Prince of Tennis Nioh Phantom

Chapter 547 : In the middle of the battlefield, the way to open lucky ex

Although there have been some changes in the "small battlefield" outside the junior high school students' dormitory at both ends of the corridor, the most intense "battlefield" of the pillow fight so far is still in the center of the corridor, where Sanada and Kirihaya rushed past regardless. The place where the smoke and dust are everywhere now!


Kintarou Tooyama turned over in the air, pulling the pillow with both hands and using inertia and his own power to directly smash it down in the air.

His previous "rival", Shitenhouji's teammate Ishida Gin, has unfortunately been out.

Because although his moves are very strong, they are also very eye-catching, so that other people subconsciously regard him as their goal to "kill".

Therefore, Ishida Gin, whose speed is not very good, his avoidance ability is not strong enough, and his body is not flexible enough, fell to the ground amidst the smoke and the sound of "Bang! Bang! Boom!".

And Xiaojin is still fighting.

The short stature of the first-year students, the huge talent of the body itself, and one "one to seven" very important reasons, so that Yuanshan was able to avoid one after another while throwing pillows at the teenagers in such a flamboyant manner. Pillows thrown by different people.

To be honest, although Kintarou Tooyama is a first-year student, how can he be considerate of others based on his age on the battlefield?

The reason why the deputy minister of Rikkai University first joined this "pillow fight" is very clear!

I almost smashed my face, and my hat was completely deformed

These are all due to the throw of the distant mountain!

Therefore, Sanada's initial "attack" target was Kintarou Tooyama, and then Ishida Gin was added.

Moreover, even though the Deputy Minister Rikkai was a singles player in the "Pillow Fight", he also brought an off-site support staff - Kirihara Akaya followed him!

--Even if you can't tacitly face the enemy together, there is no pressure to fight and cooperate occasionally.

However, throwing the pillow so blatantly, Xiaojin was still very "stubbornly survived" in the thunder of Rikkai's rage, and several critical hits by Rikkai's sophomore ace.

His senior Ishida Gin is out, but he himself can be said to be "unharmed" in this fierce battlefield.

--This is really thanks to the "self-sacrifice" spirit of Shitenhouji's third-year seniors!

--Also, after the members of the 206 dormitory group were unlucky enough to be involved and joined with pillows, they "involuntarily-unintentionally help each other"!

"Mada-san--so handsome~~~"

"More and more manly~~~~~

The rippling tone of the wavy line made Sanada shake his hand and threw the pillow off the side.

As a result, Kintarou Tooyama escaped this "aggression like fire" blow.

"Xiaochun, are you going to cheat?!"

The two doubles players in the 207 dormitory entered the central battlefield with such opening remarks.

As soon as they entered, they attracted the attention of Deputy Minister Rikkai and made the faces of others very exciting.

Then, in less than half a minute, they were besieged and killed by other tennis teenagers except Kintarou Tooyama.


A pillow magnified in Golden Xiaochun's vision.

"To shut up!

The first to start was the sad Akutsu Jin.

Participating in the "pillow fight" was originally to kill a few more people and relax his mood. Akutsu didn't want to let Shitenhouji's two people continue to talk about it.

Ajutsu's own instincts had reminded him.

If he doesn't do it, then the next person to be "funny and teased" is him!

Boom one-

Someone starts, then someone will follow.

In other cases, for example, in the previous time, the scene of multiple people hitting one person in a row did not appear at all.

However, just now, this situation, such a scene, finally appeared!

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Just like a rainstorm, they didn't even give a chance to catch their breath, and they just smashed it down.

The Shitenhouji doubles group played less than one minute, but it made the other teenagers collectively feel very uncomfortable except for the nervous and adapted Xiaojin.

I want to vomit but can't vomit, an alternative mental attack.

If this is Shitenhouji's "spiritual. Group attack skills", then Shitenhouji's minister Shiraishi Kuranosuke can now proudly say "excellent~" with his arms akimbo!

- Starting from the spiritual level, the combat effectiveness of the whole is weakened by 30%.

All played for less than one minute, and Golden Koharu and Hitouji Yuuji, who participated in the battle for less than half a minute, were gloriously defeated.

Although they are lying down, their "sounds and smiles" are still active in the hearts of the players!

"Ahead, come out!"

"The pillow fight has begun!"

Regardless of his seniors who were out, and regardless of the black face of Vice Minister Rikkai and the irritability of another Yamabuki player Akutsu Jin, Toyama moved directly to the door of the 206 dormitory.

Then he opened his dormitory door and called his roommate before turning over and getting into the air.

The door of 206's dormitory was opened, and Echizen Ryoma, who was talking with Liliadent Krauser, turned his head and looked out.

However, he was not the first to go out.

"Pillow fight!"


Fuji Yu, a second-year student in the Saint Rudolph Tennis Club, rushed out too excitedly.

"? "

Liliadent Krauser, who was sitting at the wooden table writing something, looked over.

Without the cover of the door panel, the first thing he saw was a cloud of smoke and a shadowy figure inside.

Then, the first-year student heard the voice of a familiar Rikkai sophomore ace.

"Hahahahaha, dye you red!"

Lilia Ende-Zangmizu's eyes changed in an instant.

From the former insipidity exuded gentle pleasure, it became the sudden flame of war now.


He put down the pen in his hand.

--It just happened that Kirihaya's wandering operation appeared in the field of vision of the 206 dormitory.

- Liliadent Krauser feels itchy in his hands.

Although it is getting late, and although he still has a diary and letters that have not been finished, the most important thing now is really a "pillow fight"!

Therefore, he is very motivated and just do what he wants to do - Liliadent Krauser, who stayed in Japan decisively at the beginning and accepted the invitation letter of the U17 training camp, picked up his pillow and walked out of his own imposing manner. dormitory.

"Echizen, I want to join too!"

Liliadent Krauser was very sorry for not being able to play against Kirihaya again before.

He thinks that through the current "pillow fight", perhaps Kirihaya's current level of strength can also be inferred-at least it can be seen that Rikkai's sophomore is 2.9 physical fitness?

Therefore, the first-year student with light blonde half-length hair joined the central battlefield aggressively.

Kirihara Akaya was directly restrained by the well-targeted Tibetan seat.

--Inadvertently, he helped his roommate Kintarou Tooyama once.


Watching his two roommates rush out, Echizen Ryoma silently picked up his pillow, walked out of the dormitory, closed the door, and joined the "war"!


The target, Shinichiro Sanada, accidentally, Echizen Ryoma transferred the "hate value" of Rikkai Deputy Minister!

Central battlefield--

Rikkai sophomore ace Kirihara Akaya VS Liliadent Krauser first-year ace Liliadent Krauser!

Rikkai Deputy Minister Sanada Genichiro VS Seigaku Small Pillar Echizen Ryoma!

- Two pairs!

At this time, Shitenhouji player Kintarou Tooyama is still "killing the Quartet" carefree~.

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