Prince of Tennis Nioh Phantom

Chapter 590 : Ball style restraint, the opposite is true

Shiraishi is actually ready to play a long game.

As one of the players in this doubles game, he knows the purpose of this doubles game well.

Shitenhouji's minister is not a boy who doesn't understand "human relations and world affairs". Shiraishi knows that he can break through at this time mostly due to the "opposers" on the opposite side of the net.

Without the willing promise of Nioh and Maori, he probably wouldn't be able to complete such a leap-forward breakthrough until the end of this U17 training camp!

Shiraishi Kuranosuke thanked the senior high school student from the bottom of his heart.

At the same time, he also took his gratitude to Nioh and Yukimura in mind.

Because of this, Shiraishi was "scared" by Tanegashima's ball--

what happened???

What about the protracted war?

I thought that there was a tacit understanding between the two sides. As a "breakthrough junior high school student", he only needs to play hard to stabilize his strength. The rhythm and time are all controlled by the senior high school students and Rikkai Sansei on the opposite side. .

However, Shiraishi Kuranosuke never expected that the high school students who he believed to be "very reliable and caring for the younger generation" would come to a "raise from the bottom"!

You know, after getting familiar, the game can be played at any time, but the state of mind that "is about to break through, only separated by a layer of window paper" is hard to find.

In Shiraishi's view, Kirihaya is on the verge of "breaking through again."

So one-

Shouldn't his "rivals" delay the game until Kirihaya breaks through?

-It's the final round

Yes, the "last game".

Minister Shitenhouji doesn't think he and Kirihaya can win four consecutive games to drag the game into a tiebreak even if he is confident.

This is not 17 negative thoughts, but objective facts based on calm evaluation.

Shiraishi's current mentality is different from the original game.

His initial mentality was biased towards the result of "getting it off", and his current mentality is more like "After seeing the vastness of the sea, he feels that the possibility of reaching his destination under the attack of the waves on a raft is extremely low".

Only after breaking through will we understand the other side's "horror".

Shiraishi even believes that Tanegashima Shuji was always in a state of paddling at the beginning of the game.

And when he breaks through

Senior high school students also have no pressure on court.

I scared myself, probably because the high school player Tanegashima Shuji's image is too "tall" in the mind of Minister Shitenhouji, so Shiraishi has always lowered himself.

He has always imagined the strength of high school students in the direction of "unfathomable" as much as possible.

The person who left this impression on him became Shiraishi's player who was the comparison character in his mind---the first court junior player Nioh Masaharu in the shuffle before the "seven ball showdown" that day.

And, thanks to the assists of two senior high school students in Shitenhouji's overseas expedition!

Although Shiraishi did not contact his immediate seniors, but due to the thousand years of age-coach Watanabe persuaded Chitose Senri not to resign and recommended the U17 training camp as a "nursing home". Compared with the seniors in U17, they entered the training camp. Minister Hyotei and Minister Seigaku, Minister Hyotei and Minister Seigaku, and Minister Shitenhouji, Shiraishi Kuranosuke, are still more or less because of this.

I know something about the U17-Military situation.

The coach Watanabe, who is "innocent and drunk", did not hide from him to contact seniors who had already been promoted to high school.

The few words revealed in their conversation are enough to make Shiraishi, who has a high double quotient, understand some things and get some information.

Knowing the strength of his seniors, and because of the "evil fate" who met with Rikkai Grand Tennis Team twice in the national competition semifinals in three years, Shiraishi is also very aware of the tennis skills of the senior high school student who graduated from Rikkai National High School.

In my heart, I ranked the strength of my seniors down a few places, guessed Rikkai's tennis strength in his life, and regarded this as a "watershed" in the army.

Shiraishi naturally overestimated the strength of the first army players.

-He is probably the only junior high school student who has not "underestimated" the tennis skills of high school students, except for certain Rikkai Taisho candidates who are prepared in mind.

But he also miscalculated the real strength of the high school students!

- How can the No. 2 in the first army compare with other high school students?

- How can Nioh Masaharu's tennis prowess be comparable to most high school students in the first army?

In the beginning, the "benchmarks" were chosen incorrectly, and Shiraishi has now miscalculated the strength of the middle-aged students in the military.

He took it for granted that Tanegashima could still paddle slowly, but he didn't know how uncomfortable the opposing high school player was due to his own style of play.

It's like a very thin fish stalk in the throat, which is not deadly enough, but the more Tanegashima drags and hits, the more he feels a feeling of "suffering and uncomfortable".

His own natural ability was reduced, and the middle school opponents on the opposite side played happily, but the style of the game was still in the file-like a spider web, densely locked "escape routes", ready to catch "prey" at any time.

--This is a kind of "instinct" "discomfort" from the heart.

Tanegashima's tennis and Shiraishi's style of play is too low. After Shiraishi made a breakthrough through Tanegashima's "heart voice" teaching, Tanegashima, who was 60% strong, actually felt a little bit difficult.

