis elite’s training ground is where "utilitarianism" and "victoryism" have been brought to the extreme.

If it is said that the purpose of recruiting junior high school students to participate in training is to cultivate reserve forces, then what did the coaching staff of the U17 training camp do earlier?

One they didn't pay attention to the middle school tennis world at all before.

--The recruits before the Maori term were all selected from the winners of the individual and team competitions in the first year of high school; only a very small part of the players were due to their overly conspicuous resumes in junior high school and were used by the coaches. Pick out early in the data.

"Speaking of which, Nioh also promoted the recruitment of U17 junior high school students."

It was because of that "mis-entry" that the coaches allocated a part of their energy to focus on the middle school tennis world.

But that little attention, compared to the U17 Xunchuan training camp's "big event-recruiting middle school students" decision, is basically insignificant.

"However, U17 invited you to participate in the training camp, not because of the opinions of one or two people."

"Even the coaching staff is not the main promoter of this exceptional recruitment of junior high school students.

"The ultimate goal of the U17 training camp is also the ultimate goal of the national youth tennis industry-the good results of the U17 World Cup is the decisive factor that led to this year's exceptional invitation to middle school students.

If it wasn't for the U17 World Cup, where the rankings can represent the national tennis strength, a new decision, how can the U17 training camp under the official name dare to break the rules?

"As far as I know, it is not just the Japanese U17 training camp that invited junior high school students to participate in the training this year.

When Tanegashima said this, he naturally thought of Kunimitsu, Minister Seigaku, who had escaped the shackles of responsibility and went to the world.

If the hand Kunimitsu goes to Germany and the country immediately, then in the U17 World Cup, they will definitely meet again!

"You are lucky!"

Tanegashima said sincerely.

As a middle school student, you have the opportunity to participate in such events.


Yukimura repeated the word noncommittal.

Minister Rikkai never believed in fate. So, "lucky" for him

"Just'lucky' is not enough. "

He wants more things.

In Seiichi Yukimura's view, what he trusts more than the illusory existence of "luck" is the tennis strength that is really in his hands.

However, at this time, he would not speak out his somewhat cold and somewhat utilitarian ideas to refute his predecessors.

"Now that I have this luck."

"Then we might as well set a small goal first?"

Some familiar words came out from Minister Rikkai's mouth.

Except for Tanegashima Shuji, who didn't know the previous situation, the other seven middle school students of Rikkai University all remembered a certain exchange game they had just experienced this year.

- That competition is also the first candidate to be determined through the trials!

"Is this the "evolution" selected by Guan Dongqing?"

Marui whispered in a low voice.

Select players, and then compete with foreign players with little intelligence and only official information - how is this configuration so familiar!

"Minister Yukimura, we must be okay with Rikkai!!

Kirihaya responded with enthusiasm first when other people's faces were subtle.

"I will definitely be selected!"

The second-year junior high school player said very confidently.

He didn't "care too much" at all.

--Although this time the competitors are stronger and more, but Kirihaya himself is also stronger!

"It's the seniors one by one"

"Senior Marui, you have to work hard!"

Qi Zhang's younger generation raised his head and spoke to his red-haired senior.

Marui, who was specifically pointed out by the younger generation, was instantly angry--

"Why can't I be selected?"

Why did this guy Kirihara Akaya single him out?

He Marui Bunta is also very talented, okay?

"I was not selected for the Guan Dongqing election because they only have eight places!"

Marui emphasized.

Although he thinks that this U17 training camp should not have more places for middle school students-think about it seriously, the main force of the U17 World Cup must be high school students. The U17 World Cup official cannot allow a group of middle school students to occupy a large number of places, otherwise the audience and the tennis world will protest

"Eight places"

"Senior Tanegashima, how many people are there in your army now?"

When discussing issues seriously (?), Kirihaya is still able to grasp the key points.

"The current number of players in the First Army is 20."

"But as far as I know, being selected for the first army does not necessarily qualify for the U17 World Cup."

