Prince of Tennis Nioh Phantom

Chapter 588 : Pursue advantages and avoid disadvantages, climb the ladder to the sky

Shiraishi finally broke through!

Tanegashima wiped himself a sweat that didn't exist in his heart, and Nioh also felt the relief that "victory is in sight".

Although the process of changing from a "pentagonal warrior" to a "pentagram magician" may seem short, it is quite a long time under Nioh's mental power perception.

Nioh not only serves as a transit point for Tanegashima and Shiraishi's "communication", but also has the ability to guide Kirihaya's emotional transformation~.

The real perfect state of the different-dimensional phantom is not what Kirihaya has now-this way.

Although different-dimensional phantoms will burden the players, the different-dimensional phantoms that run into full marks basically let the players do whatever they want.

Kirihaya is a different-dimensional phantom that has to be "emotional riots" to soar.

"Quickly figure it out."

Tanegashima looked helplessly at the tennis ball falling on his side, but sighed with indulgent tone.

Sixty percent of his strength is still quite large.

At least, Tanegashima can't use his true different-dimensional abilities.

The ability to use the talented skill "Destroyed Nothing" has been reduced to the lowest point for opponents like Shiraishi who are "deadly basic and don't need tricks".


"30:30, Shiraishi and Kirihaya score!"

Shiraishi who has completed the breakthrough, plus a partner who is willing to cooperate with him in different dimensions.

--This lineup

"Why does Akaya take the initiative to cooperate with Shiraishi?"

Marui was surprised.

He hadn't been surprised to such an extent even if he saw his younger generation "different dimension demonization" before.

Shouldn't Rikkai sophomores who are in a special situation "don't recognize the six relatives and only recognize victory"?

Why is Shiraishi Kuranosuke the special one!

Even if Kirihaya has the ability to intuitively and calmly analyze, Rikkai junior Marui Bunta also feels that the situation he saw just now is very incredible.

"Kirihaya, probably has his own rationality?"

Kite pretended to glance at Marui casually, and wisely did not say what was in his heart.

- Rikkai's second-year ace, probably subconsciously trusting Shiraishi Kuranosuke, right?

--It is said that Shiraishi solved the first "demonization" in the semi-finals of the national competition that year!

There was no active cooperation before, most likely because the strength of the two sides is not equal under Kirihaya's cognition.

The proud and arrogant Rikkai sophomore ace report will take the initiative to cooperate with the "unmatched strength" partner?

Therefore, after "equal strength", in a special state of victory, actively cooperating with Shiraishi in Kirihaya's subconscious is his most intuitive means of "winning victory", right?

Kite secretly speculated about Kirihaya's thoughts in his heart.

He believes that his life philosophy is to "obey the strong." Based on this, Kite accurately found the reason for Kirihara Akaya to actively cooperate in the special state of emotional riots.

The "different realm" is different from the original ordinary realm.

Kirihara Akaya in Country One and Rikkai Ace in Country Two are also different.

While the "demonization" in the realm of different dimensions gave Kirihaya more power, it did not make Kirihaya as bad as the original demonization.

Kite remembers clearly that Kirihara Akaya didn't lose his mind at all when he entered the different dimension!

After the advancement, although there are seemingly out of control behaviors, it is actually not the case!

- Kirihara Akaya just follows his instinct to increase the winning rate of the game!

Therefore, Kirihaya's initiative to cooperate with Shiraishi should be his most direct inner thought.

Pursuing advantages and avoiding disadvantages has always been the Basic Law.

In the state of "the weak eating the strong", the result of obedience to intuition is simple.

"To seek advantages and avoid disadvantages, obey the strong" is even more instinct.

But just think about all of the above.

Kite Eishirou didn't intend to turn his face against the red-haired Rikkai Taisho Election here. He didn't have any idea of ​​going against Rikkai's big tennis club.

--Although he thinks the red-haired player standing next to him should also be able to think of the above.

So my own thoughts

Just think about it in your heart, and don't tell the truth.

Although martial arts teenagers generally have an upright image, Kite, as a special martial arts teenager, has

"Scheming" this label.

If you don't see it through, you don't tell it. If it doesn't work, you will remain silent.

--For example, Yanagi Renji from Rikkai.

Liu watched the cooperation between the younger generation and Minister Shitenhouji during the game, and remained silent.

-He has nothing to say at all!

After devoting 120,000 points of energy to seriously analyzing the strength of the "Pentagram Magician (crossed out)" and "Star Bible" on the court, Liu once again possessed the sense of urgency he felt in the back mountain.

Once the strength is insufficient, even the chance to cooperate with the younger generation doubles is gone!

This was a huge blow to Yanagi Renji, who was born in doubles.

Although, this is good news for Yukimura.

Shiraishi's breakthrough is enough to make Rikkai Chief Minister happy for his roommates. What's more, Shiraishi is the doubles partner of his own juniors at this time. The stronger the strength, the more it can stimulate the strength of the younger generation.

……For flowers……

Now the "stimulus effect" on Liu has been added-

If Yukimura knew about Yoo's determination and reaction, he would probably thank Shiraishi himself!

Bang bang bang--

"not enough!"

Compared to Tanegashima's helpless indulgent attitude, feeling the mental feedback from Kirihaya's side, Nioh's current look is not good.

The white-haired player held the racquet and frowned slightly, looking in a bad mood.

The premise of a sudden breakthrough is long-term accumulation.

Just like Shiraishi's epiphany, breakthrough must have accumulation.

But Kirihaya--

His other-dimensional phantom has already advanced once in this doubles game!

To advance again on the day of advancement can be described as "difficult as climbing"!


Although Nioh's "homology" means and mental power have created a shortcut for Kirihaya to "climb the ladder", the shortcut of "climbing the ladder" also requires Kirihaya's own efforts to climb up.

"Shortcut" is just a relative term.

Under the method called "shortcut", it is also extremely difficult to break through again.

Bang bang bang!

"45:30, Tanegashima and Nioh score!"

Kirihaya's swing became more and more chaotic.

Compared with Shiraishi's almost perfect swing, it is more disorderly.

Obviously, he has now reached a critical period--

The struggle inside made him unable to concentrate on playing the game.

The spiritual guidance from Nioh gave him a breakthrough opportunity, but at the same time it made him relatively confused.

--What should we do next?

Isn't it "angelization" after advanced "demonization"?

Why, he has always had the inner voice of "not enough" now?

Obviously he has "reason", and he can choose the best method to "see the advantages and avoid the disadvantages"-this should correspond to the "angelized" intellectual state he is pursuing.

But Kirihaya didn't think so.

He feels that his current state is not at all the corresponding special state of "different-dimensional-angelization" in the true sense!

--not enough!

--not enough!

PS, the incredible "Star Bible"-How did Tanegashima come up with it? Are the two of them practicing the magic circle?

However, when the author first saw the manga, the first reaction was to say "Qibao is transferred out of Liuli, Qibao is famous, one is power, and the second is the capitalized stubborn.jpg soil.

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