Prince of Tennis Nioh Phantom

Chapter 575 : The mind of the returnees, each person changes

"this is one-"

Kai was taken aback when he was standing a little further away watching the game with his arms folded.

As a member of the Houshan Black Jacket Group, he naturally knew that these middle school students, including himself, had undergone a "reborn" change after being taught by the three boat coaches.

Not only is the physical fitness stimulated, but also greatly improved-his style of play is also more of his own personal style.

Vaguely, the junior high school students in Houshan have gradually moved on to the path of tennis that suits them.

Once you choose the right direction, even if the process is a little harder, the final result-their own progress, is satisfactory.

Kai wanted to show off in front of Kite because of this improvement, but because of the explosive news announced by the coaching staff.

- The first army is about to return, and the qualifying competition for the challenge place has become the top priority of almost everyone.

Therefore, Kai also slowed down his desire to "behave" in front of the children and his teammates.

"Are all the players in the first army like this?"

The deputy minister in Higa muttered to himself.

Kai Yujiroh, an Okinawa boy who knows the current affairs very well, is very grateful at this moment.

Although he has lingering fears, he is really grateful to the coaching staff.

--If it wasn't for the coaching staff to announce the news in time, then he would really get up!

However, after the trash is over

In other words, when he did not see clearly the situation in the U17 training camp and hit the "iron board"-for example, he accidentally challenged the high school student on the court..

Kai felt that he could lie down in the infirmary for a few days without Kite's "help".

--This Okinawa teenager doesn't think the U17 high school student is so soft-hearted.

After the spiritual training in the U17 training camp, Saitō Itaru’s "mental training", after the head coach on the back mountain, he was a young martial artist who had a somewhat "obedience to the strong" mindset. The "rules" of the U17 training camp.

- Talking about strict rules and iron rules, in the end, they can't match the strength of tennis!

--As long as you show absolute strength, as long as you don't deliberately challenge the U17 baseline, presumably the coaches will "handle with care" instead of "kill a chicken and be a monkey" and watch you leave with restraint.

How fast is Shiraishi Kuranosuke's serve?

His ball speed is actually not as good as those top speed-type serve skills, but one-

Shiraishi didn't use ball skills!

Relying on the foundation alone, the afterimage can be played.

If Kai is standing on the opposite side of the court, he thinks he might be able to catch the tennis, but he can't return the ball perfectly.

But Tanegashima did it.

"Liu, this is the strength of the first army player."

Yukimura stood very close to the court and said to Yanagi Renji who was standing next to him.

--This is the strength of the first army players, the strength that Seiichi Yukimura wants to challenge the top ten players in the army should have!

"You can start data collection."

"Senior Tanegashima this time, it should be able to play to the level that the second army should have in the challenge match of the first army."

He said in a flat tone.

I have been to U17 training camp once before because of rehabilitation and training. Yukimura also understands the so-called "ー"||军" to some extent.

He has never regarded the bottom ten players in the first army-now the bottom ten players as his opponents.

The Minister of Rikkai University is not reconciled to becoming the "second ladder".

- Seiichi Yukimura has always stood at the top of his tennis circle.



He suddenly chuckled, accompanied by the sound of a tennis ball landing.

"40:0, Tanegashima and Nioh lead."

After reporting the score due diligence, Yukimura tilted her head slightly and looked at Liu.

"I believe you can win.

Yukimura said to his teammates.

"But I hope you can win a little prettier."

The Minister of Rikkai University said to his staff.

-He meant something.

Yukimura knows that Liu has a "brother of data tennis."

Chief Minister Rikkai, who has been to the U17 training camp, is also very concerned about exploring the strength of a military player, the U17 high-level combat force, for his tennis club members.

--The situation at the time

To be honest, Yukimura was very serious at the time!

At that time, there was no other dimension, he really felt the huge gap between himself and a specific high school player.

Therefore, although Yukimura's tennis prowess improved at an incredible speed by the coaching staff and the high school students who knew, he still didn't really feel relieved.

- In the entire Rikkai Grand Tennis Club, only Nioh can rest assured that the strength of the others cannot get high scores in the assessment of top combat power.

However, even Nioh can't let him be completely relieved-Minister Rikkai is afraid that his staff is "too ridiculous" and directly provokes all other high school students in daily life.

This is not unfounded worry.

In fact, Yukimura has already sensed the breath of "wind and rain is coming".

At present, Rikkai University in the U17 training camp is not very "outstanding", in fact, thanks to the departure of Tanegashima Shuji's colleagues in the army.

If all the high school students of the First Army are here

Now there are not many junior high school students giving them points!

How difficult is it to find a junior middle school student that suits you?

Yukimura felt that Irie was able to "fancy" Atobe, which is also a rare fate.

It's a ghost, he is still very satisfied with the requirements of the younger generation...

But the seniors of the army who are about to return from the expedition--

Those predecessors with bright personality one-

Except for the gentler-tempered seniors who have a connection and connection with them before junior high school students one-

It is absolutely impossible to turn a blind eye to Rikkai's "style"!

