Prince of Tennis Nioh Phantom

Chapter 584 Homology: two people, three people or four people?

"Three people are in the same tune?"

Liu's eyes widened.

"No, it's not three people, four people?"

Army Master Liu of Rikkai frowned and said.

His tone was full of uncertainty.

"It's'two-person homology, but it can also be called'three-person homology' or'four-person homology."

Yukimura saw the truth, and he said admiringly.

The turbulent waves in Minister Rikkai's heart are only known to him.

The sentences seem to have contradictions that can be heard at the first hearing, but Liu Ke will not think that Yukimura is joking~.


Liu's eyes opened wider.

"This is "

His tone was full of surprise.

"Nioh first "phantomed" Tanegashima-senpai, and then used himself as a relay to make Tanegashima-senpai "homology"-Shiraishi!

"While maintaining Tanegashima Shiraishi's "two people in tune", he then made him "co-tune" Akaya!"

This is really a doubles technique that has never been seen in tennis.

Once it is known to the outside world, it is estimated that it will be hailed as a "miracle" in the doubles field, right?

Because there is no one before, never heard of

His teammate, Nioh Masaharu, might really become an unsurpassed peak in the doubles field.

Even if Liu, who has seen "homology" and "Nioh Phantom" many times, couldn't help but breathe shortly at this time.

Not to mention the three of Marui, Kuwana, and Yanagyu.

The head and deputy head of the tennis club in Higa have temporarily lost their ability to express themselves.

--They have nothing to say.

Although it has long been known that Nioh has been staying in the doubles position of Rikkai's big tennis club, and has studied doubles, "knowing it a long time ago" and "saw it with my own eyes" are basically two different things!

The looming figure floats on the surface of Nioh's figure, and other people can clearly see that it is the appearance of "Tanegashima".

Nioh and Tanegashima were connected by the slender silver light that seemed to break at the touch.

"Forced coherence", this is a skill that even if you don't know the specific operation, you should understand how laborious this is. Under Nioh's control, it is like lifting heavy weights with ease.

Another "silver-white thin line" directly "dissipated" after connecting Shiraishi, and the scattered light spots were connected with the line between Nioh and Tanegashima. It is the addition of this "thin line of light" that enables Tanegashima to sense Shiraishi's own emotions and thoughts.

Similarly, Shiraishi can also get Tanegashima's thoughts because of Nioh's "unbiased".

--This can be said to be the best "teaching method" for Shiraishi who is eager to understand the realm of different dimensions and break through his own set thinking.

The coherent "fine line" between Nioh and Shiraishi seems to have disappeared after completing the mission.

But on closer inspection, there is still a thin, almost transparent light between Nioh and Shiraishi that maintains the "forced homology" between them.

However, "forced homology" does not end here.

The long, "thin line" thought comparison is simply "a light band" the same link that appeared between Nioh and Kirihaya!

Obviously, Nioh has spent more energy and mental energy in achieving the "compulsory homology" state of both Tanegashima and Shiraishi than making Tanegashima and Shiraishi "coordinate."

Seeing such an amazing scene in person, how can Kite and Kai keep their peace?!

Fortunately, they are all singles players

If a doubles player sees such a scene one by one-

"Ahhh, Jack!

The red-haired Rikkai Taisho chose the purple-red eyes to completely turn into the same crimson red as the younger generation.

"No, Jack, we must quickly complete the advancement of'homology'!"

Marui turned his head and said to Kuwahara, he felt that he couldn't help it.

--This is absolutely unbearable!

"Don't worry, Wen Tai!

Kuwanabara was high-spirited.

The strength of teammates is the best motivation.

Nioh perfectly fulfilled his "duty" in the tennis club-another "stimulation".

"I really can't relax."

Yukimura was satisfied to see that her two members were excited by the "inspiration" of the other white-haired member.

"It seems that I have to work harder, otherwise I will be left behind by everyone.

Chief Minister Rikkai sighed sincerely, and his words made the head of Higa's chief minister jerky.

