Prince of Tennis Nioh Phantom

Chapter 581 : Different Dimensional Advancement, Nioh’s Features

After more observations in the previous round, Nioh can basically determine a

The jet-black wings brought Kirihaya more of an increase in strength, speed, and mental attack.

At the same time, the "different-dimensional-demonization" state, like the special state of "demonization" that Nioh is familiar with, reduces Kirihaya's physical strength, as well as calmness and rationality.

Even weakened is Kirihara Akaya's mental defense!

Kirihaya's mental aggression has become extremely strong. If the players on the opposite side of the net are not Nioh and Tanegashima but two ordinary high school players, I am afraid that Kirihaya can win the game only with the suppression of mental attacks.

However, even though Kirihaya's mental power is soaring, the two opponents facing him are Nioh Masaharu, whose mental power is unfathomable, and Tanegashima Shuji, whose mental power is firmly at the top of the U17 training camp.

Therefore, the mental aggression of instinct as the "killer copper" is like chicken ribs at this time, and it is a pity that it is tasteless to abandon it.

Then, in this case, the mental power is more conspicuously affected by the other side opened by "different dimension-demonization".

On court, Rikkai's Kuni Sansheng smiled at his junior with a rather "bad" temperament.

"Although it's a game"

Nioh gently curled the corners of his lips, with endless coolness.

"But it's too provocative, two people!"

Nioh raised his arm and waved racquet.

The white-haired tennis player is so awe-inspiring at this time as if he is scorning the opponent.

The overwhelming spiritual power appeared out of thin air-

It was like popping up all over the court suddenly, but it was also premeditated!


The heavy sound of a tennis ball hitting Kirihaya's ears, like thunder.

"30:30, kind of 17 islands, Nioh score!"

Rikkai's sophomore year's red eyes turned back to a gleam of crystal clear pearl green in an instant, but they returned to blood red in the next moment.

"Senior, you really value me!"

Holding back the embarrassment of trying to cover his ears, Kirihara Akaya gritted his teeth and said.

Of course he knew that his predecessors would not let them slip away triumphantly.

He thought that although he had entered a state of "different dimension-demonization", he still maintained full vigilance.

However, his predecessors once again used facts to teach him a lesson.

#你 Senior forever is your Senior#

Although Kirihaya is not in a complete different-dimensional state at this time, his initial state in a special different-dimensional state is enough to be comparable to a truly complete different-dimensional state in some respects.

Such as mental power.

If you ignore the accelerated loss of physical strength and more or less physical loss and pressure, these two different-dimensional states will be defective, and then ignore Kirihaya's mental power while the aggressiveness soars under the special state of "different-dimensional demonization", The defensiveness drops to the lowest point and the emotionality is magnified to the full weak point. Kirihaya's different-dimensional state at this time can be

Said to be perfect.

But weaknesses are weaknesses, they can't be ignored, and they won't be ignored by opponents!

Just in the previous game, just when Kirihaya revealed a different dimension to win the next game with an unstoppable momentum, Nioh has quietly arranged his "trap"!

Even though Kirihaya's mental power has been increased, his mental defense power has not risen but fallen, but it is still an undisguised fact in Nioh's eyes!

On the court, grasp the opponent’s weakness, "turn to pick a soft persimmon" or say "strike a snake and hit seven inches."

Nioh is very familiar with this kind of thing!

Isn't the thing he did the most to stir his opponent's emotions on court and win?

Although sometimes "played off", it has to be said that "fraudsters" can also manipulate people's hearts!

"Of course I can value you.

Nioh hooked his mouth and said.

"I still value you very much, kelp!"

Speaking of such standard encouraging words from the predecessors, Nioh chop mercilessly.

The tennis ball fell to the ground and did not bounce.

In a familiar scene, Kirihaya's eyes seemed to be redder a little bit, matching the black wings behind him and his irritable expression at this time, making it more manic and tyrannical.

"This guy, Nioh, played very happily."

Under Kite's subtle eyes, Marui said his heart frankly.

The big red-haired player of Rikkai seems to accept the situation on court well.

This makes the minister in Higa feel that something is wrong.

But Kite thought about it carefully in his heart. Marui seems to have been an optimist for a long time, and he probably didn't have much scheming to detect the dark and turbulent on the court.


It is not ruled out that Rikkai Taisho Election on court really played happily with his second-year juniors?

The second student of the country can have that kind of strength, and as a senior, he does have the proud and happy capital.

Kite Eishirou was silent, but he thought about everything.

However, the minister of Shitenhouji on court had only one idea.

Shiraishi felt that the way the Rikkai Sansei player on the opposite side of the net curled up the corners of his mouth was not as reassuring as his expressionless face.

As Kirihaya's doubles partner in this game, he glanced at Kirihaya, who was holding racquet's hand with blue veins on the back, and was anxious.

The minister of Shitenhouji worked hard to give himself psychological construction and comfort-

Nioh Masaharu is a direct predecessor of Kirihara Akaya and will never do too much!

Rikkai Grand Tennis Club is still a very reliable tennis team!

Since Kirihaya can get rid of the state of "demonization" and enter "angelization", then this time, Kirihaya will definitely succeed!