"Renji, don't hide it. When you want to play against that senior, try to show your strength."

Yukimura's voice is soft, but the tone is opposite to the voice, very simple and decisive.

Their Rikkai, a Tanegashima-senior, has already provoked Irie-senior, and they are thinking about it. If you add the Maori-senior who returned from the expedition-

Although Rikkai has no dead ends, although his strength is very strong, he can't deal with the bad eyes of so many seniors!

"I should be able to see Akaya's one today."

Listening to the voice, Liu slightly shifted his eyes and glanced at the Minister of Rikkai.

His breathing stopped slightly.

"how about you?"

Sure enough, nothing can escape Seiichi Yukimura's perception.

Liu sighed inwardly, feeling that his data hiding was really not in place.

"I see."

He simply responded, but didn't clarify anything.

Data tennis is very powerful, but this road is not easy to follow.

Liu believes that if he has the current strength, he should still be grateful to his second-year juniors.

Ryu who takes care of Kirihaya in all aspects is usually the most. Although he has the same obsession with the victory of Rikkai, his personality is very calm.

The military division of Rikkai is a very gentle boy, although he is not a gentle player on court.

Compared with Inui Sadaharu, Yanagi Renji's tennis prowess has improved rapidly, which is very "unscientific" in the eyes of his Seigaku friends.

This cannot be explained by useful data.

Because this is the encouragement of the human heart, the stimulation and transformation of the spirit.

Yanagi Renji can watch Yukimura standing in front and lead the tennis club, because that's how it was at the beginning. He can also follow the instructions of the Vice Minister Sanada, because Sanada is a qualified Vice Minister Rikkai and his tennis prowess was initially above him.

Although Nioh is not higher than his position, he has the strength that can be said to surpass the middle school tennis world.

Therefore, when Liu compares his strengths, he often skips Nioh.

But Liu never skipped Kirihaya!

Even if he forgets to collect the data of everyone else, he will not forget the data collection and comparison of this junior who has been under his care in many aspects since joining the Rikkai Grand Tennis Club!

The curve of acceleration and rise is compared with the curve of deceleration and rise - the speed of Kirihara Akaya's progress is compared with the speed of Yanagi Renji's strength improvement. The speed gap has gradually smoothed the gap in overall tennis strength.

I lost to Kirihaya once in school, and Yoo later won back.

He thought that he had already had a full sense of crisis.

But in Houshan, Liu found that he himself had never really sensed the sense of crisis!

--I was caught up by the younger generation again!

When Liu, who focused on Kirihaya, found that the younger generation had a strange aura, his mind went blank.

--Thinking is stagnant, and the words in my heart are all ". "different dimensions".

Although there is no evidence, although only suspicion, Yanagi Renji firmly believes that Kirihaya has really reached that level.

In order to break through the training, Sanadacura worked hard..

In the "resistance" against the five Rikkai including him, Sanada really suddenly "opened" at a certain moment.

With one enemy and five, the black spirit lingered behind the First Vice Minister Rikkai, appeared and gathered.

Liu saw the black spirit behind Sanada, and "weaved" a pure black cloak for him-especially when everyone was wearing the white loser group sportswear with the characteristics of Houshan.

At that time, Sanada didn't seem to be standing alone at all.

--He is like a general, commanding thousands of troops!

PS, I still remember the plot of the Second Army challenging the First Army. The bottom ten can be defeated with hard work, but the first-class strength of the top ten real (required) middle school students is completely inadequate in the high school circle before the transformation! (Although it is more than the bottom, But in the World Cup competition, it is useless to compare with the next~ And after the transformation, it seems

It’s not the top class of high school students.) Shiraishi’s evolution, selfishness doesn’t want him to "show his timidity" in the World Cup (the No. 1 fan of Rikkai outside the wall), so it was inspired in advance (I took XF teacher’s evolution design). Set the line "Star Bible". Although I let go and throw away the test evidence, but the title of the article is still "Net King", the background board and settings are the Net King New Net King

Yes, like # Yukimura梦游# is really something in the formula book! Oishi is an eyewitness! Although I ridicule, but I also deliberate the setting, not too much from the original, 00C is naturally there, but it has not completely deviated !) For the sake of my disclosure of Sanada’s different dimensions, forgive me for the instability of the update that has been going on recently! I now have three hundred

Those who have more than fifty pages of a certain subject book for a closed-book exam! Tomorrow another QAQ exam

PPS, the beginning of the setting is that Akaya's strength is accelerating in the back mountains, because he is Rikkai's big future (in Seigaku's words, this is the pillar~) Before the small kelp, his strength must be I can't be weak! He can't get past Nioh's bug, nor can he get past Minister Yukimura who is going to become a god, but he!

! People! In the third period of Akaya (Nothing is impossible~) *It is purely selfish (this article is selfish, and the initial setting is eccentric Rikkai)

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