The words of a high school student made his juniors nervous.

The middle school student from Rikkai involuntarily held his breath, ready to hear Tanegashima continue.

The next content must be more important!

"As for the others, I don't know!"

Tanegashima spread his hands and said casually.

With his action, Sanada couldn't help but raised his hand and pressed his hat brim.

"The number of junior high school students is ten!"

After selectively listening to some of the words of senior high school students, Yukimura said with a smile.

He was going to make a simple and rude plan, and set a small goal as big as Rikkai.

"Then we will work towards the goal of five places!"

Minister Rikkai said arbitrarily and did not give anyone a chance to resist.

There was also a "small goal" in his words, which made Sanada, who had always been very ambitious and confident, Kirihaya stunned.

…………Please ask for flowers……

--This is really a "small goal"!

--Can we finish it?

Although it's very timid, if you want to make a military order, it's really a bit embarrassing!

And the whole face of Deputy Minister Rikkai became stunned.

Sanada felt a little flustered with a face.

Of course he is not unconfident, nor does he have no confidence in his Rikkai teammates, but...

"Yukimura, did you add predecessors to your "little, goal-target"?"

Competing with the entire junior high school tennis world for the U17 World Cup, this is not the Kanto youth election that Rikkai overwhelmed other schools!

After adding other regions, without mentioning the quantity that does not have much effect, just say "quality", the competitiveness of the opponent has more than doubled!

Yukimura, I beg you not to set this small goal!

Let's be realistic!

The content in Sanada's mind at this time is very rich.

The pragmatic Deputy Minister of Rikkai, although full of ambitions, is still a bit short of the "ambition" of the Minister of Rikkai.

Rikkai's exposed emotions changed very quickly.


This made Tanegashima, who had some experience in observing other people's emotional changes, sat opposite him and watched happily.

"Huh? Aren't we talking about junior high school students?"

Yukimura asked in surprise.

"Kenichiro, didn't you listen to me seriously?"

He continued to ask in a soft voice, and let the other Rikkai members who were preparing to "comment on the small target" silently shut their mouths.

#there's always a solution to any problem!#

#Isn’t it just the "small goal"? We have all completed the Guandongqing election, and now it’s no problem to change to the "upgraded version" of the goal!#

Kuwahara looked at his doubles partner-Fumata with his eyes that contained emotions that Marui couldn't understand, I believe you are a genius, rely on you!

Rikkai's big mixed player, after listening to his minister's "small goal", firmly supported his doubles partner to be selected into the army!

Nioh will definitely be selected, and Yukimura will definitely be selected.

Sanada and Yanagi are also highly likely to be selected.

Although Kirihaya is in the second grade, there is a greater chance of being selected

In this way, five people are quite easy to make together!

Moreover, Yiwentai's current strength is also very competitive!

Kuwabara, who knew that his competitors were Hyotei, Shitenhouji, Higa, Fudomine, Yamabuki, and other tennis players, thought quietly.

--Compared with the Kwantung Youth Selection, isn't it because there are more players from other regions participating?

--This time there are more places! You will definitely be able to complete the "small goals"!

Nioh had already had "spoiler content" and knew everything. After watching some low-pressure people sitting at the other end of the wooden table, he remained silent with teammates.

Did Liu Sheng already feel the bad mood?

That being the case, he, as an insider, shouldn't make the situation worse.

Although Nioh feels that there is no pressure for their Rikkai-big junior high school students to be selected for five people, but

If he now says that "the junior high school students have fourteen qualifications", he will definitely be blacklisted by his teammates on the "court must kill"!

PS, for the sake of ease of writing, don't tell Yukimura junior high school students that there are 14 places for the competition. otherwise. When the coaches announced the roster, Rikkai all had a tragic face that was about to be justified, with a "we are too bad" expression on their faces. How to poke the hearts and livers of other players! For the friendship of the U17 Plastic Flower team, Such a hateful thing or not

It's going to happen~ soil,

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