From "working with ease" to gradually "attentively and earnestly", Tanegashima is also good at disguising on the surface, without letting Shiraishi see his fright.

The No. 2 of the first army is of course as Minister Shitenhouji thinks it is more than these strengths, but the 60% strength limit Tanegashima does not intend to break, and another key reason that makes this first army high school player a little strenuous is the restraint of the style of play.

It's like Sanada, Handie, and Atobe.

With Kunimitsu's old injury unhealed, bad condition, and negative BUFF, the strength of the three of them was almost the same at the end of the second year.

However, due to the different style of the game-

Sanada's Fenglinvolcano was restrained by the hand, and the hand's moves are very incompatible with Atobe's extremely high eyesight. At the same time, Sanada's style of play has somewhat suppressed Atobe.

- It is simply a triangle of "mutual restraint".

If it weren't for the state of the hand that is really dragging its feet, even Sanada's "Yin Lei" and Atobe's "Ice World" would not be able to break this "curse."

It wasn't until the emergence of Sanada's "black aura" that he slowly got out of this restrained "wrong circle".

And Atobe's eyesight and the subsequent strengthening of his skills have gradually evolved to a tendency to get rid of the restraint of playing style.

But the "restraint" between these two people still exists.

If the strengths are equal, Atobe will still be more strenuous to face players than to face other styles of players.

And hand

He is probably the first player to get rid of this "big triangle restraint chain".

"The perfect fit" can be said to be the reason why Echizen Nanjiro is not alone in being promoted to the altar in people's hearts.

The deepest level of this Selfless State, and also the realm of initial feeling, freed the hand from the shackles and completely liberated his own strength.

However, it does not mean that after strength reaches a new level, "restraint" does not exist.

"Restriction" is only reduced to the lowest level under the same realm of strength. For a qualified professional player, such an impact can already be reduced by the actions in the game.

The tennis road taken by the handist Kunimitsu is the most traditional and safest one, a avenue.

The entry may be a bit slow, and there is nothing strange about it.

However, as the broadest path, the player insists on this kind of tennis, which is enough to cope with most of the style of the game.

"Maintaining the status quo""_-

That way to the other-dimensional level is such a "broad and inclusive" approach, which can make up most of the gaps.

There is no conspicuously powerful place where the sword goes slant, but everything is done the same. Even at the level of different dimensions, it is enough to rely on its own "stability" to attack the weak and slowly fade away.

And Shiraishi Kuranosuke's own tennis path is more "impeccable" than the path chosen by the players.

Kunimitsu's tennis balls are like gears in a machine. They are extremely precise and there must be no error, otherwise it will cause a series of negative reactions.

His tennis is too angular.

But Shiraishi's tennis is not like this-

Minister Shitenhouji still sticks to basic tennis, sticking to his "Bible Tennis".

But when he had a sense of understanding, his tennis showed a little more "activity".

The action is still so standard, but the 150 is no longer a textbook feel.

Shiraishi's tennis, in Nioh's eyes, is more like flowing water.

Soft and moist, it can be changed anytime and anywhere almost without injury;

Subtly, seemingly doing nothing but can keep accumulating power until the water becomes a potential, or dripping through rocks, or hitting a huge wave.

You can fight for a long time, but you can also be offensive if you want to.

It seems that there are no conspicuous moves, no prominent place, but as long as Shiraishi thinks, where does he not stand out?

All places are not weak, giving people the illusion of "Mediocre"

--This kind of tennis opponent is the last thing Tanegashima wants to meet.

Therefore, out of the so-called "preventing (not) suffering (requiring) from (turning) the unsuccessful (ship)" consideration, and out of his own "worry (le) worry (interest)" (Shiraishi:??? Are you funny?!)..

- He scores points directly and speeds up the progress of the game. There should be no objections to juniors from junior high school, right?

He is now "helping" the younger generation!


"15:0, Tanegashima and Nioh score!"

- Isn't it true that miracles can be achieved by "a fight against the water"?

High school player Tanegashima Shuji, standing on the front court, thought with no guilt.

He completely ignored the nail-like sight behind him and successfully convinced himself.

The high school student who was too lazy to fight found himself a "righteous" reason--

He believes so much in the potential of junior high school students, and places all his expectations on the juniors!

He did this to preserve his strength for the next Army Challenge, for the sake of his colleagues!

To automatically "lower" a score for the whole army in my heart, Tanegashima Shuji's approach is totally different from Shiraishi Kuranosuke's thinking.

PS, Shiraishi: The seniors are very strong, the high school students of the First Army are unfathomable, and we are still too weak!

Tanegashima: The potential of the younger generation is very high, and the strength of the younger generation is very strong! The first army is actually very weak and easy to be defeated. Please do not question the younger generation~

Nioh: Two people, please don't add drama to yourself!

Nioh: I don't seem to know them, I seem to be in a fake U17 training camp

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