--Are you Rikkai like this?

This is

Should I say "humility" or "arrogance"?

Kite suddenly felt a little confused. His grades in Chinese were good, but now it seems that his studies are still not good enough.

"Little Nioh doesn't plan to be one-to-two?"

Tanegashima has some regrets.

"One on one, Senior Tanegashima."

"I have done the preparatory work, the rest of the work, seniors are okay?

Regardless of the psychological shadow that his previous actions have left other people, Nioh is still "bargaining" with his senior high school partner.

"You have done the "pre-work", come to ask me?"

Tanegashima heard Nioh's words and said with a smile.

He felt that it was too bad for him to discuss this kind of "work assignment" with his younger generations!

--This kind of "discussion" should be with Ryuuji!

- Ryuuji will definitely be willing to "communicate" with me about the assignment of the first army doubles competition!

Minister Shitenhouji, who was "co-tuned" by his partner's junior abruptly, was on the opposite side of the net. What else can the No. 2 of the First Army say?

They are already in this state. In addition to playing with Shiraishi and coaching matches, does he have to add difficulty to himself and perform mental attacks on Shitenhouji's younger generation?

If you do that, after the army of the expedition returns, the two of them don't want to evaporate their sanity and directly knock him to death with racquet!

……………Please ask for flowers……

After being successively "handed over the initiative of the game" by the "capricious" descendants, Tanegashima was finally determined by Nioh at this moment with his "task"-to get Shiraishi!

Shiraishi Kuranosuke’s different-dimensional mission was entrusted to Tanegashima Shuji, a first-team player who "has a wealth of experience in coaching juniors"!

As for the other

"Akaya, seniors continue to teach you how to play.

Nioh slowed down, but instead greeted a furious goal facing the goal.


"Not obedient?"

The younger generation is not obedient, it seems that they still play too little!

The silver-white light was plated on the place where Nioh held the racquet without a trace.

Boom one-

It is hard to imagine that a small tennis ball can contain such a powerful force.

Kirihara Akaya was not afraid to use racquet to try to catch the ball.

In a special state, he only knows that winning and "staining the opponent", he doesn't know what fear is.

However, he advanced to his current state because of the power of negative emotions. How can he not feel the negative emotions of "fear"?

You know, negative emotions are all-encompassing, including emotions such as "fear and fear"!

So, of course, the mental attack inducing force contained in the silver-white tennis ball followed Kirihaya's racquet, and instantly invaded Kirihaya's spiritual world.

PS, (Phantom and homology are finally written out, more than four thousand words are split into the previous chapter and this chapter)

Supplement is a small theater that is not a serious drama style (I can't write a serious drama style)--

Nioh: Do you think this is a tennis match? No, this is the Uchiha guest venue where Jump belongs to a certain crew. The younger generation is still a bit too tender, and still insists on the old-fashioned dogma to use negative emotions-can you use negative emotions to become red eyes and have Uchiha blood? Defeating the seniors will have a kaleidoscope, too naive, my stupid junior.

Puff, little kelp, look clearly, (Your Shalunyan is too weak, my stupid junior! [Crossed out] The talent in front of you is Uchiha--Although he is not red eyes, he has the copy power of Shalunyan And the power of illusion!

[Then the question is, I said that Yukimura's power is monthly reading, do you believe it?]

[Nioh can claim to have mastered other gods, Sanada can pretend to be Amaterasu hahahaha]

[Everyone at Rikkai, do you want to dance?]

Also, Liu, who hasn't written about it, suddenly discovered that his different dimension can actually be related to (a certain ineffable and unspoken ability)! This coincidence, I didn't mean it, but now it's really put together. It's so funny hahahaha, will it become "Dancing, Rikkai big" at the end of my writing???

[Dididi, Yanagi Renji outside the Uchiha Tennis Party (Kaleidoscope strength unknown) applied to join the tennis crew for the ability to write round eyes] soil.

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