[Yes, this is not the first time!]

[Mr Rikkai must have anticipated and prepared for this situation in Kirihaya! Nioh must have prepared a plan to stimulate Kirihaya!]

Shiraishi Kuranosuke, who deeply remembers Kirihara Akaya's "first time" but forgot what he did in the semi-finals that year, set a bright red and eye-catching large "flag" for this game.

# Rikkai大 did not have any preparations, the three lives of Rikkai, including Nioh, did not expect that Kirihaya would be "demonized" again#

# The third graders of Rikkai University are not good at gentle teaching to the younger generation, they are only good at practical teaching#

He took Nioh's previous mental attacks to stimulate Kirihaya's movements as "Rikkai's preparation plan for Kirihara Akaya."

This can be said to be a very unpleasant but natural misunderstanding.

Because he has long commanded such a funny and funny tennis club, the minister of Shitenhouji has become a unique head of the tennis club.

He is a "heterogeneous" and special.

He is very good at dealing with all kinds of "bear kids", because in the Shitenhouji tennis club, from coach Watanabe Xiu to first-year student Kintarou Tooyama, they are all "bear kids" in different senses who need to be coaxed. .

Even Chitose who joined midway was actually "coaxed" into the tennis club by Shiraishi.

This can be said to be Shiraishi Kuranosuke's unique affinity talent.

However, unfortunately, he regarded his "case" as "usual".

Minister Shitenhouji doesn't know that ordinary people don't have the "affinity talent" like him at all.

He also didn't know that Rikkai Taisho Elect Nioh Masaharu sometimes had the opposite "characteristics" from him on court!

So, something more "unfortunate" happened--

Nioh's every move and every word seemed to Kirihaya to be ridicule and irritation.

Rikkai's second-year student is almost unable to suppress his own negative emotions!

The wings suddenly swelled, becoming extremely huge, and then--


The players who seemed to have thousands of pairs of wings flapping and shaking, and the mental powers were slightly weaker than those of Nioh, Tanegashima, and Yukimura, collectively felt a moment of dizziness.

And when they stabilized their minds...

They all stared at Kirihaya's back--

The pair of black wing phantoms in different dimensions have split out of thin air!

The black wings behind Kirihaya are more than just two wings!



Liu opened his eyes wide, but he didn't have the slightest emotion of joy.

On the contrary, Yanagi Renji wanted to kill at this time!

"Killing" in the literal sense!

He stared at Nioh with a black face and murderous aura.

Kirihaya's "different dimension. Demonization" has advanced, and Yanagi Renji should have been happy for his descendants.


"Nioh Masaharu, what a good thing you did!"

- What Akaya wants is "different dimension-angelization", what do you force his "different dimension-demonization" advanced?

Is this to make our younger generations of Rikkai "advanced" in the direction of "different dimensions-demonization"?!

Liu Junshi, who was so angry that he almost shut his breath, wanted to go back in time and start all over again.

He believes that the fact that the person standing on the court before, even if it is Sanada, will be caused by Nioh now is much better.

"No, this is not the first time.

Liu was really outraged.

He laughed angrily.

143 His minister Seiichi Yukimura looked worriedly at his teammates who thought he was "a little nervous about the younger generation".

Although the form is not good

But Yukimura feels that after the "different-dimensional-demonization" is advanced to the "different-dimensional-demonization", then it should be more advanced toward the direction of "angelization", right?

- If you want to rise first, suppress it first, and the more you suppress it, the stronger the strength you will get when it finally breaks out!

Perhaps Nioh took this into consideration and used his mental power to stimulate Kirihaya.

The trick is a mental attack, and Rikkai, who has always been merciless, thought of it in his own way.

The weird ones overlap with some of Shitenhouji's thoughts, but the root causes are different.

(Shiraishi: Rikkai's thinking is poisonous! This way of teaching younger generations, Kirihaya-kun is still alive, and his vitality is really too strong!)

"In the national competition, when singles was second, Nioh inspired Fuji's sixth counterattack, Star Fireworks.

Liu gritted his teeth and said.

"Just don't know, this kind of "incentive" method one-"

What he said was almost every word, quite a bit cruel.

"Why is it so useful to face off-campus players, but it became like this for Akaya!"

The positive "stimulation" of opponents in the foreign school, and the negative "stimulation" of own teammates.

Sometimes, Liu really wonders if Rikkai's big tennis club has gotten in with a "spies"!

PS, Nioh: A look of regret.jpg

Do you still remember the "character characteristics" of Mr. Nioh? Every plan must be twists and turns, he comes with a mocking halo (passive), keen to unknowingly increase the difficulty, increase the ups and downs and twists, the name is "fun" ". He is very good at "stimulating" opponents!

Rikkai University’s education for younger generations, look at the words in the comics that Sanada and others said when they were in the same frame as Kirihaya. They are handsome, arrogant and cold. In various villain positions, whether it is romance or tennis. If you don’t know Rikkai, you will really misunderstand them or have a sense of fear)

Little kelp is really too strong! If it is replaced by a boy with a slightly weaker ability to accept it, it is estimated that it will collapse!

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